# # Author:: Nimisha Sharad (<nimisha.sharad@msystechnologies.com>) # Copyright:: Copyright (c) Chef Software Inc. # License:: Apache License, Version 2.0 # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. # require_relative "../resource" require_relative "../win32/security" if Chef::Platform.windows? class Chef class Resource class WindowsTask < Chef::Resource provides(:windows_task) { true } description "Use the windows_task resource to create, delete or run a Windows scheduled task. Requires Windows Server 2008 or later due to API usage." introduced "13.0" allowed_actions :create, :delete, :run, :end, :enable, :disable, :change default_action :create property :task_name, String, regex: [%r{\A[^/\:\*\?\<\>\|]+\z}], description: "An optional property to set the task name if it differs from the resource block's name. Example: 'Task Name' or '/Task Name'", name_property: true property :command, String, description: "The command to be executed by the windows scheduled task." property :cwd, String, description: "The directory the task will be run from." property :user, String, description: "The user to run the task as.", default: lazy { Chef::ReservedNames::Win32::Security::SID.LocalSystem.account_simple_name if Chef::Platform.windows? }, default_description: "The localized SYSTEM user for the node." property :password, String, description: "The user’s password. The user property must be set if using this property." property :run_level, Symbol, equal_to: %i{highest limited}, description: "Run with ':limited' or ':highest' privileges.", default: :limited property :force, [TrueClass, FalseClass], description: "When used with create, will update the task.", default: false property :interactive_enabled, [TrueClass, FalseClass], description: "Allow task to run interactively or non-interactively. Requires user and password to also be set.", default: false property :frequency_modifier, [Integer, String], default: 1 property :frequency, Symbol, equal_to: %i{minute hourly daily weekly monthly once on_logon onstart on_idle none}, description: "The frequency with which to run the task." property :start_day, String, description: "Specifies the first date on which the task runs in MM/DD/YYYY format.", default_description: "The current date." property :start_time, String, description: "Specifies the start time to run the task, in HH:mm format." property :day, [String, Integer], description: "The day(s) on which the task runs." property :months, String, description: "The Months of the year on which the task runs, such as: 'JAN, FEB' or '\*'. Multiple months should be comma delimited. e.g. 'Jan, Feb, Mar, Dec'." property :idle_time, Integer, description: "For :on_idle frequency, the time (in minutes) without user activity that must pass to trigger the task, from 1 - 999." property :random_delay, [String, Integer], description: "Delays the task up to a given time (in seconds)." property :execution_time_limit, [String, Integer], description: "The maximum time (in seconds) the task will run.", default: "PT72H" # 72 hours in ISO8601 duration format property :minutes_duration, [String, Integer], description: "" property :minutes_interval, [String, Integer], description: "" property :priority, Integer, description: "Use to set Priority Levels range from 0 to 10.", default: 7, callbacks: { "should be in range of 0 to 10" => proc { |v| v >= 0 && v <= 10 } } property :disallow_start_if_on_batteries, [TrueClass, FalseClass], introduced: "14.4", default: false, description: "Disallow start of the task if the system is running on battery power." property :stop_if_going_on_batteries, [TrueClass, FalseClass], introduced: "14.4", default: false, description: "Scheduled task option when system is switching on battery." property :description, String, introduced: "14.7", description: "The task description." property :start_when_available, [TrueClass, FalseClass], introduced: "14.15", default: false, description: "To start the task at any time after its scheduled time has passed." attr_accessor :exists, :task, :command_arguments VALID_WEEK_DAYS = %w{ mon tue wed thu fri sat sun * }.freeze VALID_DAYS_OF_MONTH = ("1".."31").to_a << "last" << "lastday" VALID_MONTHS = %w{JAN FEB MAR APR MAY JUN JUL AUG SEP OCT NOV DEC *}.freeze VALID_WEEKS = %w{FIRST SECOND THIRD FOURTH LAST LASTDAY}.freeze def after_created if random_delay validate_random_delay(random_delay, frequency) random_delay(sec_to_min(random_delay)) end if execution_time_limit execution_time_limit(259200) if execution_time_limit == "PT72H" raise ArgumentError, "Invalid value passed for `execution_time_limit`. Please pass seconds as an Integer (e.g. 60) or a String with numeric values only (e.g. '60')." unless numeric_value_in_string?