# encoding: utf-8 require "logstash/filters/base" require "logstash/namespace" require "base64" require "openssl" require "ipaddr" require "murmurhash3" require "securerandom" require "logstash/plugin_mixins/ecs_compatibility_support" # Create consistent hashes (fingerprints) of one or more fields and store # the result in a new field. # # This can e.g. be used to create consistent document ids when inserting # events into Elasticsearch, allowing events in Logstash to cause existing # documents to be updated rather than new documents to be created. # # NOTE: When using any method other than 'UUID', 'PUNCTUATION' or 'MURMUR3' # you must set the key, otherwise the plugin will raise an exception # # NOTE: When the `target` option is set to `UUID` the result won't be # a consistent hash but a random # https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Universally_unique_identifier[UUID]. # To generate UUIDs, prefer the <>. class LogStash::Filters::Fingerprint < LogStash::Filters::Base INTEGER_MAX_32BIT = (1 << 31) - 1 INTEGER_MIN_32BIT = -(1 << 31) include LogStash::PluginMixins::ECSCompatibilitySupport(:disabled, :v1, :v8 => :v1) config_name "fingerprint" # The name(s) of the source field(s) whose contents will be used # to create the fingerprint. If an array is given, see the # `concatenate_sources` option. config :source, :validate => :array, :default => 'message' # The name of the field where the generated fingerprint will be stored. # Any current contents of that field will be overwritten. config :target, :validate => :string # When used with the `IPV4_NETWORK` method fill in the subnet prefix length. # With other methods, optionally fill in the HMAC key. config :key, :validate => :string # When set to `true`, the `SHA1`, `SHA256`, `SHA384`, `SHA512`, `MD5` and `MURMUR3_128` fingerprint # methods will produce base64 encoded rather than hex encoded strings. config :base64encode, :validate => :boolean, :default => false # The fingerprint method to use. # # If set to `SHA1`, `SHA256`, `SHA384`, `SHA512`, or `MD5` and a key is set, # the cryptographic hash function with the same name will be used to generate # the fingerprint. When a key set, the keyed-hash (HMAC) digest function will # be used. # # If set to `MURMUR3` or `MURMUR3_128` the non-cryptographic MurmurHash # function (either the 32-bit or 128-bit implementation, respectively) # will be used. # # If set to `IPV4_NETWORK` the input data needs to be a IPv4 address and # the hash value will be the masked-out address using the number of bits # specified in the `key` option. For example, with "" as the input # and `key` set to 16, the hash becomes "". # # If set to `PUNCTUATION`, all non-punctuation characters will be removed # from the input string. # # If set to `UUID`, a # https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Universally_unique_identifier[UUID] will # be generated. The result will be random and thus not a consistent hash. config :method, :validate => ['SHA1', 'SHA256', 'SHA384', 'SHA512', 'MD5', "MURMUR3", "MURMUR3_128", "IPV4_NETWORK", "UUID", "PUNCTUATION"], :required => true, :default => 'SHA1' # When set to `true` and `method` isn't `UUID` or `PUNCTUATION`, the # plugin concatenates the names and values of all fields given in the # `source` option into one string (like the old checksum filter) before # doing the fingerprint computation. If `false` and multiple source # fields are given, the target field will be an array with fingerprints # of the source fields given. config :concatenate_sources, :validate => :boolean, :default => false # When set to `true` and `method` isn't `UUID` or `PUNCTUATION`, the # plugin concatenates the names and values of all fields in the event # without having to proide the field names in the `source` attribute config :concatenate_all_fields, :validate => :boolean, :default => false def initialize(*params) super @target ||= ecs_select[disabled: 'fingerprint', v1: '[event][hash]'] end def register # convert to symbol for faster comparisons @method = @method.to_sym # require any library and set the fingerprint function case @method when :IPV4_NETWORK if @key.nil? raise LogStash::ConfigurationError, I18n.t( "logstash.runner.configuration.invalid_plugin_register", :plugin => "filter", :type => "fingerprint", :error => "Key value is empty. please fill in a subnet prefix length" ) end class << self; alias_method :fingerprint, :fingerprint_ipv4_network; end when :MURMUR3 class << self; alias_method :fingerprint, :fingerprint_murmur3; end when :MURMUR3_128 class << self; alias_method :fingerprint, :fingerprint_murmur3_128; end when :UUID # nothing when :PUNCTUATION # nothing else class << self; alias_method :fingerprint, :fingerprint_openssl; end end end def filter(event) case @method when :UUID event.set(@target, SecureRandom.uuid) when :PUNCTUATION @source.sort.each do |field| next unless event.include?