# this clas was inspired (heavily) from the mephisto admin architecture class Admin::OverviewController < Admin::BaseController before_filter :check_json_authenticity, :only => :get_report_data #todo, add rss feed of information that is happening def index @show_dashboard = show_dashboard return unless @show_dashboard p = {:from => (Time.new().to_date - 1.week).to_s(:db), :value => "Count"} @orders_by_day = orders_by_day(p) @orders_line_total = orders_line_total(p) @orders_total = orders_total(p) @orders_adjustment_total = orders_adjustment_total(p) @orders_credit_total = orders_credit_total(p) @best_selling_variants = best_selling_variants @top_grossing_variants = top_grossing_variants @last_five_orders = last_five_orders @biggest_spenders = biggest_spenders @out_of_stock_products = out_of_stock_products @best_selling_taxons = best_selling_taxons @pie_colors = [ "#0093DA", "#FF3500", "#92DB00", "#1AB3FF", "#FFB800"] end def get_report_data opts = case params[:name] when "7_days" then {:from => (Time.new().to_date - 1.week).to_s(:db)} when "14_days" then {:from => (Time.new().to_date - 2.week).to_s(:db)} when "this_month" then {:from => Date.new(Time.now.year, Time.now.month, 1).to_s(:db), :to => Date.new(Time.now.year, Time.now.month, -1).to_s(:db)} when "last_month" then {:from => (Date.new(Time.now.year, Time.now.month, 1) - 1.month).to_s(:db), :to => (Date.new(Time.now.year, Time.now.month, -1) - 1.month).to_s(:db)} when "this_year" then {:from => Date.new(Time.now.year, 1, 1).to_s(:db)} when "last_year" then {:from => Date.new(Time.now.year - 1, 1, 1).to_s(:db), :to => Date.new(Time.now.year - 1, 12, -1).to_s(:db)} end case params[:report] when "orders_by_day" opts[:value] = params[:value] render :js => "[[" + orders_by_day(opts).map { |day| "['#{day[0]}',#{day[1]}]" }.join(",") + "]]" when "orders_totals" render :js => [:orders_total => orders_total(opts).to_i, :orders_line_total => orders_line_total(opts).to_i, :orders_adjustment_total => orders_adjustment_total(opts).to_i, :orders_credit_total => orders_credit_total(opts).to_i ].to_json end end private def show_dashboard Order.count > 50 end def conditions(params) if params.key? :to ["completed_at >= ? AND completed_at <= ? AND state <> 'canceled'", params[:from], params[:to]] else ["completed_at >= ? AND state <> 'canceled'", params[:from]] end end def fill_empty_entries(orders, params) from_date = params[:from].to_date to_date = (params[:to] || Time.now).to_date (from_date..to_date).each do |date| orders[date] ||= [] end end def orders_by_day(params) if params[:value] == "Count" orders = Order.select(:created_at).where(conditions(params)) orders = orders.group_by { |o| o.created_at.to_date } fill_empty_entries(orders, params) orders.keys.sort.map {|key| [key.strftime('%Y-%m-%d'), orders[key].size ]} else orders = Order.select([:created_at, :total]).where(conditions(params)) orders = orders.group_by { |o| o.created_at.to_date } fill_empty_entries(orders, params) orders.keys.sort.map {|key| [key.strftime('%Y-%m-%d'), orders[key].inject(0){|s,o| s += o.total} ]} end end def orders_line_total(params) Order.sum(:item_total, :conditions => conditions(params)) end def orders_total(params) Order.sum(:total, :conditions => conditions(params)) end def orders_adjustment_total(params) Order.sum(:adjustment_total, :conditions => conditions(params)) end def orders_credit_total(params) Order.sum(:credit_total, :conditions => conditions(params)) end def best_selling_variants li = LineItem.includes(:order).where("orders.state = 'complete'").sum(:quantity, :group => :variant_id, :order => 'sum(quantity) desc', :limit => 5) variants = li.map do |v| variant = Variant.find(v[0]) [variant.name, v[1] ] end variants.sort { |x,y| y[1] <=> x[1] } end def top_grossing_variants prices = LineItem.includes(:order).where("orders.state = 'complete'").sum("price * quantity", :group => :variant_id, :order => 'sum(price * quantity) desc', :limit => 5) variants = prices.map do |v| variant = Variant.find(v[0]) [variant.name, v[1]] end variants.sort { |x,y| y[1] <=> x[1] } end def best_selling_taxons taxonomy = Taxonomy.last taxons = Taxon.connection.select_rows("select t.name, count(li.quantity) from line_items li inner join variants v on li.variant_id = v.id inner join products p on v.product_id = p.id inner join products_taxons pt on p.id = pt.product_id inner join taxons t on pt.taxon_id = t.id where t.taxonomy_id = #{taxonomy.id} group by t.name order by count(li.quantity) desc limit 5;") end def last_five_orders orders = Order.includes(:line_items).where("completed_at IS NOT NULL AND state <> 'canceled'").order("completed_at DESC").limit(5) orders.map do |o| qty = o.line_items.inject(0) {|sum,li| sum + li.quantity} [o.email, qty, o.total] end end def biggest_spenders spenders = Order.sum(:total, :group => :user_id, :limit => 5, :order => "sum(total) desc", :conditions => "completed_at is not null and state <> 'canceled' and user_id is not null") spenders = spenders.map do |o| orders = User.find(o[0]).orders qty = orders.size [orders.first.email, qty, o[1]] end spenders.sort { |x,y| y[2] <=> x[2] } end def out_of_stock_products Product.where(:count_on_hand => 0).limit(5) end end