3.0 aedg_k_12_exterior_lighting 04fd62eb-3e9f-4bfc-98d8-7827b47e034a 25c8db85-68d6-44ca-a17c-4f77ecfdf74a 20200401T014103Z 2DDDDD82 AedgK12ExteriorLighting AedgK12ExteriorLighting This measure will create exterior lights objects in four different categories described below. The lighting levels and controls will be based on the "How to Implement Recommendations" section in the AEDG; any existing exterior lighting will be removed. A special input is needed for this measure to define the exterior lighting zone, which further describes whether the site is urban or rural. Provide an area or dimensions as input for each of the exterior lighting categories described below. - Facade and landscape lighting - Parking lots and drives - Walkways, plaza, and special features areas - All other exterior lighting Lighting Zones: 0 - Undeveloped areas within national parks, state parks, forest land, rural areas, and other undeveloped areas as defined by the authority having jurisdiction (no lighting recommendations) 1 - Developed areas of national parks, state parks, forest land, and rural areas (no lighting recommendations) 2 - Areas predominantly consisting of residential zoning, neighborhood business districts, light industrial with limited nighttime use and residential mixed use areas 3 - All other areas 4 - High activity commercial districts in major metropolitan areas as designated by the local jurisdiction target Exterior Lighting Target Performance Choice true false AEDG K-12 - Target AEDG K-12 - Baseline AEDG K-12 - Baseline AEDG K-12 - Target AEDG K-12 - Target lightingZone Exterior Lighting Zone Choice true false 2 - Residential, Mixed Use 2 - Residential, Mixed Use 2 - Residential, Mixed Use 3 - All Other Areas 3 - All Other Areas 4 - High Activity Commercial 4 - High Activity Commercial facadeLandscapeLighting Wall Coverage Area for Decorative Facade Lighting (ft^2) Double true false 0 parkingDrivesLighting Ground Coverage Area for Parking Lots and Drives Lighting (ft^2) Double true false 0 walkwayPlazaSpecialLighting Ground Coverage Area for Walkway and Plaza Lighting (ft^2) Double true false 0 costTotalExteriorLights Total cost for all Exterior Lighting ($). Double true false 0 Electric Lighting.Lighting Equipment Measure Type ModelMeasure string Uses SketchUp API false boolean 0210_SimpleSchool_d_123_dev.osm osm test 852D9F96 README.md.erb erb readmeerb 703C9964 README.md md readme 38E2951D OsLib_AedgMeasures.rb rb resource EDB45706 LICENSE.md md license E0468DD6 AedgK12ExteriorLighting_Test.rb rb test 3A8058BD OpenStudio 2.0.0 2.8.0 measure.rb rb script 7FAD63FF