#-- # # Author:: Francis Cianfrocca (gmail: blackhedd) # Homepage:: http://rubyeventmachine.com # Date:: 8 Apr 2006 # # See EventMachine and EventMachine::Connection for documentation and # usage examples. # #---------------------------------------------------------------------------- # # Copyright (C) 2006-07 by Francis Cianfrocca. All Rights Reserved. # Gmail: blackhedd # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of either: 1) the GNU General Public License # as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the # License, or (at your option) any later version; or 2) Ruby's License. # # See the file COPYING for complete licensing information. # #------------------------------------------------------------------- # # # TODO List: # TCP-connects currently assume non-blocking connect is available- need to # degrade automatically on versions of Ruby prior to June 2006. # require 'singleton' require 'forwardable' require 'socket' require 'fcntl' require 'set' require 'openssl' module EventMachine # @private class Error < Exception; end # @private class UnknownTimerFired < RuntimeError; end # @private class Unsupported < RuntimeError; end # @private class ConnectionError < RuntimeError; end # @private class ConnectionNotBound < RuntimeError; end # Older versions of Ruby may not provide the SSLErrorWaitReadable # OpenSSL class. Create an error class to act as a "proxy". if defined?(OpenSSL::SSL::SSLErrorWaitReadable) SSLConnectionWaitReadable = OpenSSL::SSL::SSLErrorWaitReadable else SSLConnectionWaitReadable = IO::WaitReadable end # Older versions of Ruby may not provide the SSLErrorWaitWritable # OpenSSL class. Create an error class to act as a "proxy". if defined?(OpenSSL::SSL::SSLErrorWaitWritable) SSLConnectionWaitWritable = OpenSSL::SSL::SSLErrorWaitWritable else SSLConnectionWaitWritable = IO::WaitWritable end end module EventMachine class CertificateCreator attr_reader :cert, :key def initialize @key = OpenSSL::PKey::RSA.new(1024) public_key = @key.public_key subject = "/C=EventMachine/O=EventMachine/OU=EventMachine/CN=EventMachine" @cert = OpenSSL::X509::Certificate.new @cert.subject = @cert.issuer = OpenSSL::X509::Name.parse(subject) @cert.not_before = Time.now @cert.not_after = Time.now + 365 * 24 * 60 * 60 @cert.public_key = public_key @cert.serial = 0x0 @cert.version = 2 factory = OpenSSL::X509::ExtensionFactory.new factory.subject_certificate = @cert factory.issuer_certificate = @cert @cert.extensions = [ factory.create_extension("basicConstraints","CA:TRUE", true), factory.create_extension("subjectKeyIdentifier", "hash") ] @cert.add_extension factory.create_extension("authorityKeyIdentifier", "keyid:always,issuer:always") @cert.sign(@key, OpenSSL::Digest::SHA1.new) end end # @private DefaultCertificate = CertificateCreator.new # @private DefaultDHKey1024 = OpenSSL::PKey::DH.new <<-_end_of_pem_ -----BEGIN DH PARAMETERS----- MIGHAoGBAJ0lOVy0VIr/JebWn0zDwY2h+rqITFOpdNr6ugsgvkDXuucdcChhYExJ AV/ZD2AWPbrTqV76mGRgJg4EddgT1zG0jq3rnFdMj2XzkBYx3BVvfR0Arnby0RHR T4h7KZ/2zmjvV+eF8kBUHBJAojUlzxKj4QeO2x20FP9X5xmNUXeDAgEC -----END DH PARAMETERS----- _end_of_pem_ # @private DefaultDHKey2048 = OpenSSL::PKey::DH.new <<-_end_of_pem_ -----BEGIN DH PARAMETERS----- MIIBCAKCAQEA7E6kBrYiyvmKAMzQ7i8WvwVk9Y/+f8S7sCTN712KkK3cqd1jhJDY JbrYeNV3kUIKhPxWHhObHKpD1R84UpL+s2b55+iMd6GmL7OYmNIT/FccKhTcveab VBmZT86BZKYyf45hUF9FOuUM9xPzuK3Vd8oJQvfYMCd7LPC0taAEljQLR4Edf8E6 YoaOffgTf5qxiwkjnlVZQc3whgnEt9FpVMvQ9eknyeGB5KHfayAc3+hUAvI3/Cr3 1bNveX5wInh5GDx1FGhKBZ+s1H+aedudCm7sCgRwv8lKWYGiHzObSma8A86KG+MD 7Lo5JquQ3DlBodj3IDyPrxIv96lvRPFtAwIBAg== -----END DH PARAMETERS----- _end_of_pem_ end # @private module