# #activity\_logs Querying `activity_logs` will return a collection of activity logs from a specific board. ### Basic usage This method accepts one required argument - `board_ids`, an array of board IDs. {% code lineNumbers="true" %} ```ruby client = Monday::Client.new(token: ) board_ids = [123, 456] response = client.activity_logs(board_ids) puts response.body ``` {% endcode %} This will return the activity logs' ID, event and data fields by default. The response body from the above query would be as follows: {% code lineNumbers="true" %} ```json { "data": { "boards": [ { "activity_logs": [ { "id": "123-abc", "event": "create_column", "data": "{\"board_id\":123,\"column_id\":\"date0\",\"column_title\":\"Date\",\"column_type\":\"date\"}" }, { "id": "456-def", "event": "create_column", "data": "{\"board_id\":123,\"column_id\":\"status\",\"column_title\":\"Status\",\"column_type\":\"color\"}" }, { "id": "789-ghi", "event": "create_column", "data": "{\"board_id\":123,\"column_id\":\"name\",\"column_title\":\"Name\",\"column_type\":\"name\"}" } ] } ] }, "account_id": 123 } ``` {% endcode %} ### Filtering activity logs This method accepts various arguments to filter down the activity logs. You can find the complete list of arguments [here](https://developer.monday.com/api-reference/docs/activity-logs#arguments). You can pass these filters using the `args` option. {% code lineNumbers="true" %} ```ruby client = Monday::Client.new(token: ) board_ids = [123, 456] args = { from: "2023-01-01T00:00:00Z", to: "2023-06-01T00:00:00Z" } response = client.activity_logs(board_ids, args: args) puts response.body ``` {% endcode %} This will filter and return the logs from Jan 1, 2023, to Jun 1, 2023. ### Customizing fields to retrieve You can customize the fields to retrieve by passing in the `select` option and listing all the fields you need to retrieve as an array. {% code lineNumbers="true" %} ```ruby client = Monday::Client.new(token: ) board_ids = [123, 456] select = %w[id event data entity user_id] response = client.activity_logs(board_ids, select: select) puts response.body ``` {% endcode %} You can find the list of all the available fields for activity logs [here](https://developer.monday.com/api-reference/docs/activity-logs#fields).