require 'thor' require 'waitforit' require 'childprocess' require 'uri' require 'httparty' module Mirage class << self # Start Mirage locally on a given port # Example Usage: # # Mirage.start :port => 9001 -> Configured MirageClient ready to use. def start options={} options={:port => 7001}.merge(options), [], options) end # Stop locally running instance(s) of Mirage # # Example Usage: # Mirage.stop -> Will stop mirage if there is only instance running. Can be running on any port. # Mirage.stop :port => port -> stop mirage on a given port # Mirage.stop :port => [port1, port2...] -> stops multiple running instances of Mirage def stop options={:port => []} options = {:port => :all} if options == :all if options[:port] options[:port] = [options[:port]] unless options[:port].is_a?(Array) end, [], options) rescue ClientError => e raise"Mirage is running multiple ports, please specify the port(s) see api/tests for details") end # Detect if Mirage is running on a URL or a local port # # Example Usage: # Mirage.running? -> boolean indicating whether Mirage is running on *locally* on port 7001 # Mirage.running? :port => port -> boolean indicating whether Mirage is running on *locally* on the given port # Mirage.running? url -> boolean indicating whether Mirage is running on the given URL def running? options_or_url = {:port => 7001} url = options_or_url.kind_of?(Hash) ? "http://localhost:#{options_or_url[:port]}/mirage" : options_or_url HTTParty.get(url) and return true rescue Errno::ECONNREFUSED return false end end class Runner < Thor include CLIBridge RUBY_CMD = ChildProcess.jruby? ? 'jruby' : 'ruby' desc "start", "Starts mirage" method_option :port, :aliases => "-p", :type => :numeric, :default => 7001, :desc => "port that mirage should be started on" method_option :defaults, :aliases => "-d", :type => :string, :default => 'responses', :desc => "location to load default responses from" method_option :debug, :type => :boolean, :default => false, :desc => "run in debug mode" def start port = options[:port] process_ids = mirage_process_ids([port]) unless process_ids.empty? warn "Mirage is already running: #{process_ids.values.join(",")}" return end mirage_server_file = "#{File.dirname(__FILE__)}/../../../mirage_server.rb" if command = ["cmd", "/C", "start", "mirage server port #{port}", RUBY_CMD, mirage_server_file] else command = [RUBY_CMD, mirage_server_file] end command = command.concat(options.to_a).flatten.collect { |arg| arg.to_s }*command).start wait_until(:timeout_after => 30.seconds) { Mirage.running?(options) } begin rescue Mirage::InternalServerException => e puts "WARN: #{e.message}" end end desc "stop", "Stops mirage" method_option :port, :aliases => "-p", :type => :array, :default => [], :banner => "[port_1 port_2|all]", :desc => "port(s) of mirage instance(s). ALL stops all running instances" def stop ports = options[:port].collect{|port| port=~/\d+/ ? port.to_i : port} process_ids = mirage_process_ids(ports) raise"Mirage is running on ports #{process_ids.keys.sort.join(", ")}. Please run mirage stop -p [PORT(s)] instead") if (process_ids.size > 1 && ports.empty?) process_ids.values.each { |process_id| kill process_id } wait_until { mirage_process_ids(options[:port]).empty? } end end end