(field) # In order to keep some backwards compatibility we should use the unicode version # of the regexp because the POSIX one ([[:punct:]]) left some unwanted characters unfiltered (Symbols). # gsub(/[^[:punct:]]/,'') should be equivalent to gsub(/[^[\p{P}\p{S}]]/,''), but not 100% in JRuby. event.set(@target, event.get(field).gsub(/[^[\p{P}\p{S}]]/,'')) end else if @concatenate_sources || @concatenate_all_fields to_string = "" if @concatenate_all_fields deep_sort_hashes(event.to_hash).each do |k,v| # Force encoding to UTF-8 to get around https://github.com/jruby/jruby/issues/6748 to_string << "|#{k}|#{v}".force_encoding("UTF-8") end else @source.sort.each do |k| # Force encoding to UTF-8 to get around https://github.com/jruby/jruby/issues/6748 to_string << "|#{k}|#{deep_sort_hashes(event.get(k))}".force_encoding("UTF-8") end end to_string << "|" @logger.debug? && @logger.debug("String built", :to_checksum => to_string) event.set(@target, fingerprint(to_string)) else @source.each do |field| next unless event.include?(field) if event.get(field).is_a?(Array) event.set(@target, event.get(field).collect { |v| fingerprint(deep_sort_hashes(v)) }) else event.set(@target, fingerprint(deep_sort_hashes(event.get(field)))) end end end end filter_matched(event) end private def deep_sort_hashes(object) case object when Hash sorted_hash = Hash.new object.sort.each do |sorted_key, value| sorted_hash[sorted_key] = deep_sort_hashes(value) end sorted_hash when Array object.map {|element| deep_sort_hashes(element) } else object end end def fingerprint_ipv4_network(ip_string) # in JRuby 1.7.11 outputs as US-ASCII IPAddr.new(ip_string).mask(@key.to_i).to_s.force_encoding(Encoding::UTF_8) end def fingerprint_openssl(data) # since OpenSSL::Digest instances aren't thread safe, we must ensure that # each pipeline worker thread gets its own instance. # Also, since a logstash pipeline may contain multiple fingerprint filters # we must include the id in the thread local variable name, so that we can # store multiple digest instances digest_string = "digest-#{id}" Thread.current[digest_string] ||= select_digest(@method) digest = Thread.current[digest_string] # in JRuby 1.7.11 outputs as ASCII-8BIT if @key.nil? if @base64encode digest.base64digest(data.to_s).force_encoding(Encoding::UTF_8) else digest.hexdigest(data.to_s).force_encoding(Encoding::UTF_8) end else if @base64encode hash = OpenSSL::HMAC.digest(digest, @key, data.to_s) Base64.strict_encode64(hash).force_encoding(Encoding::UTF_8) else OpenSSL::HMAC.hexdigest(digest, @key, data.to_s).force_encoding(Encoding::UTF_8) end end end def fingerprint_murmur3(value) case value when Integer MurmurHash3::V32.int64_hash(value) else MurmurHash3::V32.str_hash(value.to_s) end end def fingerprint_murmur3_128(value) if value.is_a?(Integer) if (INTEGER_MIN_32BIT <= value) && (value <= INTEGER_MAX_32BIT) if @base64encode [MurmurHash3::V128.int32_hash(value, 2).pack("L*")].pack("m").chomp! else MurmurHash3::V128.int32_hash(value, 2).pack("L*").unpack("H*")[0] end else if @base64encode [MurmurHash3::V128.int64_hash(value, 2).pack("L*")].pack("m").chomp! else MurmurHash3::V128.int64_hash(value, 2).pack("L*").unpack("H*")[0] end end else if @base64encode MurmurHash3::V128.str_base64digest(value.to_s, 2) else MurmurHash3::V128.str_hexdigest(value.to_s, 2) end end end def select_digest(method) case method when :SHA1 OpenSSL::Digest::SHA1.new when :SHA256 OpenSSL::Digest::SHA256.new when :SHA384 OpenSSL::Digest::SHA384.new when :SHA512 OpenSSL::Digest::SHA512.new when :MD5 OpenSSL::Digest::MD5.new else # we really should never get here raise(LogStash::ConfigurationError, "Unknown digest for method=#{method.to_s}") end end end