(execution_time_limit) execution_time_limit(sec_to_min(execution_time_limit)) end validate_frequency(frequency) if action.include?(:create) || action.include?(:change) validate_start_time(start_time, frequency) validate_start_day(start_day, frequency) if start_day validate_user_and_password(user, password) validate_create_frequency_modifier(frequency, frequency_modifier) if frequency_modifier validate_create_day(day, frequency, frequency_modifier) if day validate_create_months(months, frequency) if months validate_frequency_monthly(frequency_modifier, months, day) if frequency == :monthly validate_idle_time(idle_time, frequency) idempotency_warning_for_frequency_weekly(day, start_day) if frequency == :weekly end private ## Resource is not idempotent when day, start_day is not provided with frequency :weekly ## we set start_day when not given by user as current date based on which we set the day property for current current date day is monday .. ## we set the monday as the day so at next run when new_resource.day is nil and current_resource day is monday due to which udpate gets called def idempotency_warning_for_frequency_weekly(day, start_day) if start_day.nil? && day.nil? logger.warn "To maintain idempotency for frequency :weekly provide start_day, start_time and day." end end # Validate the passed value is numeric values only if it is a string def numeric_value_in_string?(val) return true if Integer(val) rescue ArgumentError false end def validate_frequency(frequency) if frequency.nil? || !(%i{minute hourly daily weekly monthly once on_logon onstart on_idle none}.include?(frequency)) raise ArgumentError, "Frequency needs to be provided. Valid frequencies are :minute, :hourly, :daily, :weekly, :monthly, :once, :on_logon, :onstart, :on_idle, :none." end end def validate_frequency_monthly(frequency_modifier, months, day) # validates the frequency :monthly and raises error if frequency_modifier is first, second, thrid etc and day is not provided if (frequency_modifier != 1) && (frequency_modifier_includes_days_of_weeks?(frequency_modifier)) && !(day) raise ArgumentError, "Please select day on which you want to run the task e.g. 'Mon, Tue'. Multiple values must be seprated by comma." end # frequency_modifer 2-12 is used to set every (n) months, so using :months propety with frequency_modifer is not valid since they both used to set months. # Not checking value 1 here for frequecy_modifier since we are setting that as default value it won't break anything since preference is given to months property if (frequency_modifier.to_i.between?(2, 12)) && !(months.nil?) raise ArgumentError, "For frequency :monthly either use property months or frequency_modifier to set months." end end # returns true if frequency_modifer has values First, second, third, fourth, last, lastday def frequency_modifier_includes_days_of_weeks?(frequency_modifier) frequency_modifier = frequency_modifier.to_s.split(",") frequency_modifier.map! { |value| value.strip.upcase } (frequency_modifier - VALID_WEEKS).empty? end def validate_random_delay(random_delay, frequency) if %i{on_logon onstart on_idle none}.include? frequency raise ArgumentError, "`random_delay` property is supported only for frequency :once, :minute, :hourly, :daily, :weekly and :monthly" end raise ArgumentError, "Invalid value passed for `random_delay`. Please pass seconds as an Integer (e.g. 60) or a String with numeric values only (e.g. '60')." unless numeric_value_in_string?(random_delay) end # @todo when we drop ruby 2.3 support this should be converted to .match?() instead of =~f def validate_start_day(start_day, frequency) if start_day && frequency == :none raise ArgumentError, "`start_day` property is not supported with frequency: #{frequency}" end # make sure the start_day is in MM/DD/YYYY format: http://rubular.com/r/cgjHemtWl5 if start_day raise ArgumentError, "`start_day` property must be in the MM/DD/YYYY format." unless %r{^(0[1-9]|1[012])[- /.](0[1-9]|[12][0-9]|3[01])[- /.](19|20)\d\d$} =~ start_day end end # @todo when we drop ruby 2.3 support this should be converted to .match?() instead of =~ def validate_start_time(start_time, frequency) if start_time raise ArgumentError, "`start_time` property is not supported with `frequency :none`" if frequency == :none raise ArgumentError, "`start_time` property must be in the HH:mm format (e.g. 6:20pm -> 18:20)." unless /^[0-2][0-9]:[0-5][0-9]$/ =~ start_time else raise ArgumentError, "`start_time` needs to be provided with `frequency :once`" if frequency == :once end end # System users will not require a password # Other users will require a password if the task is non-interactive. # # @param [String] user # @param [String] password # def validate_user_and_password(user, password) if non_system_user?