require 'spec_helper' describe EMJack::Connection do let(:conn) do conn = conn.connected conn end let(:connection_mock) do connection_mock = mock(:conn) connection_mock end before(:each) do EM.stub!(:connect).and_return(connection_mock) end describe "uri connection string" do let(:conn) do'beanstalk://leet:1337/leetube') end it "should parse host" do eql('leet') end it "should parse tube" do connection_mock.should_receive(:send).once.with(:use, "leetube") connection_mock.should_receive(:send).once.with(:watch, "leetube") conn.connected end it "should parse port" do conn.port.should eql(1337) end end describe 'defaults' do it 'host of "localhost"' do == 'localhost' end it 'port of 11300' do conn.port.should == 11300 end it 'watch and use to provided tube on connect' do connection_mock.should_receive(:send).once.with(:use, "mytube") connection_mock.should_receive(:send).once.with(:watch, "mytube") conn = => "mytube") conn.connected end end describe 'sending commands' do it "doesn't send the command until we've connected" do conn = conn.should_not_receive(:send) conn.use("mytube") end it "sends commands after we've connected" do connected = false connection_mock.should_receive(:send).twice do connected.should be_true end conn = conn.use('mytube')'mytube') connected = true conn.connected end it 'the "use" command' do connection_mock.should_receive(:send).once.with(:use, "mytube") conn.use("mytube") end it "doesn't send the use command to the currently used tube" do connection_mock.should_receive(:send).once.with(:use, "mytube") conn.use("mytube") conn.use("mytube") end it 'the "watch" command' do connection_mock.should_receive(:send).once.with(:watch, "mytube")"mytube") end it "doesn't send the watch command for a tube currently watched" do connection_mock.should_not_receive(:send) conn.instance_variable_get("@watched_tubes").push("mytube")"mytube") end describe "'put' command" do it 'basic' do msg = "my message" connection_mock.should_receive(:send_with_data).once. with(:put, msg, anything, anything, anything, msg.length) conn.put(msg) end it 'defaults the delay, priority and ttr settings' do connection_mock.should_receive(:send_with_data).once. with(:put, anything, 65536, 0, 300, anything) conn.put("msg") end it 'accepts a delay setting' do connection_mock.should_receive(:send_with_data).once. with(:put, anything, anything, 42, anything, anything) conn.put("msg", :delay => 42) end it 'accepts a ttr setting' do connection_mock.should_receive(:send_with_data).once. with(:put, anything, anything, anything, 999, anything) conn.put("msg", :ttr => 999) end it 'accepts a priority setting' do connection_mock.should_receive(:send_with_data).once. with(:put, anything, 233, anything, anything, anything) conn.put("msg", :priority => 233) end it 'accepts a priority, delay and ttr setting' do connection_mock.should_receive(:send_with_data).once. with(:put, anything, 99, 42, 2000, anything) conn.put("msg", :priority => 99, :delay => 42, :ttr => 2000) end it 'forces delay to be >= 0' do connection_mock.should_receive(:send_with_data).once. with(:put, anything, anything, 0, anything, anything) conn.put("msg", :delay => -42) end it 'forces ttr to be >= 0' do connection_mock.should_receive(:send_with_data).once. with(:put, anything, anything, anything, 300, anything) conn.put("msg", :ttr => -42) end it 'forces priority to be >= 0' do connection_mock.should_receive(:send_with_data).once. with(:put, anything, 65536, anything, anything, anything) conn.put("msg", :priority => -42) end it 'forces priority to be < 2**32' do connection_mock.should_receive(:send_with_data).once. with(:put, anything, (2 ** 32), anything, anything, anything) conn.put("msg", :priority => (2 ** 32 + 1)) end it 'handles a non-string provided as the put message' do msg = 22 connection_mock.should_receive(:send_with_data).once. with(:put, msg.to_s, anything, anything, anything, msg.to_s.length) conn.put(msg) end end it 'the "delete" command' do connection_mock.should_receive(:send).once.with(:delete, 1) job =, 1, "body") conn.delete(job) end it 'the "touch" command' do connection_mock.should_receive(:send).once.with(:touch, 1) job =, 1, "body") conn.touch(job) end it 'the "kick" command' do connection_mock.should_receive(:send).once.with(:kick, 15) conn.kick(15) end it 'the "kick" command defaults to 1' do connection_mock.should_receive(:send).once.with(:kick, 1) conn.kick end it 'the "pause-tube" command' do connection_mock.should_receive(:send).once.with(:'pause-tube', 