/** * RightJS UI Slider unit (http://rightjs.org/ui/slider) * * Copyright (C) 2009 Nikolay V. Nemshilov */ if (!self.RightJS || !self.Draggable) throw "Gimme RightJS w/ DnD"; /** * RightJS UI Slider unit * * Copyright (C) 2009 Nikolay V. Nemshilov */ var Slider = new Class(Observer, { extend: { EVENTS: $w('change'), Options: { min: 0, // the min value max: 100, // the max value snap: 0, // the values threshold value: null, // start value, if null then the min value will be used direction: 'x', // slider direction 'x', 'y' update: null, // reference to an element to update round: 0 // the number of symbols after the decimal pointer }, rescan: function(scope) { ($(scope) || document).select('div.right-slider').each(function(element) { if (!element._slider) { new Slider(element); } }); } }, /** * basic constructor * USAGE: * new Slider('element-id'[, {options}]); * new Slider({options}); * * @param mixed slider element reference or options * @param Object options */ initialize: function() { var args = $A(arguments); this.element = (args[0] && !isHash(args[0])) ? $(args.shift()) : this.build(); this.$super(isHash(args[0]) ? args[0] : eval('('+this.element.get('data-slider-options')+')')); if (this.options.update) this.assignTo(this.options.update); this.element._slider = this.init(); }, // basic desctructor destroy: function() { this.handle.undoDraggable(); delete(this.element._slider); return this; }, /** * The value setter * * NOTE: will get snapped according to the options * * @param mixed string or number value * @return Slider this */ setValue: function(value) { var value = isString(value) ? value.toFloat() : value; // rounding the value according to the options var base = Math.pow(10, this.options.round); value = (value * base).round() / base; // checking the value constraings if (this.options.snap) { var snap = this.options.snap; var diff = value % snap; value = diff < snap/2 ? value - diff : value - diff + snap; } if (value < this.options.min) value = this.options.min; if (value > this.options.max) value = this.options.max; this.moveTo(value); if (value !== this.value) { this.fire('change', this.value = value); } return this; }, /** * Returns the value * * @return Float number */ getValue: function() { return this.value; }, /** * Sets the minimal value and rebuilds the dimensions cache * * @param Number optional value to reset * @return Slider this */ reset: function(value) { return this.precalc().setValue([value, this.options.value, this.options.min].compact()[0]); }, /** * Inserts the widget into the element * * @param mixed element reference * @param String optional position * @return Slider this */ insertTo: function(element, position) { this.element.insertTo(element, position); return this.reset(this.value); }, /** * Assigns the slider to feed an input element on change * * @param mixed an input element reference * @return Slider this */ assignTo: function(element) { var assign = function(element, value) { if (element = $(element)) { if (value === undefined || value === null) value = ''; element[element.setValue ? 'setValue' : 'update'](''+value); } }.curry(element); var connect = function(element, object) { var element = $(element); if (element && element.onChange) { element.onChange(function() { this.setValue(element.value); }.bind(object)); } }.curry(element); if ($(element)) { assign(this.value); connect(this); } else { document.onReady(function() { assign(this.value); connect(this); }.bind(this)); } return this.onChange(assign); }, // protected // inits the slider handle and resets the whole thing init: function() { this.handle = this.element.first('div.right-slider-handle') .makeDraggable({ onBefore: this.prepare.bind(this), onDrag: this.dragged.bind(this) }); // make it jump to the position this.element.onClick(this.clicked.bind(this)); if (this.options.direction == 'y') { this.element.addClass('right-slider-vertical'); } else { this.options.direction = this.element.hasClass('right-slider-vertical') ? 'y' : 'x'; } // fixing the manual position calculations for Konqueror if (this.konqFix = (RightJS.version < '1.5.0' && !this.handle.getBoundingClientRect)) { var parent = this.element; var old_dims = this.handle.dimensions; this.handle.dimensions = function() { var dims = old_dims.call(this); var subset = parent.dimensions(); dims.top += subset.top; dims.left += subset.left; return dims; }; } return this.reset(); }, // builds the slider prorgrammatically build: function() { return $E('div', {'class': 'right-slider'}).insert($E('div', {'class': 'right-slider-handle'})); }, // callback for the eleemnt on-click event to make the slider to jump there clicked: function(event) { event.stop(); this.precalc().moveTo(this.value); var position = event.position(); var element = this.dimensions; var position = (this.horizontal ? position.x - element.left : position.y - element.top) - this.offset; if (position > this.space) position = this.space; else if (position < 0) position = 0; this.setPosition(position); }, // callback for the element dragg dragged: function(draggable, event) { this.setPosition(draggable.element.style[this.horizontal ? 'left' : 'top'].toFloat()); }, // callback for the draggable before event prepare: function(draggable) { // moving the slider to the beginning position this.precalc().moveTo(this.value); var offset = this.offset; var element = this.dimensions; var options = draggable.options; options.range = {}; // calculating the ranges if ((options.axis = this.options.direction) == 'x') { options.range.x = [element.left + offset, element.left + element.width - offset]; if (this.konqFix) options.range.x[0] -= element.left; } else { options.range.y = [element.top + offset, element.top + element.height - offset]; if (this.konqFix) options.range.y[0] -= element.top; } // calculating the snapping range if (this.options.snap) { options.snap = this.space / (this.options.max - this.options.min) * this.options.snap; } }, // sets the slider value by the handle position setPosition: function(position) { if (!this.horizontal) position = this.space - position; var value = position / this.space * (this.options.max - this.options.min) + this.options.min; this.setValue(value); }, // moves the slider to the given position moveTo: function(value) { var position = this.space / (this.options.max - this.options.min) * (value - this.options.min); if (!this.horizontal) position = this.space - position; this.handle.style[this.horizontal ? 'left' : 'top'] = position + 'px'; return this; }, // precalculates dimensions, direction and offset for further use precalc: function() { var handle = this.handle.setStyle({left:'0', top:'0'}).dimensions(); this.dimensions = this.element.dimensions(); this.horizontal = this.options.direction == 'x'; this.offset = this.horizontal ? handle.left - this.dimensions.left : handle.top - this.dimensions.top; this.space = (this.horizontal ? this.dimensions.width - handle.width : this.dimensions.height - handle.height) - this.offset * 2; return this; } }); /** * Document onReady hook for sliders * * Copyright (C) 2009 Nikolay V. Nemshilov */ document.onReady(function() { Slider.rescan(); });document.write("<style type=\"text/css\">div.right-slider,div.right-slider-handle{margin:0;padding:0;border:none;background:none}div.right-slider{height:0.4em;width:20em;border:1px solid #CCC;background:#EEE;-moz-border-radius:.2em;-webkit-border-radius:.2em;position:relative;margin:.6em 0;display:inline-block;*display:inline;*zoom:1;vertical-align:middle}div.right-slider-handle{position:absolute;left:0;top:0;cursor:pointer;width:4pt;height:1em;margin-top:-0.4em;margin-left:0.1em;background:#CCC;border:1px solid #AAA;-moz-border-radius:.2em;-webkit-border-radius:.2em}div.right-slider-vertical{height:10em;width:0.4em;margin:0 .3em}div.right-slider-vertical div.right-slider-handle{margin:0;margin-left:-0.4em;margin-top:0.1em;height:4pt;width:1em}</style>");