(user) if password.nil? && !interactive_enabled raise ArgumentError, "Please provide a password or check if this task needs to be interactive! Valid passwordless users are: '#{Chef::ReservedNames::Win32::Security::SID::SYSTEM_USER.join("', '")}'" end else unless password.nil? raise ArgumentError, "Password is not required for system users." end end end # Password is not required for system user and required for non-system user. def password_required?(user) @password_required ||= (!user.nil? && !Chef::ReservedNames::Win32::Security::SID.system_user?(user)) end alias non_system_user? password_required? def validate_create_frequency_modifier(frequency, frequency_modifier) if (%i{on_logon onstart on_idle none}.include?(frequency)) && ( frequency_modifier != 1) raise ArgumentError, "frequency_modifier property not supported with frequency :#{frequency}" end if frequency == :monthly unless (1..12).cover?(frequency_modifier.to_i) || frequency_modifier_includes_days_of_weeks?(frequency_modifier) raise ArgumentError, "frequency_modifier value #{frequency_modifier} is invalid. Valid values for :monthly frequency are 1 - 12, 'FIRST', 'SECOND', 'THIRD', 'FOURTH', 'LAST'." end else unless frequency.nil? || frequency_modifier.nil? frequency_modifier = frequency_modifier.to_i min = 1 max = case frequency when :minute 1439 when :hourly 23 when :daily 365 when :weekly 52 else min end unless frequency_modifier.between?(min, max) raise ArgumentError, "frequency_modifier value #{frequency_modifier} is invalid. Valid values for :#{frequency} frequency are #{min} - #{max}." end end end end def validate_create_day(day, frequency, frequency_modifier) raise ArgumentError, "day property is only valid for tasks that run monthly or weekly" unless %i{weekly monthly}.include?(frequency) # This has been verified with schtask.exe https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows-server/administration/windows-commands/schtasks#d-dayday-- # verified with earlier code if day "*" is given with frequency it raised exception Invalid value for /D option raise ArgumentError, "day wild card (*) is only valid with frequency :weekly" if frequency == :monthly && day == "*" if day.is_a?(String) && day.to_i.to_s != day days = day.split(",") if days_includes_days_of_months?(days) # Following error will be raise if day is set as 1-31 and frequency is selected as :weekly since those values are valid with only frequency :monthly raise ArgumentError, "day values 1-31 or last is only valid with frequency :monthly" if frequency == :weekly else days.map! { |day| day.to_s.strip.downcase } unless (days - VALID_WEEK_DAYS).empty? raise ArgumentError, "day property invalid. Only valid values are: #{VALID_WEEK_DAYS.map(&:upcase).join(", ")}. Multiple values must be separated by a comma." end end end end def validate_create_months(months, frequency) raise ArgumentError, "months property is only valid for tasks that run monthly" if frequency != :monthly if months.is_a?(String) months = months.split(",") months.map! { |month| month.strip.upcase } unless (months - VALID_MONTHS).empty? raise ArgumentError, "months property invalid. Only valid values are: #{VALID_MONTHS.join(", ")}. Multiple values must be separated by a comma." end end end # This method returns true if day has values from 1-31 which is a days of moths and used with frequency :monthly def days_includes_days_of_months?(days) days.map! { |day| day.to_s.strip.downcase } (days - VALID_DAYS_OF_MONTH).empty? end def validate_idle_time(idle_time, frequency) if !idle_time.nil? && frequency != :on_idle raise ArgumentError, "idle_time property is only valid for tasks that run on_idle" end if idle_time.nil? && frequency == :on_idle raise ArgumentError, "idle_time value should be set for :on_idle frequency." end unless idle_time.nil? || idle_time > 0 && idle_time <= 999 raise ArgumentError, "idle_time value #{idle_time} is invalid. Valid values for :on_idle frequency are 1 - 999." end end # Converts the number of seconds to an ISO8601 duration format and returns it. # Ref : https://github.com/arnau/ISO8601/blob/master/lib/iso8601/duration.rb#L18-L23 # e.g. # ISO8601::Duration.new(65707200).to_s # returns 'PT65707200S' def sec_to_dur(seconds) ISO8601::Duration.new(seconds.to_i).to_s end def sec_to_min(seconds) seconds.to_i / 60 end end end end