# frozen_string_literal: true module Supersaas # REF: https://www.supersaas.com/info/dev/appointment_api class Appointments < BaseApi def agenda(schedule_id, user_id, from_time = nil, slot = false) path = "/agenda/#{validate_id(schedule_id)}" params = { user: validate_present(user_id), from: from_time && validate_datetime(from_time) } params.merge!(slot: true) if slot res = client.get(path, params) map_slots_or_bookings(res) end def agenda_slots(schedule_id, user_id, from_time = nil) path = "/agenda/#{validate_id(schedule_id)}" params = { user: validate_present(user_id), from: from_time && validate_datetime(from_time), slot: true } res = client.get(path, params) map_slots_or_bookings(res, true) end def available(schedule_id, from_time, length_minutes = nil, resource = nil, full = nil, limit = nil) path = "/free/#{validate_id(schedule_id)}" params = { length: length_minutes && validate_number(length_minutes), from: validate_datetime(from_time), resource: resource, full: full ? true : nil, maxresults: limit && validate_number(limit) } res = client.get(path, params) map_slots_or_bookings(res) end def list(schedule_id, form = nil, start_time = nil, limit = nil) path = '/bookings' params = { schedule_id: validate_id(schedule_id), form: form ? true : nil, start: start_time ? validate_datetime(start_time) : nil, limit: limit && validate_number(limit) } res = client.get(path, params) map_slots_or_bookings(res) end def get(schedule_id, appointment_id) params = { schedule_id: validate_id(schedule_id) } path = "/bookings/#{validate_id(appointment_id)}" res = client.get(path, params) Supersaas::Appointment.new(res) end def create(schedule_id, user_id, attributes, form = nil, webhook = nil) path = '/bookings' params = { schedule_id: schedule_id, webhook: webhook, user_id: validate_id(user_id), form: form ? true : nil, booking: { start: attributes[:start], finish: attributes[:finish], name: attributes[:name], email: attributes[:email], full_name: attributes[:full_name], address: attributes[:address], mobile: attributes[:mobile], phone: attributes[:phone], country: attributes[:country], field_1: attributes[:field_1], field_2: attributes[:field_2], field_1_r: attributes[:field_1_r], field_2_r: attributes[:field_2_r], super_field: attributes[:super_field], resource_id: attributes[:resource_id], slot_id: attributes[:slot_id] } } client.post(path, params) end def update(schedule_id, appointment_id, attributes, form = nil, webhook = nil) path = "/bookings/#{validate_id(appointment_id)}" params = { schedule_id: schedule_id, booking: { start: attributes[:start], finish: attributes[:finish], name: attributes[:name], email: attributes[:email], full_name: attributes[:full_name], address: attributes[:address], mobile: attributes[:mobile], phone: attributes[:phone], country: attributes[:country], field_1: attributes[:field_1], field_2: attributes[:field_2], field_1_r: attributes[:field_1_r], field_2_r: attributes[:field_2_r], super_field: attributes[:super_field], resource_id: attributes[:resource_id], slot_id: attributes[:slot_id] } } params.merge!(form: form) if form params.merge!(webhook: webhook) if webhook params[:booking].compact! client.put(path, params) end def delete(schedule_id, appointment_id) path = "/bookings/#{validate_id(appointment_id)}" params = { schedule_id: validate_id(schedule_id) } client.delete(path, nil, params) end def changes(schedule_id, from_time = nil, to = nil, slot = false, user = nil, limit = nil, offset = nil) path = "/changes/#{validate_id(schedule_id)}" params = build_param({}, from_time, to, slot, user, limit, offset) res = client.get(path, params) map_slots_or_bookings(res) end def range(schedule_id, today = false, from_time = nil, to = nil, slot = false, user = nil, resource_id = nil, service_id = nil, limit = nil, offset = nil) path = "/range/#{validate_id(schedule_id)}" params = {} params.merge!(today: true) if today params = build_param(params, from_time, to, slot, user, limit, offset, resource_id, service_id) res = client.get(path, params) map_slots_or_bookings(res) end private def map_slots_or_bookings(obj, slot = false) if obj.is_a?(Array) && slot obj.map { |attributes| Supersaas::Slot.new(attributes) } elsif obj.is_a?(Array) obj.map { |attributes| Supersaas::Appointment.new(attributes) } elsif obj['slots'] obj['slots'].map { |attributes| Supersaas::Slot.new(attributes) } elsif obj['bookings'] obj['bookings'].map { |attributes| Supersaas::Appointment.new(attributes) } else [] end end def build_param(params, from_time, to, slot, user, limit, offset, resource_id = nil, service_id = nil) params.merge!(from: validate_datetime(from_time)) if from_time params.merge!(to: validate_datetime(to)) if to params.merge!(slot: true) if slot params.merge!(user: validate_user(user)) if user params.merge!(limit: validate_number(limit)) if limit params.merge!(offset: validate_number(offset)) if offset params.merge!(resource_id: validate_id(resource_id)) if resource_id params.merge!(service_id: validate_id(service_id)) if service_id params end end end