module Stepper class ControllerResource # Sets up before filter in +controller_class+ for +create+, +update+, +new+ and +next_step+ actions. # First argument can be name of resource. # For example we have +CompaniesController+ and want to load or build resource to +@my_company+ variable: # add_before_filter CompanyController, :my_company # # First argument it isn't required: # add_before_filter CompanyController # In this case resource will be loaded or built into +@company+ variable # def self.add_before_filter(controller_class, *args) resource_name = args.first if args.first.is_a?(Symbol) or args.first.is_a?(String) options = args.extract_options! controller_class.send(:before_filter, :only => [:create, :update, :new, :next_step]) do |controller| controller.instance_variable_set :@_stepper_redirect_to, options[:redirect_to] || {} controller_resource =, resource_name) controller.instance_variable_set :@_stepper_resource_instance, controller_resource.load_resource controller.instance_variable_set :@_stepper_name, end end def initialize(controller, *args) @controller = controller @params = controller.params @name = args.first end def load_resource self.resource_instance ||= load_resource_instance self.resource_instance.attributes = @params[name] unless @params[name].blank? self.resource_instance end def load_resource_instance if ['create', 'new'].include? @params[:action] resource =[name] || {}) else resource = unless @params[:id].blank? resource_class.find(@params[:id]) else end end resource end def resource_class name.camelize.constantize end def name_from_controller @params[:controller].sub("Controller", "").underscore.split('/').last.singularize end def name @name || name_from_controller end def resource_instance=(object) @controller.instance_variable_set "@#{name}", object end def resource_instance @controller.instance_variable_get "@#{name}" end end end