# frozen_string_literal: true require 'moab' # NOTE: this class makes use of data structures from moab-versioning gem, # but it does NOT directly access any preservation storage roots module Preservation class Client # API calls that are about Preserved Objects class Objects < VersionedApiService # @param [Array] druids - required list of druids with or without prefix: 'druid:ab123cd4567' OR 'ab123cd4567' # @param [String] resp_format - desired format of the HTTP response (default csv, json also possible) # @return body of HTTP response from Preservation API - the checksums and filesize for each druid def checksums(druids: [], resp_format: 'csv') post('objects/checksums', druids: druids, format: resp_format) end # @param [String] druid - with or without prefix: 'druid:bb123cd4567' OR 'bb123cd4567' # @param [String] content_metadata - contentMetadata.xml to be compared against a version of Moab # @param [String] subset - (default: 'all') which subset of files to compare (all|shelve|preserve|publish) # @param [String] version - version of Moab to be compared against (defaults to nil for latest version) # @return [Moab::FileInventoryDifference] differences of passed contentMetadata.xml # with latest (or specified) version in Moab for all files (default) or # a specified subset (shelve|preserve|publish) def content_inventory_diff(druid:, content_metadata:, subset: 'all', version: nil) result = post("objects/#{druid}/content_diff", content_metadata: content_metadata, subset: subset, version: version) Moab::FileInventoryDifference.parse(result) end # convenience method for retrieving the differences in content files that should be "shelved" (altered in stacks) # (or nil if no such differences) # @param [String] druid - with or without prefix: 'druid:bb123cd4567' OR 'bb123cd4567' # @param [String] content_metadata - most recent contentMetadata.xml to be compared against latest version of Moab # @return [Moab::FileGroupDifference] differences in content files that should be "shelved" (altered in stacks) # (or nil if not found) def shelve_content_diff(druid:, content_metadata:) inventory_diff = content_inventory_diff(druid: druid, content_metadata: content_metadata, subset: 'shelve') inventory_diff.group_difference('content') end # @param [String] druid - with or without prefix: 'druid:ab123cd4567' OR 'ab123cd4567' # @return [Integer] the current version of the Preserved Object def current_version(druid) resp_body = get_json("objects/#{druid}.json", druid) resp_body[:current_version] end # retrieve a content file from a Moab object # @param [String] druid - with or without prefix: 'druid:ab123cd4567' OR 'ab123cd4567' # @param [String] filepath - the path of the file relative to the moab content directory # @param [String] version - the version of the file requested (defaults to nil for latest version) # @param [Proc] on_data a block, if provided is called to do streaming responses def content(druid:, filepath:, version: nil, on_data: nil) file(druid, 'content', filepath, version, on_data: on_data) end # retrieve a manifest file from a Moab object # @param [String] druid - with or without prefix: 'druid:ab123cd4567' OR 'ab123cd4567' # @param [String] filepath - the path of the file relative to the moab manifest directory # @param [String] version - the version of the file requested (defaults to nil for latest version) def manifest(druid:, filepath:, version: nil) file(druid, 'manifest', filepath, version) end # retrieve a metadata file from a Moab object # @param [String] druid - with or without prefix: 'druid:ab123cd4567' OR 'ab123cd4567' # @param [String] filepath - the path of the file relative to the moab metadata directory # @param [String] version - the version of the file requested (defaults to nil for latest version) def metadata(druid:, filepath:, version: nil) file(druid, 'metadata', filepath, version) end # calls the endpoint to queue a ValidateMoab job for a specific druid # typically called by a preservationIngestWF robot # @param [String] druid - with or without prefix: 'druid:ab123cd4567' or 'ab123cd4567' # @return [String] "ok" when job queued # @raise [Preservation::Client::NotFoundError] when druid is not found def validate_moab(druid:) get("objects/#{druid}/validate_moab", {}, on_data: nil) end # retrieve the storage location for the primary moab of the given druid # @param [String] druid - with or without prefix: 'druid:ab123cd4567' or 'ab123cd4567' # @return [String] the storage location of the primary moab for the given druid # @raise [Preservation::Client::NotFoundError] when druid is not found # @raise [Preservation::Client::LockedError] when druid is in locked state (not available for versioning) def primary_moab_location(druid:) get("objects/#{druid}/primary_moab_location", {}, on_data: nil) end # convenience method for retrieving latest Moab::SignatureCatalog from a Moab object, # @param [String] druid - with or without prefix: 'druid:ab123cd4567' OR 'ab123cd4567' # @return [Moab::SignatureCatalog] the manifest of all files previously ingested def signature_catalog(druid) Moab::SignatureCatalog.parse manifest(druid: druid, filepath: 'signatureCatalog.xml') end private # get a file from a Moab object # @param [String] druid - with or without prefix: 'druid:ab123cd4567' OR 'ab123cd4567' # @param [String] category - one of 'manifest', 'metadata' or 'content' # @param [String] filepath - the path of the file relative to the moab category directory # @param [String] version - the version of the file requested # @param [Proc] on_data a block, if provided is called to do streaming responses # @return the retrieved file def file(druid, category, filepath, version, on_data: nil) get("objects/#{druid}/file", { category: category, filepath: filepath, version: version }, on_data: on_data) end end end end