EventMachine class << self # This is mostly useful for automated tests. # Return a distinctive symbol so the caller knows whether he's dealing # with an extension or with a pure-Ruby library. # @private def library_type :pure_ruby end # @private def initialize_event_machine Reactor.instance.initialize_for_run end # Changed 04Oct06: intervals from the caller are now in milliseconds, but our native-ruby # processor still wants them in seconds. # @private def add_oneshot_timer interval Reactor.instance.install_oneshot_timer(interval / 1000) end # @private def run_machine Reactor.instance.run end # @private def release_machine end def stopping? return Reactor.instance.stop_scheduled end # @private def stop Reactor.instance.stop end # @private def connect_server host, port bind_connect_server nil, nil, host, port end # @private def bind_connect_server bind_addr, bind_port, host, port EvmaTCPClient.connect(bind_addr, bind_port, host, port).uuid end # @private def send_data target, data, datalength selectable = Reactor.instance.get_selectable( target ) or raise "unknown send_data target" selectable.send_data data end # @private def close_connection target, after_writing selectable = Reactor.instance.get_selectable( target ) selectable.schedule_close after_writing if selectable end # @private def start_tcp_server host, port (s = EvmaTCPServer.start_server host, port) or raise "no acceptor" s.uuid end # @private def stop_tcp_server sig s = Reactor.instance.get_selectable(sig) s.schedule_close end # @private def start_unix_server chain (s = EvmaUNIXServer.start_server chain) or raise "no acceptor" s.uuid end # @private def connect_unix_server chain EvmaUNIXClient.connect(chain).uuid end # @private def signal_loopbreak Reactor.instance.signal_loopbreak end # @private def get_peername sig selectable = Reactor.instance.get_selectable( sig ) or raise "unknown get_peername target" selectable.get_peername end # @private def open_udp_socket host, port EvmaUDPSocket.create(host, port).uuid end # This is currently only for UDP! # We need to make it work with unix-domain sockets as well. # @private def send_datagram target, data, datalength, host, port selectable = Reactor.instance.get_selectable( target ) or raise "unknown send_data target" selectable.send_datagram data, Socket::pack_sockaddr_in(port, host) end # Sets reactor quantum in milliseconds. The underlying Reactor function wants a (possibly # fractional) number of seconds. # @private def set_timer_quantum interval Reactor.instance.set_timer_quantum(( 1.0 * interval) / 1000.0) end # This method is a harmless no-op in the pure-Ruby implementation. This is intended to ensure # that user code behaves properly across different EM implementations. # @private def epoll end # @private def ssl? true end def tls_parm_set?(parm) !(parm.nil? || parm.empty?) end # This method takes a series of positional arguments for specifying such # things as private keys and certificate chains. It's expected that the # parameter list will grow as we add more supported features. ALL of these # parameters are optional, and can be specified as empty or nil strings. # @private def set_tls_parms signature, priv_key, cert_chain, verify_peer, fail_if_no_peer_cert, sni_hostname, cipher_list, ecdh_curve, dhparam, protocols_bitmask bitmask = protocols_bitmask ssl_options = OpenSSL::SSL::OP_ALL ssl_options |= OpenSSL::SSL::OP_NO_SSLv2 if defined?(OpenSSL::SSL::OP_NO_SSLv2) && EM_PROTO_SSLv2 & bitmask == 0 ssl_options |= OpenSSL::SSL::OP_NO_SSLv3 if defined?(OpenSSL::SSL::OP_NO_SSLv3) && EM_PROTO_SSLv3 & bitmask == 0 ssl_options |= OpenSSL::SSL::OP_NO_TLSv1 if defined?