module MyMoip class CreditCard include ActiveModel::Validations attr_accessor :logo, :card_number, :expiration_date, :security_code, :owner_name, :owner_birthday, :owner_phone, :owner_cpf, :perform_extra_validation AVAILABLE_LOGOS = [ :american_express, :diners, :hipercard, :mastercard, :visa ] validates_presence_of :logo, :security_code validates_length_of :owner_phone, within: 10..11, allow_nil: true validates_length_of :security_code, within: 3..4 validates_format_of :expiration_date, with: /\A(?:(?:0[1-9])|(?:1[0-2]))\/\d{2}\Z/ # %m/%y validates_inclusion_of :logo, in: AVAILABLE_LOGOS validate :owner_birthday_format validates_presence_of :card_number, :expiration_date, :owner_name, :owner_phone, :owner_cpf, if: ->(resource) { resource.perform_extra_validation } def initialize(attrs) attrs.each do |attr, value| public_send(:"#{attr}=", value) end end def logo=(value) value = value.to_sym unless value.nil? @logo = value end def owner_birthday=(value) value = Date.parse(value.to_s) unless value.nil? rescue ArgumentError; ensure @owner_birthday = value end def owner_phone=(value) unless value.nil? # Removes non-digits value.gsub!(/\D*/, '') # Removes zeros in the beginning value.gsub!(/\A0*/, '') end @owner_phone = value end def owner_rg=(value) warn "[DEPRECATION] `owner_rg` is deprecated. Please use `owner_cpf` instead." self.owner_cpf = value end def owner_cpf=(value) unless value.nil? # Removes dashes and dots value.gsub!(/\-|\./, '') end @owner_cpf = value end private def owner_birthday_format Date.parse(owner_birthday.to_s) unless owner_birthday.nil? rescue ArgumentError errors.add(:owner_birthday) end end end