/** @module ember */ import { combine, CONSTANT_TAG, DirtyableTag, UpdatableTag } from '@glimmer/reference'; import { meta } from '@ember/-internals/meta'; import { get, set, addObserver, removeObserver, notifyPropertyChange, defineProperty, Mixin, tagFor, computed, } from '@ember/-internals/metal'; import { setProxy } from '@ember/-internals/utils'; import { assert } from '@ember/debug'; function contentPropertyDidChange(content, contentKey) { let key = contentKey.slice(8); // remove "content." if (key in this) { return; } // if shadowed in proxy notifyPropertyChange(this, key); } export function contentFor(proxy, m) { let content = get(proxy, 'content'); let tag = (m === undefined ? meta(proxy) : m).readableTag(); if (tag !== undefined) { tag.inner.second.inner.update(tagFor(content)); } return content; } /** `Ember.ProxyMixin` forwards all properties not defined by the proxy itself to a proxied `content` object. See ObjectProxy for more details. @class ProxyMixin @namespace Ember @private */ export default Mixin.create({ /** The object whose properties will be forwarded. @property content @type EmberObject @default null @private */ content: null, init() { this._super(...arguments); setProxy(this); let m = meta(this); m.writableTag(() => combine([DirtyableTag.create(), UpdatableTag.create(CONSTANT_TAG)])); }, willDestroy() { this.set('content', null); this._super(...arguments); }, isTruthy: computed('content', function() { return !!get(this, 'content'); }), willWatchProperty(key) { let contentKey = `content.${key}`; addObserver(this, contentKey, null, contentPropertyDidChange); }, didUnwatchProperty(key) { let contentKey = `content.${key}`; removeObserver(this, contentKey, null, contentPropertyDidChange); }, unknownProperty(key) { let content = contentFor(this); if (content) { return get(content, key); } }, setUnknownProperty(key, value) { let m = meta(this); if (m.isInitializing() || m.isPrototypeMeta(this)) { // if marked as prototype or object is initializing then just // defineProperty rather than delegate defineProperty(this, key, null, value); return value; } let content = contentFor(this, m); assert( `Cannot delegate set('${key}', ${value}) to the \'content\' property of object proxy ${this}: its 'content' is undefined.`, content ); return set(content, key, value); }, });