Then(/^the following values are returned:$/) do |values| expected_keys = values.raw.first expected_results = values.hashes # Protecting against false positives # Key order doesn't matter and Ruby 1.8.7 does not retain hash key ordering, so sorting them for consistency raise('Invalid result set. Attribute names cannot be repeated.') unless expected_keys.sort == expected_results.first.keys.sort expected_results.each do |result| result.each_pair { |key, value| result[key] = value.to_i if value =~ /^\d+$/ } end expect(@query_results).to match_array(expected_results) end # Then(/^all of them can be queried for additional information$/) do # # expect(@cm_models).to_not be_empty # # @cm_models.each do |model| # raise("Expected #{model} to define :query") unless model.method_defined?(:query) # end # # end Then(/^the models for the following items are returned:$/) do |item_names| expected_results = item_names.raw.flatten expect(@query_results.collect { |result| result[:self].name }).to match_array(expected_results) end Then(/^the result is the same as the result of the following query:$/) do |query_text| command = "@repository.query do #{query_text} end" baseline_results = eval(command) expect(@query_results).to eq(baseline_results) end Then(/^the following code executes without error:$/) do |code_text| code_text.sub!('path/to', @temp_dir) expect { eval(code_text) }.to_not raise_error end Then(/^all of them can be queried$/) do |code_text| original_text = code_text @available_model_classes.each do |clazz| code_text = original_text.gsub('', clazz.to_s) expect( respond_to(:query) # Make sure that the example code is valid expect { eval(code_text) }.to_not raise_error end end Then(/^all models are queried from$/) do # Just making sure that multiple model results are returned expect(@query_results.count).to be > 1 @query_results.each do |result| class_name = result[:model]'::').last expect(CukeModeler.const_defined?(class_name)).to be true end end And(/^equivalent results are returned for the following query:$/) do |query_text| command = "@repository.query do #{query_text} end" alternate_results = eval(command) # Only checking the values of the results because they will have different :model/:self keys expect(alternate_results.collect { |result| result.values }).to eq(@query_results.collect { |result| result.values }) end