## # This code was generated by # ___ _ _ _ _ _ _ ____ ____ ____ _ ____ ____ _ _ ____ ____ ____ ___ __ __ # | | | | | | | | | __ | | |__| | __ | __ |___ |\ | |___ |__/ |__| | | | |__/ # | |_|_| | |___ | |__| |__| | | | |__] |___ | \| |___ | \ | | | |__| | \ # # Twilio - Api # This is the public Twilio REST API. # # NOTE: This class is auto generated by OpenAPI Generator. # https://openapi-generator.tech # Do not edit the class manually. # module Twilio module REST class Api < ApiBase class V2010 < Version class AccountContext < InstanceContext class MessageList < ListResource ## # Initialize the MessageList # @param [Version] version Version that contains the resource # @return [MessageList] MessageList def initialize(version, account_sid: nil) super(version) # Path Solution @solution = { account_sid: account_sid } @uri = "/Accounts/#{@solution[:account_sid]}/Messages.json" end ## # Create the MessageInstance # @param [String] to The recipient's phone number in [E.164](https://www.twilio.com/docs/glossary/what-e164) format (for SMS/MMS) or [channel address](https://www.twilio.com/docs/messaging/channels), e.g. `whatsapp:+15552229999`. # @param [String] status_callback The URL of the endpoint to which Twilio sends [Message status callback requests](https://www.twilio.com/docs/sms/api/message-resource#twilios-request-to-the-statuscallback-url). URL must contain a valid hostname and underscores are not allowed. If you include this parameter with the `messaging_service_sid`, Twilio uses this URL instead of the Status Callback URL of the [Messaging Service](https://www.twilio.com/docs/messaging/api/service-resource). # @param [String] application_sid The SID of the associated [TwiML Application](https://www.twilio.com/docs/usage/api/applications). [Message status callback requests](https://www.twilio.com/docs/sms/api/message-resource#twilios-request-to-the-statuscallback-url) are sent to the TwiML App's `message_status_callback` URL. Note that the `status_callback` parameter of a request takes priority over the `application_sid` parameter; if both are included `application_sid` is ignored. # @param [Float] max_price [OBSOLETE] This parameter will no longer have any effect as of 2024-06-03. # @param [Boolean] provide_feedback Boolean indicating whether or not you intend to provide delivery confirmation feedback to Twilio (used in conjunction with the [Message Feedback subresource](https://www.twilio.com/docs/sms/api/message-feedback-resource)). Default value is `false`. # @param [String] attempt Total number of attempts made (including this request) to send the message regardless of the provider used # @param [String] validity_period The maximum length in seconds that the Message can remain in Twilio's outgoing message queue. If a queued Message exceeds the `validity_period`, the Message is not sent. Accepted values are integers from `1` to `36000`. Default value is `36000`. A `validity_period` greater than `5` is recommended. [Learn more about the validity period](https://www.twilio.com/blog/take-more-control-of-outbound-messages-using-validity-period-html) # @param [Boolean] force_delivery Reserved # @param [ContentRetention] content_retention # @param [AddressRetention] address_retention # @param [Boolean] smart_encoded Whether to detect Unicode characters that have a similar GSM-7 character and replace them. Can be: `true` or `false`. # @param [Array[String]] persistent_action Rich actions for non-SMS/MMS channels. Used for [sending location in WhatsApp messages](https://www.twilio.com/docs/whatsapp/message-features#location-messages-with-whatsapp). # @param [Boolean] shorten_urls For Messaging Services with [Link Shortening configured](https://www.twilio.com/docs/messaging/features/link-shortening) only: A Boolean indicating whether or not Twilio should shorten links in the `body` of the Message. Default value is `false`. If `true`, the `messaging_service_sid` parameter must also be provided. # @param [ScheduleType] schedule_type # @param [Time] send_at The time that Twilio will send the message. Must be in ISO 8601 format. # @param [Boolean] send_as_mms If set to `true`, Twilio delivers the message as a single MMS message, regardless of the presence of media. # @param [String] content_variables For [Content Editor/API](https://www.twilio.com/docs/content) only: Key-value pairs of [Template variables](https://www.twilio.com/docs/content/using-variables-with-content-api) and their substitution values. `content_sid` parameter must also be provided. If values are not defined in the `content_variables` parameter, the [Template's default placeholder values](https://www.twilio.com/docs/content/content-api-resources#create-templates) are used. # @param [RiskCheck] risk_check # @param [String] from The sender's Twilio phone number (in [E.164](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/E.164) format), [alphanumeric sender ID](https://www.twilio.com/docs/sms/quickstart), [Wireless SIM](https://www.twilio.com/docs/iot/wireless/programmable-wireless-send-machine-machine-sms-commands), [short code](https://www.twilio.com/en-us/messaging/channels/sms/short-codes), or [channel address](https://www.twilio.com/docs/messaging/channels) (e.g., `whatsapp:+15554449999`). The value of the `from` parameter must be a sender that is hosted within Twilio and belongs to the Account creating the Message. If you are using `messaging_service_sid`, this parameter can be empty (Twilio assigns a `from` value from the Messaging Service's Sender Pool) or you can provide a specific sender from your Sender Pool. # @param [String] messaging_service_sid The SID of the [Messaging Service](https://www.twilio.com/docs/messaging/services) you want to associate with the Message. When this parameter is provided and the `from` parameter is omitted, Twilio selects the optimal sender from the Messaging Service's Sender Pool. You may also provide a `from` parameter if you want to use a specific Sender from the Sender Pool. # @param [String] body The text content of the outgoing message. Can be up to 1,600 characters in length. SMS only: If the `body` contains more than 160 [GSM-7](https://www.twilio.com/docs/glossary/what-is-gsm-7-character-encoding) characters (or 70 [UCS-2](https://www.twilio.com/docs/glossary/what-is-ucs-2-character-encoding) characters), the message is segmented and charged accordingly. For long `body` text, consider using the [send_as_mms parameter](https://www.twilio.com/blog/mms-for-long-text-messages). # @param [Array[String]] media_url The URL of media to include in the Message content. `jpeg`, `jpg`, `gif`, and `png` file types are fully supported by Twilio and content is formatted for delivery on destination devices. The media size limit is 5 MB for supported file types (`jpeg`, `jpg`, `png`, `gif`) and 500 KB for [other types](https://www.twilio.com/docs/messaging/guides/accepted-mime-types) of accepted media. To send more than one image in the message, provide multiple `media_url` parameters in the POST request. You can include up to ten `media_url` parameters per message. [International](https://support.twilio.com/hc/en-us/articles/223179808-Sending-and-receiving-MMS-messages) and [carrier](https://support.twilio.com/hc/en-us/articles/223133707-Is-MMS-supported-for-all-carriers-in-US-and-Canada-) limits apply. # @param [String] content_sid For [Content Editor/API](https://www.twilio.com/docs/content) only: The SID of the Content Template to be used with the Message, e.g., `HXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX`. If this parameter is not provided, a Content Template is not used. Find the SID in the Console on the Content Editor page. For Content API users, the SID is found in Twilio's response when [creating the Template](https://www.twilio.com/docs/content/content-api-resources#create-templates) or by [fetching your Templates](https://www.twilio.com/docs/content/content-api-resources#fetch-all-content-resources). # @return [MessageInstance] Created MessageInstance def create( to: nil, status_callback: :unset, application_sid: :unset, max_price: :unset, provide_feedback: :unset, attempt: :unset, validity_period: :unset, force_delivery: :unset, content_retention: :unset, address_retention: :unset, smart_encoded: :unset, persistent_action: :unset, shorten_urls: :unset, schedule_type: :unset, send_at: :unset, send_as_mms: :unset, content_variables: :unset, risk_check: :unset, from: :unset, messaging_service_sid: :unset, body: :unset, media_url: :unset, content_sid: :unset ) data = Twilio::Values.of({ 'To' => to, 'StatusCallback' => status_callback, 'ApplicationSid' => application_sid, 'MaxPrice' => max_price, 'ProvideFeedback' => provide_feedback, 'Attempt' => attempt, 'ValidityPeriod' => validity_period, 'ForceDelivery' => force_delivery, 'ContentRetention' => content_retention, 'AddressRetention' => address_retention, 'SmartEncoded' => smart_encoded, 'PersistentAction' => Twilio.serialize_list(persistent_action) { |e| e }, 'ShortenUrls' => shorten_urls, 'ScheduleType' => schedule_type, 'SendAt' => Twilio.serialize_iso8601_datetime(send_at), 'SendAsMms' => send_as_mms, 'ContentVariables' => content_variables, 'RiskCheck' => risk_check, 'From' => from, 'MessagingServiceSid' => messaging_service_sid, 'Body' => body, 'MediaUrl' => Twilio.serialize_list(media_url) { |e| e }, 'ContentSid' => content_sid, }) headers = Twilio::Values.of({'Content-Type' => 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded', }) payload = @version.create('POST', @uri, data: data, headers: headers) MessageInstance.new( @version, payload, account_sid: @solution[:account_sid], ) end ## # Lists MessageInstance records from the API as a list. # Unlike stream(), this operation is eager and will load `limit` records into # memory before returning. # @param [String] to Filter by recipient. For example: Set this `to` parameter to `+15558881111` to retrieve a list of Message resources with `to` properties of `+15558881111` # @param [String] from Filter by sender. For example: Set this `from` parameter to `+15552229999` to retrieve a list of Message resources with `from` properties of `+15552229999` # @param [Time] date_sent Filter by Message `sent_date`. Accepts GMT dates in the following formats: `YYYY-MM-DD` (to find Messages with a specific `sent_date`), `<=YYYY-MM-DD` (to find Messages with `sent_date`s on and before a specific date), and `>=YYYY-MM-DD` (to find Messages with `sent_dates` on and after a specific date). # @param [Time] date_sent_before Filter by Message `sent_date`. Accepts GMT dates in the following formats: `YYYY-MM-DD` (to find Messages with a specific `sent_date`), `<=YYYY-MM-DD` (to find Messages with `sent_date`s on and before a specific date), and `>=YYYY-MM-DD` (to find Messages with `sent_dates` on and after a specific date). # @param [Time] date_sent_after Filter by Message `sent_date`. Accepts GMT dates in the following formats: `YYYY-MM-DD` (to find Messages with a specific `sent_date`), `<=YYYY-MM-DD` (to find Messages with `sent_date`s on and before a specific date), and `>=YYYY-MM-DD` (to find Messages with `sent_dates` on and after a specific date). # @param [Integer] limit Upper limit for the number of records to return. stream() # guarantees to never return more than limit. Default is no limit # @param [Integer] page_size Number of records to fetch per request, when # not set will use the default value of 50 records. If no page_size is defined # but a limit is defined, stream() will attempt to read the limit with the most # efficient page size, i.e. min(limit, 1000) # @return [Array] Array of up to limit results def list(to: :unset, from: :unset, date_sent: :unset, date_sent_before: :unset, date_sent_after: :unset, limit: nil, page_size: nil) self.stream( to: to, from: from, date_sent: date_sent, date_sent_before: date_sent_before, date_sent_after: date_sent_after, limit: limit, page_size: page_size ).entries end ## # Streams Instance records from the API as an Enumerable. # This operation lazily loads records as efficiently as possible until the limit # is reached. # @param [String] to Filter by recipient. For example: Set this `to` parameter to `+15558881111` to retrieve a list of Message resources with `to` properties of `+15558881111` # @param [String] from Filter by sender. For example: Set this `from` parameter to `+15552229999` to retrieve a list of Message resources with `from` properties of `+15552229999` # @param [Time] date_sent Filter by Message `sent_date`. Accepts GMT dates in the following formats: `YYYY-MM-DD` (to find Messages with a specific `sent_date`), `<=YYYY-MM-DD` (to find Messages with `sent_date`s on and before a specific date), and `>=YYYY-MM-DD` (to find Messages with `sent_dates` on and after a specific date). # @param [Time] date_sent_before Filter by Message `sent_date`. Accepts GMT dates in the following formats: `YYYY-MM-DD` (to find Messages with a specific `sent_date`), `<=YYYY-MM-DD` (to find Messages with `sent_date`s on and before a specific date), and `>=YYYY-MM-DD` (to find Messages with `sent_dates` on and after a specific date). # @param [Time] date_sent_after Filter by Message `sent_date`. Accepts GMT dates in the following formats: `YYYY-MM-DD` (to find Messages with a specific `sent_date`), `<=YYYY-MM-DD` (to find Messages with `sent_date`s on and before a specific date), and `>=YYYY-MM-DD` (to find Messages with `sent_dates` on and after a specific date). # @param [Integer] limit Upper limit for the number of records to return. stream() # guarantees to never return more than limit. Default is no limit # @param [Integer] page_size Number of records to fetch per request, when # not set will use the default value of 50 records. If no page_size is defined # but a limit is defined, stream() will attempt to read the limit with the most # efficient page size, i.e. min(limit, 1000) # @return [Enumerable] Enumerable that will yield up to limit results def stream(to: :unset, from: :unset, date_sent: :unset, date_sent_before: :unset, date_sent_after: :unset, limit: nil, page_size: nil) limits = @version.read_limits(limit, page_size) page = self.page( to: to, from: from, date_sent: date_sent, date_sent_before: date_sent_before, date_sent_after: