require "isodoc" require "htmlentities" require_relative "fileprocess" require_relative "../../util/fontist_helper" require_relative "../../util/util" require_relative "../filelookup/filelookup" require_relative "../multilingual/multilingual" require_relative "utils" require_relative "render_word" require_relative "navigation" module Metanorma class Collection class Renderer FORMATS = %i[html xml doc pdf].freeze attr_accessor :isodoc, :nested attr_reader :xml, :compile, :compile_options, :documents, :outdir, :manifest # This is only going to render the HTML collection # @param xml [Metanorma::Collection] input XML collection # @param folder [String] input folder # @param options [Hash] # @option options [String] :coverpage cover page HTML (Liquid template) # @option options [Array] :format list of formats (xml,html,doc,pdf) # @option options [String] :output_folder output directory # # We presuppose that the bibdata of the document is equivalent to that of # the collection, and that the flavour gem can sensibly process it. We may # need to enhance metadata in the flavour gems isodoc/metadata.rb with # collection metadata def initialize(collection, folder, options = {}) # rubocop:disable Metrics/AbcSize, Metrics/MethodLength check_options options @xml = Nokogiri::XML collection.to_xml # @xml is the collection manifest @xml.root.default_namespace = "" @lang = collection.bibdata.language.first || "en" @script = collection.bibdata.script.first || "Latn" @locale ="//xmlns:bibdata/xmlns:locale")&.text @registry = Metanorma::Registry.instance @doctype = doctype @compile = @compile.load_flavor(@doctype) @isodoc = isodoc_create # output processor for flavour @outdir = dir_name_cleanse(options[:output_folder]) @coverpage = options[:coverpage] || collection.coverpage @format = ::Metanorma::Util.sort_extensions_execution(options[:format]) @compile_options = options[:compile] || {} @compile_options[:install_fonts] = true if options[:install_fonts] @log = options[:log] @bibdata = collection.bibdata @documents = collection.documents @bibdatas = collection.documents @directives = collection.directives @dirname = collection.dirname @manifest = collection.manifest.config @disambig = @prefatory = collection.prefatory @final = @c = @files_to_delete = [] @nested = options[:nested] # if false, this is the root instance of Renderer # if true, then this is not the last time Renderer will be run # (e.g. this is sectionsplit) # list of files in the collection @files =, self) @files.add_section_split isodoc_populate create_non_existing_directory(@outdir) end def flush_files warn "\n\n\n\n\nDone: #{'%H:%M:%S')}" warn @files.files_to_delete @files.files_to_delete.each { |f| FileUtils.rm_f(f) } @files_to_delete.each { |f| FileUtils.rm_f(f) } end # @param col [Metanorma::Collection] XML collection # @param options [Hash] # @option options [String] :coverpage cover page HTML (Liquid template) # @option options [Array] :format list of formats # @option options [Strong] :ourput_folder output directory def self.render(col, options = {}) warn "\n\n\n\n\nRender Init: #{'%H:%M:%S')}" cr = new(col, File.dirname(col.file), options) cr.files cr.concatenate(col, options) options[:format]&.include?(:html) and cr.coverpage cr.flush_files cr end def concatenate(col, options) warn "\n\n\n\n\nConcatenate: #{'%H:%M:%S')}" concatenate_presentation?(options) and options[:format] << :presentation concatenate_prep(col, options) concatenate_outputs(options) end def concatenate_presentation?(options) !(options[:format] & %i(pdf doc)).empty? || (@directives.detect { |d| d.key == "bilingual" } && options[:format].include?(:html)) end def concatenate_prep(col, options) %i(xml presentation).each do |e| options[:format].include?(e) or next ext = e == :presentation ? "presentation.xml" : e.to_s, "collection.#{ext}"), "w:UTF-8") do |f| b = concatenate1(col.clone, e).to_xml e == :presentation and b = concatenate_presentation(b) f.write(b) end end end def concatenate_presentation(xml) xml.sub!("", "") # TODO BEING FORCED TO DO THAT BECAUSE SHALE IS NOT DEALING WITH DEFAULT NAMESPACES @directives.detect { |d| d.key == "bilingual" } and xml = Metanorma::Collection::Multilingual .new({ align_cross_elements: %w(p note) }).to_bilingual(xml) xml end def concatenate_outputs(options) pres = File.join(@outdir, "collection.presentation.xml") options[:format].include?(:pdf) and pdfconv.convert(pres) options[:format].include?(:doc) and docconv_convert(pres) @directives.detect { |d| d.key == "bilingual" } && options[:format].include?(:html) and { doctype: doctype.to_sym, converter_options:, @compile_options), outdir: @outdir }, ).to_html(pres) end def concatenate1(out, ext) out.directives << ::Metanorma::Collection::Config::Directive .new(key: "documents-inline") out.bibdatas.each_key do |ident| id = @isodoc.docid_prefix(nil, ident.dup) @files.get(id, :attachment) || @files.get(id, :outputs).nil? and next out.documents[Util::key id] = Metanorma::Collection::Document .raw_file(@files.get(id, :outputs)[ext]) end out end # infer the flavour from the first document identifier; relaton does that def doctype if (docid ="//bibdata/docidentifier/@type")&.text) dt = docid.downcase elsif (docid ="//bibdata/docidentifier")&.text) dt = docid.sub(/\s.*$/, "").lowercase else return "standoc" end @registry.alias(dt.to_sym)&.to_s || dt end # populate liquid template of ARGV[1] with metadata extracted from # collection manifest def coverpage @coverpage or return warn "\n\n\n\n\nCoverpage: #{'%H:%M:%S')}", "index.html"), "w:UTF-8") do |f| f.write @isodoc.populate_template( end end end end end