<%= form_for [refinery, :photo_gallery_admin, @album] do |f| -%> <% album_photos_count = @album.photos.count #reduce sql queries%> <%= render :partial => "/refinery/admin/error_messages", :locals => { :object => f.object, :include_object_name => true } %>
<%= f.label :title, :class=>"required" %>
<%= f.text_field :title, {:class => 'larger widest'} %>
<%# TODO use pop up to create collection %>
<%= label :collection, t('.album_belongs_to_collection') %> <%= collection_select(:album, :collection_ids, Refinery::PhotoGallery::Collection.all(:order=> "title ASC"), :id, :title, { }, { :data => {:placeholder=> t('.choose_collection')}, :multiple=> true, :class=> "chzn-select", :style=>"width:400px;"}) %>
<% if @album.title.blank? || @album.path.blank? # during creating album %>
<%= f.label :path_prefix, t('.path_prefix') %>
<%= f.text_field :path_prefix, :size=> 5, :maxlength=> 5 %>
<% elsif album_photos_count == 0 # allow to edit path only if there are no photos in album %> <%#TODO if there are some photos in album, we must change folder paths on disk %>
<%= f.label :path %>
<%= f.text_field :path %>
<% end %>
<%= f.label :description %>
<%= f.text_area :description, :cols=>'65', :rows=>'7' %>

<%= t('.more_options') %>

<%= t('.number_of_photos', :number=> album_photos_count ) %>
<%= render :partial => "/refinery/admin/form_actions", :locals => { :f => f, :continue_editing => false, :delete_title => t('delete', :scope => 'refinery.photo_gallery.admin.albums.album') } %> <% end %>