(OpenSSL::SSL::OP_NO_TLSv1) && EM_PROTO_TLSv1 & bitmask == 0 ssl_options |= OpenSSL::SSL::OP_NO_TLSv1_1 if defined?(OpenSSL::SSL::OP_NO_TLSv1_1) && EM_PROTO_TLSv1_1 & bitmask == 0 ssl_options |= OpenSSL::SSL::OP_NO_TLSv1_2 if defined?(OpenSSL::SSL::OP_NO_TLSv1_2) && EM_PROTO_TLSv1_2 & bitmask == 0 @tls_parms ||= {} @tls_parms[signature] = { :verify_peer => verify_peer, :fail_if_no_peer_cert => fail_if_no_peer_cert, :ssl_options => ssl_options } @tls_parms[signature][:priv_key] = File.read(priv_key) if tls_parm_set?(priv_key) @tls_parms[signature][:cert_chain] = File.read(cert_chain) if tls_parm_set?(cert_chain) @tls_parms[signature][:sni_hostname] = sni_hostname if tls_parm_set?(sni_hostname) @tls_parms[signature][:cipher_list] = cipher_list.gsub(/,\s*/, ':') if tls_parm_set?(cipher_list) @tls_parms[signature][:dhparam] = File.read(dhparam) if tls_parm_set?(dhparam) @tls_parms[signature][:ecdh_curve] = ecdh_curve if tls_parm_set?(ecdh_curve) end def start_tls signature selectable = Reactor.instance.get_selectable(signature) or raise "unknown io selectable for start_tls" tls_parms = @tls_parms[signature] ctx = OpenSSL::SSL::SSLContext.new ctx.options = tls_parms[:ssl_options] ctx.cert = DefaultCertificate.cert ctx.key = DefaultCertificate.key ctx.cert_store = OpenSSL::X509::Store.new ctx.cert_store.set_default_paths ctx.cert = OpenSSL::X509::Certificate.new(tls_parms[:cert_chain]) if tls_parms[:cert_chain] ctx.key = OpenSSL::PKey::RSA.new(tls_parms[:priv_key]) if tls_parms[:priv_key] verify_mode = OpenSSL::SSL::VERIFY_NONE if tls_parms[:verify_peer] verify_mode |= OpenSSL::SSL::VERIFY_PEER end if tls_parms[:fail_if_no_peer_cert] verify_mode |= OpenSSL::SSL::VERIFY_FAIL_IF_NO_PEER_CERT end ctx.verify_mode = verify_mode ctx.servername_cb = Proc.new do |_, server_name| tls_parms[:server_name] = server_name nil end ctx.ciphers = tls_parms[:cipher_list] if tls_parms[:cipher_list] if selectable.is_server ctx.tmp_dh_callback = Proc.new do |_, _, key_length| if tls_parms[:dhparam] OpenSSL::PKey::DH.new(tls_parms[:dhparam]) else case key_length when 1024 then DefaultDHKey1024 when 2048 then DefaultDHKey2048 else nil end end end if tls_parms[:ecdh_curve] && ctx.respond_to?(:tmp_ecdh_callback) ctx.tmp_ecdh_callback = Proc.new do OpenSSL::PKey::EC.new(tls_parms[:ecdh_curve]) end end end ssl_io = OpenSSL::SSL::SSLSocket.new(selectable, ctx) ssl_io.sync_close = true if tls_parms[:sni_hostname] ssl_io.hostname = tls_parms[:sni_hostname] if ssl_io.respond_to?(:hostname=) end begin selectable.is_server ? ssl_io.accept_nonblock : ssl_io.connect_nonblock rescue; end selectable.io = ssl_io end def get_peer_cert signature selectable = Reactor.instance.get_selectable(signature) or raise "unknown get_peer_cert target" if selectable.io.respond_to?(:peer_cert) && selectable.io.peer_cert selectable.io.peer_cert.to_pem else nil end end def get_cipher_name signature selectable = Reactor.instance.get_selectable(signature) or raise "unknown get_cipher_name target" selectable.io.respond_to?(:cipher) ? selectable.io.cipher[0] : nil end def get_cipher_protocol signature selectable = Reactor.instance.get_selectable(signature) or raise "unknown get_cipher_protocol target" selectable.io.respond_to?(:cipher) ? selectable.io.cipher[1] : nil end def get_cipher_bits signature selectable = Reactor.instance.get_selectable(signature) or raise "unknown get_cipher_bits target" selectable.io.respond_to?