60) conn.pause('mytube', 60) end it 'the "bury" command' do connection_mock.should_receive(:send).once.with(:'bury', 1, 1234) job =, 1, "body") conn.bury(job, 1234) end it 'handles a nil job sent to the "delete" command' do connection_mock.should_not_receive(:send).with(:delete, nil) conn.delete(nil) end it 'the "reserve" command' do connection_mock.should_receive(:send).with(:reserve) conn.reserve end describe 'stats' do it 'default' do connection_mock.should_receive(:send).once.with(:stats) conn.stats end it 'job' do job =, 42, "blah") connection_mock.should_receive(:send).once.with(:'stats-job', 42) conn.stats(:job, job) end it 'tube' do connection_mock.should_receive(:send).once.with(:'stats-tube', "mytube") conn.stats(:tube, "mytube") end it 'throws exception on invalid param' do connection_mock.should_not_receive(:send) lambda { conn.stats(:blah) }.should raise_error(EMJack::InvalidCommand) end end describe 'list' do it 'default' do connection_mock.should_receive(:send).once.with(:'list-tubes') conn.list end it 'tube used' do connection_mock.should_receive(:send).once.with(:'list-tube-used') conn.list(:used) end it 'tubes watched' do connection_mock.should_receive(:send).once.with(:'list-tubes-watched') conn.list(:watched) end it 'throws exception on invalid param' do connection_mock.should_not_receive(:send) lambda { conn.list(:blah) }.should raise_error(EMJack::InvalidCommand) end end describe 'peek' do it 'with a job id' do connection_mock.should_receive(:send).once.with(:'peek', 42) conn.peek(42) end it 'ready' do connection_mock.should_receive(:send).once.with(:'peek-ready') conn.peek(:ready) end it 'delayed' do connection_mock.should_receive(:send).once.with(:'peek-delayed') conn.peek(:delayed) end it 'buried' do connection_mock.should_receive(:send).once.with(:'peek-buried') conn.peek(:buried) end it 'throws exception on invalid param' do connection_mock.should_not_receive(:send) lambda { conn.peek(:blah) }.should raise_error(EMJack::InvalidCommand) end end end describe 'reconnect' do let (:blk) do { "my proc" } end context 'on disconnect' do before(:each) do EM.should_receive(:add_timer).exactly(1).times.and_yield connection_mock.as_null_object end it 'reuses a used tube' do conn.should_receive(:use).with('used') conn.instance_variable_set(:@used_tube, 'used') conn.disconnected end it 'reuses a used tube' do conn.should_receive(:use).with('default') conn.disconnected end it 'rewatches a watched tube' do conn.should_receive(:watch).with('watched') conn.instance_variable_set(:@watched_tubes, ['watched']) conn.disconnected end it 'rewatches multiple watched tubes' do tubes = ['watched0', 'watched1'] conn.should_receive(:watch).twice do |tube| tubes.delete(tube).should be_true end conn.instance_variable_set(:@watched_tubes, tubes) conn.disconnected end it 'rewatches and reuses previous tubes on disconnect' do conn.should_receive(:use).with('used') conn.should_receive(:watch).with('watched') conn.instance_variable_set(:@used_tube, 'used') conn.instance_variable_set(:@watched_tubes, ['watched']) conn.disconnected end end it 'watches and uses previous tubes on disconnect' do conn.should_receive(:watch).with('other') connection_mock.as_null_object EM.should_receive(:add_timer).exactly(1).times.and_yield conn.instance_variable_set(:@watched_tubes, ['other']) conn.disconnected end it 'raises exception if it fails more then RETRY_COUNT times' do EM.should_receive(:add_timer).exactly(5).times 5.times { conn.disconnected } lambda { conn.disconnected }.should raise_error(EMJack::Disconnected) end it 'resets the retry count on connection' do EM.should_receive(:add_timer).at_least(1).times 5.times { conn.disconnected } conn.connected lambda { conn.disconnected }.should_not raise_error(EMJack::Disconnected) end it 'handles deferrables added during the fail phase' do EM.stub!