module Brightbox command [:images] do |cmd| cmd.default_command :list cmd.desc I18n.t("images.list.desc") cmd.arg_name "[image-id...]" cmd.command [:list] do |c| c.desc "Show all public images from all accounts" c.switch [:a, "show-all"], :negatable => false c.desc "Show only images of a given type" c.flag [:t, :type] c.desc "Show only images of a given status" c.flag [:s, :status] c.desc "Show only images for a given account identifier" c.flag [:l, :account] c.action do |global_options, options, args| images = Image.find_all_or_warn(args) images = Image.filter_images(images, options) render_table(images, global_options) end end end end