(:cipher) ? selectable.io.cipher[2] : nil end def get_sni_hostname signature @tls_parms ||= {} if @tls_parms[signature] @tls_parms[signature][:server_name] else nil end end # This method is a no-op in the pure-Ruby implementation. We simply return Ruby's built-in # per-process file-descriptor limit. # @private def set_rlimit_nofile n 1024 end # This method is a harmless no-op in pure Ruby, which doesn't have a built-in limit # on the number of available timers. # @private def set_max_timer_count n end # @private def get_sock_opt signature, level, optname selectable = Reactor.instance.get_selectable( signature ) or raise "unknown get_sock_opt target" selectable.getsockopt level, optname end # @private def set_sock_opt signature, level, optname, optval selectable = Reactor.instance.get_selectable( signature ) or raise "unknown set_sock_opt target" selectable.setsockopt level, optname, optval end # @private def send_file_data sig, filename sz = File.size(filename) raise "file too large" if sz > 32*1024 data = begin File.read filename rescue "" end send_data sig, data, data.length end # @private def get_outbound_data_size sig r = Reactor.instance.get_selectable( sig ) or raise "unknown get_outbound_data_size target" r.get_outbound_data_size end # @private def read_keyboard EvmaKeyboard.open.uuid end # @private def set_comm_inactivity_timeout sig, tm r = Reactor.instance.get_selectable( sig ) or raise "unknown set_comm_inactivity_timeout target" r.set_inactivity_timeout tm end # @private def set_pending_connect_timeout sig, tm # Needs to be implemented. Currently a no-op stub to allow # certain software to operate with the EM pure-ruby. end end end module EventMachine # @private class Connection # @private def get_outbound_data_size EventMachine::get_outbound_data_size @signature end end end module EventMachine # Factored out so we can substitute other implementations # here if desired, such as the one in ActiveRBAC. # @private module UuidGenerator def self.generate @ix ||= 0 @ix += 1 end end end module EventMachine # @private TimerFired = 100 # @private ConnectionData = 101 # @private ConnectionUnbound = 102 # @private ConnectionAccepted = 103 # @private ConnectionCompleted = 104 # @private LoopbreakSignalled = 105 # @private ConnectionNotifyReadable = 106 # @private ConnectionNotifyWritable = 107 # @private SslHandshakeCompleted = 108 # @private SslVerify = 109 # @private EM_PROTO_SSLv2 = 2 # @private EM_PROTO_SSLv3 = 4 # @private EM_PROTO_TLSv1 = 8 # @private EM_PROTO_TLSv1_1 = 16 # @private EM_PROTO_TLSv1_2 = 32 end module EventMachine # @private class Reactor include Singleton HeartbeatInterval = 2 attr_reader :current_loop_time, :stop_scheduled def initialize initialize_for_run end def install_oneshot_timer interval uuid = UuidGenerator::generate #@timers << [Time.now + interval, uuid] #@timers.sort! {|a,b| a.first <=> b.first} @timers.add([Time.now + interval, uuid]) uuid end # Called before run, this is a good place to clear out arrays # with cruft that may be left over from a previous run. # @private def initialize_for_run @running = false @stop_scheduled = false @selectables ||= {}; @selectables.clear @timers = SortedSet.new # [] set_timer_quantum(0.1) @current_loop_time = Time.now @next_heartbeat = @current_loop_time + HeartbeatInterval end def add_selectable io @selectables[io.uuid] = io end def get_selectable uuid @selectables[uuid] end def run raise Error.new( "already running" ) if @running @running = true begin open_loopbreaker loop { @current_loop_time = Time.now break if @stop_scheduled run_timers break if @stop_scheduled crank_selectables break if @stop_scheduled run_heartbeats } ensure close_loopbreaker @selectables.each {|k, io| io.close} @selectables.clear @running = false end end def run_timers @timers.each {|t| if t.first <= @current_loop_time @timers.delete t EventMachine::event_callback "", TimerFired, t.last else break end } #while @timers.length > 0 and @timers.first.first <= now # t = @timers.shift # EventMachine::event_callback "", TimerFired, t.last #end end def run_heartbeats if @next_heartbeat <= @current_loop_time @next_heartbeat = @current_loop_time + HeartbeatInterval @selectables.each {|k,io| io.heartbeat} end end def crank_selectables #$stderr.write 'R' readers = @selectables.values.select {|io| io.select_for_reading?