date_sent_after, page_size: limits[:page_size], ) @version.stream(page, limit: limits[:limit], page_limit: limits[:page_limit]) end ## # When passed a block, yields MessageInstance records from the API. # This operation lazily loads records as efficiently as possible until the limit # is reached. def each limits = @version.read_limits page = self.page(page_size: limits[:page_size], ) @version.stream(page, limit: limits[:limit], page_limit: limits[:page_limit]).each {|x| yield x} end ## # Retrieve a single page of MessageInstance records from the API. # Request is executed immediately. # @param [String] to Filter by recipient. For example: Set this `to` parameter to `+15558881111` to retrieve a list of Message resources with `to` properties of `+15558881111` # @param [String] from Filter by sender. For example: Set this `from` parameter to `+15552229999` to retrieve a list of Message resources with `from` properties of `+15552229999` # @param [Time] date_sent Filter by Message `sent_date`. Accepts GMT dates in the following formats: `YYYY-MM-DD` (to find Messages with a specific `sent_date`), `<=YYYY-MM-DD` (to find Messages with `sent_date`s on and before a specific date), and `>=YYYY-MM-DD` (to find Messages with `sent_dates` on and after a specific date). # @param [Time] date_sent_before Filter by Message `sent_date`. Accepts GMT dates in the following formats: `YYYY-MM-DD` (to find Messages with a specific `sent_date`), `<=YYYY-MM-DD` (to find Messages with `sent_date`s on and before a specific date), and `>=YYYY-MM-DD` (to find Messages with `sent_dates` on and after a specific date). # @param [Time] date_sent_after Filter by Message `sent_date`. Accepts GMT dates in the following formats: `YYYY-MM-DD` (to find Messages with a specific `sent_date`), `<=YYYY-MM-DD` (to find Messages with `sent_date`s on and before a specific date), and `>=YYYY-MM-DD` (to find Messages with `sent_dates` on and after a specific date). # @param [String] page_token PageToken provided by the API # @param [Integer] page_number Page Number, this value is simply for client state # @param [Integer] page_size Number of records to return, defaults to 50 # @return [Page] Page of MessageInstance def page(to: :unset, from: :unset, date_sent: :unset, date_sent_before: :unset, date_sent_after: :unset, page_token: :unset, page_number: :unset, page_size: :unset) params = Twilio::Values.of({ 'To' => to, 'From' => from, 'DateSent' => Twilio.serialize_iso8601_datetime(date_sent), 'DateSent<' => Twilio.serialize_iso8601_datetime(date_sent_before), 'DateSent>' => Twilio.serialize_iso8601_datetime(date_sent_after), 'PageToken' => page_token, 'Page' => page_number, 'PageSize' => page_size, }) response = @version.page('GET', @uri, params: params) MessagePage.new(@version, response, @solution) end ## # Retrieve a single page of MessageInstance records from the API. # Request is executed immediately. # @param [String] target_url API-generated URL for the requested results page # @return [Page] Page of MessageInstance def get_page(target_url) response = @version.domain.request( 'GET', target_url ) MessagePage.new(@version, response, @solution) end # Provide a user friendly representation def to_s '#' end end class MessageContext < InstanceContext ## # Initialize the MessageContext # @param [Version] version Version that contains the resource # @param [String] account_sid The SID of the [Account](https://www.twilio.com/docs/iam/api/account) that created the Message resources to update. # @param [String] sid The SID of the Message resource to be updated # @return [MessageContext] MessageContext def initialize(version, account_sid, sid) super(version) # Path Solution @solution = { account_sid: account_sid, sid: sid, } @uri = "/Accounts/#{@solution[:account_sid]}/Messages/#{@solution[:sid]}.json" # Dependents @feedback = nil @media = nil end ## # Delete the MessageInstance # @return [Boolean] True if delete succeeds, false otherwise def delete headers = Twilio::Values.of({'Content-Type' => 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded', }) @version.delete('DELETE', @uri, headers: headers) end ## # Fetch the MessageInstance # @return [MessageInstance] Fetched MessageInstance def fetch headers = Twilio::Values.of({'Content-Type' => 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded', }) payload = @version.fetch('GET', @uri, headers: headers) MessageInstance.new( @version, payload, account_sid: @solution[:account_sid], sid: @solution[:sid], ) end ## # Update the MessageInstance # @param [String] body The new `body` of the Message resource. To redact the text content of a Message, this parameter's value must be an empty string # @param [UpdateStatus] status # @return [MessageInstance] Updated MessageInstance def