(:add_timer) count = 0 blk = do count += 1 if count < 2 df = conn.add_deferrable df.errback { } end end df = conn.add_deferrable df.errback { } conn.disconnected count.should == 1 end end describe 'beanstalk responses' do let(:df) do conn.add_deferrable end %w(OUT_OF_MEMORY INTERNAL_ERROR DRAINING BAD_FORMAT UNKNOWN_COMMAND EXPECTED_CRLF JOB_TOO_BIG DEADLINE_SOON TIMED_OUT NOT_FOUND).each do |cmd| it "#{cmd} messages" do df.should_receive(:fail).with(cmd.downcase.to_sym) conn.received("#{cmd}\r\n") end end ['buried', 'paused', 'touched', 'deleted'].each do |type| it "#{type} messages" do df.should_receive(:succeed) conn.received("#{type.upcase}\r\n") end end it 'inserted messages' do df.should_receive(:succeed).with(40) conn.received("INSERTED 40\r\n") end it 'buried messages' do df.should_receive(:fail).with(:buried, 40) conn.received("BURIED 40\r\n") end it 'kicked messages' do df.should_receive(:succeed).with(15) conn.received("KICKED 15\r\n") end it 'using messages' do df.should_receive(:succeed).with("mytube") conn.received("USING mytube\r\n") end it 'watching messages' do df.should_receive(:succeed).with(24) conn.received("WATCHING 24\r\n") end ['reserved', 'found'].each do |type| it "#{type} messages" do msg = "This is my message" df.should_receive(:succeed).with do |job| job.class.should == EMJack::Job job.jobid.should == 42 job.body.should == msg end conn.received("#{type.upcase} 42 #{msg.length}\r\n#{msg}\r\n") end end it 'OK messages' do msg =<<-HERE --- current-jobs-urgent: 42 current-jobs-ready: 92 current-jobs-reserved: 18 current-jobs-delayed: 7 current-jobs-buried: 0 pid: 416 version: dev HERE df.should_receive(:succeed).with do |stats| stats['current-jobs-urgent'].should == 42 stats['current-jobs-ready'].should == 92 stats['current-jobs-reserved'].should == 18 stats['current-jobs-delayed'].should == 7 stats['current-jobs-buried'].should == 0 stats['pid'].should == 416 stats['version'].should == 'dev' end conn.received("OK #{msg.length}\r\n#{msg}\r\n") end it 'receiving multiple replies in one packet' do df.should_receive(:succeed).with(24) df2 = conn.add_deferrable df2.should_receive(:succeed).with("mytube") conn.received("WATCHING 24\r\nUSING mytube\r\n") end it 'recieving multiple replies in one packet where first is STATS and second is DEADLINE_SOON (anti regression)' do df.should_receive(:succeed).with do |stats| stats['id'].should == 2 end df2 = conn.add_deferrable df2.should_receive(:fail).with(:deadline_soon) conn.received("OK 142\r\n---\nid: 2\ntube: default\nstate: reserved\npri: 65536\nage: 2\ndelay: 0\nttr: 3\ntime-left: 0\nreserves: 1\ntimeouts: 0\nreleases: 0\nburies: 0\nkicks: 0\n\r\nDEADLINE_SOON\r\n") end it 'receiving data in chunks' do msg1 = "First half of the message\r\n" msg2 = "Last half of the message" df.should_receive(:succeed).with do |job| job.body.should == "#{msg1}#{msg2}" end conn.received("RESERVED 9 #{(msg1 + msg2).length}\r\n#{msg1}") conn.received("#{msg2}\r\n") end it 'receiving a response broken over multiple packets' do msg1 = "First half of the message\r\n" msg2 = "Last half of the message" df.should_receive(:succeed).with do |job| job.body.should == "#{msg1}#{msg2}" end conn.received("RESERVED 9 ") conn.received("#{(msg1 + msg2).length}") conn.received("\r\n#{msg1}#{msg2}\r\n") end it 'the \r\n in a separate packet' do msg1 = "First half of the message\r\n" msg2 = "Last half of the message" df.should_receive(:succeed).with do |job| job.body.should == "#{msg1}#{msg2}" end conn.received("RESERVED 9 #{(msg1 + msg2).length}\r\n#{msg1}#{msg2}") conn.received("\r\n") end end context 'passed blocks' do def callbacks(df) df.instance_variable_get("@callbacks") end let (:blk) do { "my proc" } end describe 'uses #send' do before(:each) do connection_mock.should_receive(:send) end it 'use should set the callback when provided a block' do df = conn.use('test', &blk) callbacks(df).include?(blk).should be_true end it 'watch should set the callback when provided a block' do df ='blarg', &blk) callbacks(df).include?(blk).should be_true end it 'ignore should set the callback when provided a block' do conn.instance_variable_get("@watched_tubes").push('blarg') df = conn.ignore('blarg', &blk) callbacks(df).include?(blk).should be_true end it 'reserve should set the callback when provided a block' do df = conn.reserve(&blk) callbacks(df).include?(blk).should be_true end it 'stats should set the callback when provided a block' do df = conn.stats(&blk) callbacks(df).include?(blk).should be_true end it 'list should set the callback when provided a block' do df = conn.list(&blk) callbacks(df).include?(blk).should be_true end it 'delete should set the callback when provided a block' do job =, 1, "body") df = conn.delete(job, &blk) callbacks(df).include?(blk).should be_true end it 'release should set the callback when provided a block' do job =, 1, "body") df = conn.release(job, &blk) callbacks(df).include?(blk).should be_true end end it 'put should set the callback when provided a block' do connection_mock.should_receive(:send_with_data) df = conn.put("asdf", nil, &blk) callbacks(df).include?(blk).should be_true end end end