} writers = @selectables.values.select {|io| io.select_for_writing?} s = select( readers, writers, nil, @timer_quantum) s and s[1] and s[1].each {|w| w.eventable_write } s and s[0] and s[0].each {|r| r.eventable_read } @selectables.delete_if {|k,io| if io.close_scheduled? io.close begin EventMachine::event_callback io.uuid, ConnectionUnbound, nil rescue ConnectionNotBound; end true end } end # #stop def stop raise Error.new( "not running") unless @running @stop_scheduled = true end def open_loopbreaker # Can't use an IO.pipe because they can't be set nonselectable in Windows. # Pick a random localhost UDP port. #@loopbreak_writer.close if @loopbreak_writer #rd,@loopbreak_writer = IO.pipe @loopbreak_reader = UDPSocket.new @loopbreak_writer = UDPSocket.new bound = false 100.times { @loopbreak_port = rand(10000) + 40000 begin @loopbreak_reader.bind "", @loopbreak_port bound = true break rescue end } raise "Unable to bind Loopbreaker" unless bound LoopbreakReader.new(@loopbreak_reader) end def close_loopbreaker @loopbreak_writer.close @loopbreak_writer = nil end def signal_loopbreak begin @loopbreak_writer.send('+',0,"",@loopbreak_port) if @loopbreak_writer rescue IOError; end end def set_timer_quantum interval_in_seconds @timer_quantum = interval_in_seconds end end end # @private class IO extend Forwardable def_delegator :@my_selectable, :close_scheduled? def_delegator :@my_selectable, :select_for_reading? def_delegator :@my_selectable, :select_for_writing? def_delegator :@my_selectable, :eventable_read def_delegator :@my_selectable, :eventable_write def_delegator :@my_selectable, :uuid def_delegator :@my_selectable, :is_server def_delegator :@my_selectable, :is_server= def_delegator :@my_selectable, :send_data def_delegator :@my_selectable, :schedule_close def_delegator :@my_selectable, :get_peername def_delegator :@my_selectable, :send_datagram def_delegator :@my_selectable, :get_outbound_data_size def_delegator :@my_selectable, :set_inactivity_timeout def_delegator :@my_selectable, :heartbeat def_delegator :@my_selectable, :io def_delegator :@my_selectable, :io= end module EventMachine # @private class Selectable attr_accessor :io, :is_server attr_reader :uuid def initialize io @io = io @uuid = UuidGenerator.generate @is_server = false @last_activity = Reactor.instance.current_loop_time if defined?(Fcntl::F_GETFL) m = @io.fcntl(Fcntl::F_GETFL, 0) @io.fcntl(Fcntl::F_SETFL, Fcntl::O_NONBLOCK | m) else # Windows doesn't define F_GETFL. # It's not very reliable about setting descriptors nonblocking either. begin s = Socket.for_fd(@io.fileno) s.fcntl( Fcntl::F_SETFL, Fcntl::O_NONBLOCK ) rescue Errno::EINVAL, Errno::EBADF warn "Serious error: unable to set descriptor non-blocking" end end # TODO, should set CLOEXEC on Unix? @close_scheduled = false @close_requested = false se = self; @io.instance_eval { @my_selectable = se } Reactor.instance.add_selectable @io end def close_scheduled? @close_scheduled end def select_for_reading? false end def select_for_writing? false end def get_peername nil end def set_inactivity_timeout tm @inactivity_timeout = tm end def heartbeat end def schedule_close(after_writing=false) if after_writing @close_requested = true else @close_scheduled = true end end end end module EventMachine # @private class StreamObject < Selectable def initialize io super io @outbound_q = [] end # If we have to close, or a close-after-writing has been requested, # then don't read any more data. def select_for_reading? true unless (@close_scheduled || @close_requested) end # If we have to close, don't select for writing. # Otherwise, see if the protocol is ready to close. # If not, see if he has data to send. # If a close-after-writing has been requested and the outbound queue # is empty, convert the status to close_scheduled. def select_for_writing? unless @close_scheduled if @outbound_q.empty? @close_scheduled = true if @close_requested false else true end end end # Proper nonblocking I/O was added to Ruby 1.8.4 in May 2006. # If we have it, then we can read multiple times safely to improve # performance. # The last-activity clock ASSUMES that we only come here when we # have selected readable. # TODO, coalesce multiple reads into a single event. # TODO, do the function check somewhere else and cache it. def eventable_read @last_activity = Reactor.instance.current_loop_time begin if io.respond_to?(:read_nonblock) 10.times { data = io.read_nonblock(4096) EventMachine::event_callback uuid, ConnectionData, data } else data = io.sysread(4096) EventMachine::event_callback uuid, ConnectionData, data end rescue Errno::EAGAIN, Errno::EWOULDBLOCK, SSLConnectionWaitReadable # no-op rescue Errno::ECONNRESET, Errno::ECONNREFUSED, EOFError, Errno::EPIPE, OpenSSL::SSL::SSLError @close_scheduled = true EventMachine::event_callback uuid, ConnectionUnbound, nil end end # Provisional implementation. Will be re-implemented in subclasses. # TODO: Complete this implementation. As it stands, this only writes # a single packet per cycle. Highly inefficient, but required unless # we're running on a Ruby with proper nonblocking I/O (Ruby 1.8.4 # built from sources from May 25, 2006 or newer). # We need to improve the loop so it writes multiple times, however # not more than a certain number of bytes per cycle, otherwise # one busy connection could hog output buffers and slow down other # connections. Also we should coalesce small writes. # URGENT TODO: Coalesce small writes. They are a performance killer. # The last-activity recorder ASSUMES we'll only come here if we've # selected writable. def eventable_write # coalesce the outbound array here, perhaps @last_activity = Reactor.instance.current_loop_time while data = @outbound_q.shift do begin data = data.to_s w = if io.respond_to?(:write_nonblock) io.write_nonblock data else io.syswrite data end if w < data.length @outbound_q.unshift data[w..-1] break end rescue Errno::EAGAIN, SSLConnectionWaitReadable, SSLConnectionWaitWritable @outbound_q.unshift data break rescue EOFError, Errno::ECONNRESET, Errno::ECONNREFUSED, Errno::EPIPE, OpenSSL::SSL::SSLError @close_scheduled = true @outbound_q.clear end end end # #send_data def send_data data # TODO, coalesce here perhaps by being smarter about appending to @outbound_q.last? unless @close_scheduled or @close_requested or !data or data.length <= 0 @outbound_q << data.to_s end end # #get_peername # This is defined in the normal way on connected stream objects. # Return an object that is suitable for passing to Socket#unpack_sockaddr_in or variants. # We could also use a convenience method that did the unpacking automatically. def get_peername io.getpeername end # #get_outbound_data_size def get_outbound_data_size @outbound_q.inject(0) {|memo,obj| memo += (obj || "").length} end def heartbeat if @inactivity_timeout and @inactivity_timeout > 0 and (@last_activity + @inactivity_timeout) < Reactor.instance.current_loop_time schedule_close true end end end end #-------------------------------------------------------------- module EventMachine # @private class EvmaTCPClient < StreamObject def self.connect bind_addr, bind_port, host, port sd = Socket.new( Socket::AF_INET, Socket::SOCK_STREAM, 0 ) sd.bind( Socket.pack_sockaddr_in( bind_port, bind_addr )) if bind_addr begin # TODO, this assumes a current Ruby snapshot. # We need to degrade to a nonblocking connect otherwise. sd.connect_nonblock( Socket.pack_sockaddr_in( port, host )) rescue Errno::ECONNREFUSED, Errno::EINPROGRESS end EvmaTCPClient.new sd end def initialize io super @pending = true @handshake_complete = false end def ready? if RUBY_PLATFORM =~ /linux/ io.getsockopt(Socket::SOL_TCP, Socket::TCP_INFO).unpack("i").first == 1 # TCP_ESTABLISHED else io.getsockopt(Socket::SOL_SOCKET, Socket::SO_ERROR).unpack("i").first == 0 # NO ERROR end end def handshake_complete? if !@handshake_complete && io.respond_to?(:state) if io.state =~ /^SSLOK/ @handshake_complete = true EventMachine::event_callback uuid, SslHandshakeCompleted, "" EventMachine::event_callback uuid, SslVerify, io.peer_cert.to_pem if io.peer_cert end else @handshake_complete = true end @handshake_complete end def pending? handshake_complete? if @pending if ready? @pending = false EventMachine::event_callback uuid, ConnectionCompleted, "" end end @pending end def select_for_writing? pending? super end def select_for_reading? pending? super end end end module EventMachine # @private class EvmaKeyboard < StreamObject def self.open EvmaKeyboard.new STDIN end def initialize io super end def select_for_writing? false end def select_for_reading? true end end end module EventMachine # @private class EvmaUNIXClient < StreamObject def self.connect chain sd = Socket.new( Socket::AF_LOCAL, Socket::SOCK_STREAM, 0 ) begin # TODO, this assumes a current Ruby snapshot. # We need to degrade to a nonblocking connect otherwise. sd.connect_nonblock( Socket.pack_sockaddr_un( chain )) rescue Errno::EINPROGRESS end EvmaUNIXClient.new sd end def initialize io super @pending = true end def select_for_writing? @pending ? true : super end def select_for_reading? @pending ? false : super end def eventable_write if @pending @pending = false if 0 == io.getsockopt(Socket::SOL_SOCKET, Socket::SO_ERROR).unpack("i").first EventMachine::event_callback uuid, ConnectionCompleted, "" end else super end end end end #-------------------------------------------------------------- module EventMachine # @private class EvmaTCPServer < Selectable # TODO, refactor and unify with EvmaUNIXServer. class << self # Versions of ruby 1.8.4 later than May 26 2006 will work properly # with an object of type TCPServer. Prior versions won't so we # play it safe and just build a socket. # def start_server host, port sd = Socket.new( Socket::AF_INET, Socket::SOCK_STREAM, 0 ) sd.setsockopt( Socket::SOL_SOCKET, Socket::SO_REUSEADDR, true ) sd.bind( Socket.pack_sockaddr_in( port, host )) sd.listen( 50 ) # 5 is what you see in all the books. Ain't enough. EvmaTCPServer.new sd end end def initialize io super io end def select_for_reading? true end #-- # accept_nonblock returns an array consisting of the accepted # socket and a sockaddr_in which names the peer. # Don't accept more than 10 at a time. def eventable_read begin 10.times { descriptor,peername = io.accept_nonblock sd = EvmaTCPClient.new descriptor sd.is_server = true EventMachine::event_callback uuid, ConnectionAccepted, sd.uuid } rescue Errno::EWOULDBLOCK, Errno::EAGAIN end end #-- # def schedule_close @close_scheduled = true end end end #-------------------------------------------------------------- module EventMachine # @private class EvmaUNIXServer < Selectable # TODO, refactor and unify with EvmaTCPServer. class << self # Versions of ruby 1.8.4 later than May 26 2006 will work properly # with an object of type TCPServer. Prior versions won't so we # play it safe and just build a socket. # def start_server chain sd = Socket.new( Socket::AF_LOCAL, Socket::SOCK_STREAM, 0 ) sd.setsockopt( Socket::SOL_SOCKET, Socket::SO_REUSEADDR, true ) sd.bind( Socket.pack_sockaddr_un( chain )) sd.listen( 50 ) # 5 is what you see in all the books. Ain't enough. EvmaUNIXServer.new sd end end def initialize io super io end def select_for_reading? true end #-- # accept_nonblock returns an array consisting of the accepted # socket and a sockaddr_in which names the peer. # Don't accept more than 10 at a time. def eventable_read begin 10.times { descriptor,peername = io.accept_nonblock sd = StreamObject.new descriptor EventMachine::event_callback uuid, ConnectionAccepted, sd.uuid } rescue Errno::EWOULDBLOCK, Errno::EAGAIN end end #-- # def schedule_close @close_scheduled = true end end end #-------------------------------------------------------------- module EventMachine # @private class LoopbreakReader < Selectable def select_for_reading? true end def eventable_read io.sysread(128) EventMachine::event_callback "", LoopbreakSignalled, "" end end end # @private module EventMachine # @private class DatagramObject < Selectable def initialize io super io @outbound_q = [] end # #send_datagram def send_datagram data, target # TODO, coalesce here perhaps by being smarter about appending to @outbound_q.last? unless @close_scheduled or @close_requested @outbound_q << [data.to_s, target] end end # #select_for_writing? def select_for_writing? unless @close_scheduled if @outbound_q.empty? @close_scheduled = true if @close_requested false else true end end end # #select_for_reading? def select_for_reading? true end # #get_outbound_data_size def get_outbound_data_size @outbound_q.inject(0) {|memo,obj| memo += (obj || "").length} end end end module EventMachine # @private class EvmaUDPSocket < DatagramObject class << self def create host, port sd = Socket.new( Socket::AF_INET, Socket::SOCK_DGRAM, 0 ) sd.bind Socket::pack_sockaddr_in( port, host ) EvmaUDPSocket.new sd end end # #eventable_write # This really belongs in DatagramObject, but there is some UDP-specific stuff. def eventable_write 40.times { break if @outbound_q.empty? begin data,target = @outbound_q.first # This damn better be nonblocking. io.send data.to_s, 0, target @outbound_q.shift rescue Errno::EAGAIN # It's not been observed in testing that we ever get here. # True to the definition, packets will be accepted and quietly dropped # if the system is under pressure. break rescue EOFError, Errno::ECONNRESET @close_scheduled = true @outbound_q.clear end } end # Proper nonblocking I/O was added to Ruby 1.8.4 in May 2006. # If we have it, then we can read multiple times safely to improve # performance. def eventable_read begin if io.respond_to?(:recvfrom_nonblock) 40.times { data,@return_address = io.recvfrom_nonblock(16384) EventMachine::event_callback uuid, ConnectionData, data @return_address = nil } else raise "unimplemented datagram-read operation on this Ruby" end rescue Errno::EAGAIN # no-op rescue Errno::ECONNRESET, EOFError @close_scheduled = true EventMachine::event_callback uuid, ConnectionUnbound, nil end end def send_data data send_datagram data, @return_address end end end # load base EM api on top, now that we have the underlying pure ruby # implementation defined require 'eventmachine'