update( body: :unset, status: :unset ) data = Twilio::Values.of({ 'Body' => body, 'Status' => status, }) headers = Twilio::Values.of({'Content-Type' => 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded', }) payload = @version.update('POST', @uri, data: data, headers: headers) MessageInstance.new( @version, payload, account_sid: @solution[:account_sid], sid: @solution[:sid], ) end ## # Access the feedback # @return [FeedbackList] # @return [FeedbackContext] def feedback unless @feedback @feedback = FeedbackList.new( @version, account_sid: @solution[:account_sid], message_sid: @solution[:sid], ) end @feedback end ## # Access the media # @return [MediaList] # @return [MediaContext] if sid was passed. def media(sid=:unset) raise ArgumentError, 'sid cannot be nil' if sid.nil? if sid != :unset return MediaContext.new(@version, @solution[:account_sid], @solution[:sid],sid ) end unless @media @media = MediaList.new( @version, account_sid: @solution[:account_sid], message_sid: @solution[:sid], ) end @media end ## # Provide a user friendly representation def to_s context = @solution.map{|k, v| "#{k}: #{v}"}.join(',') "#" end ## # Provide a detailed, user friendly representation def inspect context = @solution.map{|k, v| "#{k}: #{v}"}.join(',') "#" end end class MessagePage < Page ## # Initialize the MessagePage # @param [Version] version Version that contains the resource # @param [Response] response Response from the API # @param [Hash] solution Path solution for the resource # @return [MessagePage] MessagePage def initialize(version, response, solution) super(version, response) # Path Solution @solution = solution end ## # Build an instance of MessageInstance # @param [Hash] payload Payload response from the API # @return [MessageInstance] MessageInstance def get_instance(payload) MessageInstance.new(@version, payload, account_sid: @solution[:account_sid]) end ## # Provide a user friendly representation def to_s '' end end class MessageInstance < InstanceResource ## # Initialize the MessageInstance # @param [Version] version Version that contains the resource # @param [Hash] payload payload that contains response from Twilio # @param [String] account_sid The SID of the # {Account}[https://www.twilio.com/docs/iam/api/account] that created this Message # resource. # @param [String] sid The SID of the Call resource to fetch. # @return [MessageInstance] MessageInstance def initialize(version, payload , account_sid: nil, sid: nil) super(version) # Marshaled Properties @properties = { 'body' => payload['body'], 'num_segments' => payload['num_segments'], 'direction' => payload['direction'], 'from' => payload['from'], 'to' => payload['to'], 'date_updated' => Twilio.deserialize_rfc2822(payload['date_updated']), 'price' => payload['price'], 'error_message' => payload['error_message'], 'uri' => payload['uri'], 'account_sid' => payload['account_sid'], 'num_media' => payload['num_media'], 'status' => payload['status'], 'messaging_service_sid' => payload['messaging_service_sid'], 'sid' => payload['sid'], 'date_sent' => Twilio.deserialize_rfc2822(payload['date_sent']), 'date_created' => Twilio.deserialize_rfc2822(payload['date_created']), 'error_code' => payload['error_code'] == nil ? payload['error_code'] : payload['error_code'].to_i, 'price_unit' => payload['price_unit'], 'api_version' => payload['api_version'], 'subresource_uris' => payload['subresource_uris'], } # Context @instance_context = nil @params = { 'account_sid' => account_sid ,'sid' => sid || @properties['sid'] , } end ## # Generate an instance context for the instance, the context is capable of # performing various actions. All instance actions are proxied to the context # @return [MessageContext] CallContext for this CallInstance def context unless @instance_context @instance_context = MessageContext.new(@version , @params['account_sid'], @params['sid']) end @instance_context end ## # @return [String] The text content of the message def body @properties['body'] end ## # @return [String] The number of segments that make up the complete message. SMS message bodies that exceed the [character limit](https://www.twilio.com/docs/glossary/what-sms-character-limit) are segmented and charged as multiple messages. Note: For messages sent via a Messaging Service, `num_segments` is initially `0`, since a sender hasn't yet been assigned. def num_segments @properties['num_segments'] end ## # @return [Direction] def direction @properties['direction'] end ## # @return [String] The sender's phone number (in [E.164](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/E.164) format), [alphanumeric sender ID](https://www.twilio.com/docs/sms/quickstart), [Wireless SIM](https://www.twilio.com/docs/iot/wireless/programmable-wireless-send-machine-machine-sms-commands), [short