#!/usr/bin/env ruby =begin properties.rb - GLib::Object#properties and Gtk::Container#child_properties sample script. Copyright (C) 2004-2006 Masao Mutoh This program is licenced under the same licence as Ruby-GNOME2. $Id: properties.rb,v 1.3 2006/06/17 13:18:12 mutoh Exp $ =end require 'gtk3' class MyButton < Gtk::Button type_register def initialize(label = nil) # XXX: # When type_register() is used. # super is equivalent to GLib::Object#initialize. super("label" => label) @fuga = 0 @hoge = 0 end # define new property "fuga" install_property(GLib::Param::Int.new("fuga", # name "Fuga", # nick "fuga fuga", # blurb 0, # min 10000, # max 0, # default GLib::Param::READABLE | GLib::Param::WRITABLE)) # define new property "hoge" install_child_property(GLib::Param::Int.new("hoge", # name "Hoge", # nick "hoge hoge", # blurb 0, # min 10000, # max 0, # default GLib::Param::READABLE | GLib::Param::WRITABLE)) # implementation of the property "fuga" def fuga puts "MyButton#fuga is called" @fuga end def fuga=(arg) puts "MyButton#fuga= is called" @fuga = arg notify("fuga") end # implementation of the property "hoge" def get_hoge(child) puts "MyButton#get_hoge is called" @hoge end def set_hoge(child, arg) puts "MyButton#set_hoge is called" @hoge = arg end end b = MyButton.new("Hello") p b p b.label p b.gtype p MyButton.properties p b.get_property("fuga") b.set_property("fuga", 1) p b.get_property("fuga") p MyButton.child_properties p child = b.child p b.child_get_property(child, "hoge") b.child_set_property(child, "hoge", 2) p b.child_get_property(child, "hoge") p MyButton.ancestors