var jQuery, model, record, root, should_behave_like_errorsable; require('indemma/lib/record/restfulable'); require('indemma/lib/record/validatable'); require('indemma/lib/record/resource'); 'use strict'; root = typeof exports !== "undefined" && exports !== null ? exports : window; model = root.model; record = root.record; jQuery = require('component-jquery'); should_behave_like_errorsable = function() { return describe('.errors', function() { return describe('when server responds', function() { beforeEach(function() { return this.xhr = { status: 422 }; }); describe('with errors', function() { it('should add messages for each attribute on the errors object'); return it('should add messages for base attribute on the errors object', function() { var base_messages; base_messages = ["arthur you should bring a towel!"]; this.xhr.responseText = JSON.stringify({ errors: { base: base_messages } }); this.subject.failed(this.xhr, 'error');'errors'); this.subject.errors[0].should.include('base', 'server', { server_message: base_messages[0] }); return'base', base_messages[0]); }); }); return describe('with invalid error messages', function() { return it('when inexistent attribute should throw exception', function() {}); }); }); }); }; describe('restfulable', function() { describe('when included', function() { return it('sets te restufulable loaded flag on model', function() { return["true"]; }); }); describe('record', function() { var arthur; arthur = null; return describe('()', function() { beforeEach(function() { this.arthur = arthur ={ resource: 'person', name: 'Arthur Philip Dent' }); return this.arthur.dirty = true; }); return describe('.save()', function() { beforeEach(function() { return sinon.stub(jQuery, "ajax").returns(jQuery.Deferred()); }); afterEach(function() { return jQuery.ajax.restore(); }); it('should be able to serialize record', function() { return JSON.stringify(arthur.json()); }); it('should ignore key in transient fields'); it('should send paramenters accordingly'); return it('should make ajax call', function() {; return["true"]; }); }); }); }); return describe('model', function() { return describe('()', function() { describe('.json()', function() { var friend, person; friend = person = null; return beforeEach(function() { person ={ resource: 'person', has_many: 'friends', nested_attributes: ['friends'], name: String }); return friend ={ resource: 'friend', belongs_to: 'person' }); }); }); describe('.assign_attributes()', function() { var friend, person; friend = person = null; beforeEach(function() { person ={ resource: 'person', has_many: 'friends', name: String }); return friend ={ resource: 'friend', belongs_to: 'person' }); }); return it('assigns associations properly', function() { var arthur, attributes, ford, marvin, search_record; arthur = person({ name: 'Arthur Dent' }); ford = friend({ name: 'Ford Perfect' }); marvin = friend({ name: 'Marvin' }); attributes = { friends: [ford, marvin] }; arthur.assign_attributes(attributes); search_record = function(association, search) { var associated, _i, _len; search = JSON.stringify(search.json()); for (_i = 0, _len = association.length; _i < _len; _i++) { associated = association[_i]; associated = JSON.stringify(associated.json()); if (associated === search) { return true; } } return false; }; search_record(arthur.friends, ford)["true"]; return search_record(arthur.friends, arthur)["true"]; }); }); describe('with singular resource', function() { return describe('.create()', function() { it('should return promises'); return it('should return models when promise is resolved'); }); }); describe('with plural resource', function() { return describe('.create()', function() { var deferred, person, promise; deferred = promise = person = null; should_behave_like_errorsable(); beforeEach(function() { var context; person ={ resource: 'person' }); deferred = jQuery.Deferred(); this.subject = context = person({ name: 'Arthur' }); context.lock = JSON.stringify(context.json()); deferred.resolveWith(context, [ { _id: 1, name: 'Arthur' } ]); deferred.resolveWith(person({ name: 'Arthur' }), [ { _id: 1, name: 'Arthur' } ]); sinon.stub(jQuery, "ajax").returns(deferred); return promise = person.create({ name: 'Arthur' }, { name: 'Ford' }); }); afterEach(function() { return jQuery.ajax.restore(); }); it('should return a promise', function(done) {["function"]; promise.state()'resolved'); return promise.done(function() { return done(); })'resolved'); }); it('should return models when promise is resolved', function(done) { var created; created = function() {'Arthur'); return done(); }; return person.create({ name: 'Arthur' }, { name: 'Ford' }, created); }); it('should optionally accept create callback', function(done) { promise = person.create({ name: 'Arthur' }, { name: 'Ford' });["function"]; promise.done(function() { return done(); }); return promise.state()'resolved'); }); it('should create record when only callback is passed', function(done) { person.create(function() { return done(); }); return; }); it('should throw exception when nothing is passed', function() { return expect(person.create).to["throw"](TypeError); }); return it('should make ajax calls', function() { return; }); }); }); return describe('.destroy()', function() { return describe('with plural resource', function() { var arthur, deferred, person; arthur = person = deferred = null; beforeEach(function() { person ={ resource: 'person' }); deferred = jQuery.Deferred(); deferred.resolveWith(person({ name: 'Arthur' }), [ { id: 1 } ]); sinon.stub(jQuery, "ajax").returns(deferred); return arthur = person({ name: 'Arthur', id: 1 }); }); afterEach(function() { return jQuery.ajax.restore(); }); it("throw exception when record has no id", function() { delete; return expect(arthur.destroy).to["throw"](Error); }); return it("should make ajax calls", function() { arthur.destroy(); return; }); }); }); }); }); });