code](https://www.twilio.com/en-us/messaging/channels/sms/short-codes), or [channel address](https://www.twilio.com/docs/messaging/channels) (e.g., `whatsapp:+15554449999`). For incoming messages, this is the number or channel address of the sender. For outgoing messages, this value is a Twilio phone number, alphanumeric sender ID, short code, or channel address from which the message is sent. def from @properties['from'] end ## # @return [String] The recipient's phone number (in [E.164](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/E.164) format) or [channel address](https://www.twilio.com/docs/messaging/channels) (e.g. `whatsapp:+15552229999`) def to @properties['to'] end ## # @return [Time] The [RFC 2822](https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/html/rfc2822#section-3.3) timestamp (in GMT) of when the Message resource was last updated def date_updated @properties['date_updated'] end ## # @return [String] The amount billed for the message in the currency specified by `price_unit`. The `price` is populated after the message has been sent/received, and may not be immediately availalble. View the [Pricing page](https://www.twilio.com/en-us/pricing) for more details. def price @properties['price'] end ## # @return [String] The description of the `error_code` if the Message `status` is `failed` or `undelivered`. If no error was encountered, the value is `null`. def error_message @properties['error_message'] end ## # @return [String] The URI of the Message resource, relative to `https://api.twilio.com`. def uri @properties['uri'] end ## # @return [String] The SID of the [Account](https://www.twilio.com/docs/iam/api/account) associated with the Message resource def account_sid @properties['account_sid'] end ## # @return [String] The number of media files associated with the Message resource. def num_media @properties['num_media'] end ## # @return [Status] def status @properties['status'] end ## # @return [String] The SID of the [Messaging Service](https://www.twilio.com/docs/messaging/api/service-resource) associated with the Message resource. A unique default value is assigned if a Messaging Service is not used. def messaging_service_sid @properties['messaging_service_sid'] end ## # @return [String] The unique, Twilio-provided string that identifies the Message resource. def sid @properties['sid'] end ## # @return [Time] The [RFC 2822](https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/html/rfc2822#section-3.3) timestamp (in GMT) of when the Message was sent. For an outgoing message, this is when Twilio sent the message. For an incoming message, this is when Twilio sent the HTTP request to your incoming message webhook URL. def date_sent @properties['date_sent'] end ## # @return [Time] The [RFC 2822](https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/html/rfc2822#section-3.3) timestamp (in GMT) of when the Message resource was created def date_created @properties['date_created'] end ## # @return [String] The [error code](https://www.twilio.com/docs/api/errors) returned if the Message `status` is `failed` or `undelivered`. If no error was encountered, the value is `null`. def error_code @properties['error_code'] end ## # @return [String] The currency in which `price` is measured, in [ISO 4127](https://www.iso.org/iso/home/standards/currency_codes.htm) format (e.g. `usd`, `eur`, `jpy`). def price_unit @properties['price_unit'] end ## # @return [String] The API version used to process the Message def api_version @properties['api_version'] end ## # @return [Hash] A list of related resources identified by their URIs relative to `https://api.twilio.com` def subresource_uris @properties['subresource_uris'] end ## # Delete the MessageInstance # @return [Boolean] True if delete succeeds, false otherwise def delete context.delete end ## # Fetch the MessageInstance # @return [MessageInstance] Fetched MessageInstance def fetch context.fetch end ## # Update the MessageInstance # @param [String] body The new `body` of the Message resource. To redact the text content of a Message, this parameter's value must be an empty string # @param [UpdateStatus] status # @return [MessageInstance] Updated MessageInstance def update( body: :unset, status: :unset ) context.update( body: body, status: status, ) end ## # Access the feedback # @return [feedback] feedback def feedback context.feedback end ## # Access the media # @return [media] media def media context.media end ## # Provide a user friendly representation def to_s values = @params.map{|k, v| "#{k}: #{v}"}.join(" ") "" end ## # Provide a detailed, user friendly representation def inspect values = @properties.map{|k, v| "#{k}: #{v}"}.join(" ") "" end end end end end end end