# Daily This Rails 3.1 application is about keeping reports on your application up to date without overloading your database. * Execute and SQL query every hour and optionally run some code to transform it a bit * People can create reports in various formats (csv, json, pdf, etc) from that with another optional transform * These reports are saved at a public (albeit crazy-long) URL for linking from dashboards or your application By doing this caching and running against a read-only database, it will reduce the load on the database as compared to application report generators or giving lots of people SQL access. The code leverages the [Ruport](http://www.rubyreports.org/) library wherever possible. ## Setup Server installations needed: * rvm * some rvm ruby (ree) To deploy the app, I'm using the copy capistrano method to prevent github keys being needed. bundle exec cap production deploy:setup Then, I put my version of daily.yml in the /app/path/shared directory. bundle exec cap production deploy:cold bundle exec cap production deploy:migrations bundle exec cap production seed:admin Which makes the first user * email: admin@example.com * password: changeme ## TODO * Variable report refresh cycle (minutes, hours, days) * Allow JSON inputs into report formatters * Make more report formatters * Make more transforms * Cache the table data (also on a variable schedule) Copyright (c) 2011 Brian Leonard, released under the MIT license