# WithAssignmentsBatch mirrors the WithAssignment mixin # but implements operations in batches, so that they outperform # their counterparts module WithAssignmentsBatch extend ActiveSupport::Concern def find_assignments_for(user, _organization = Organization.current, &block) block = block_given? ? block : lambda { |it, _e| it } return exercises.map { |it| block.call nil, it } unless user pairs = exercises.map { |it| [it.id, [nil, it]] }.to_h Assignment.where(submitter: user, exercise: exercises).each do |it| pairs[it.exercise_id][0] = it end pairs.values.map { |assignment, exercise| block.call assignment, exercise } end def statuses_for(user, organization = Organization.current) find_assignments_for user, organization do |it| it&.status || Mumuki::Domain::Status::Submission::Pending end end def assignments_for(user, organization = Organization.current) find_assignments_for user, organization do |it, exercise| it || Assignment.build_for(user, exercise, organization) end end end