# frozen_string_literal: true require "dry/configurable" require "dry/core/equalizer" require "dry/inflector" require "zeitwerk" require_relative "view/errors" require_relative "view/html" module Hanami # A standalone, template-based view rendering system that offers everything you need to write # well-factored view code. # # This represents a single view, holding the configuration and exposures necessary for rendering # its template. # # @abstract Subclass this and provide your own configuration and exposures to define your own view # (along with a custom `#initialize` if you wish to inject dependencies into your subclass) # # @api public # @since 2.1.0 class View # @api private # @since 2.1.0 def self.gem_loader @gem_loader ||= Zeitwerk::Loader.new.tap do |loader| root = File.expand_path("..", __dir__) loader.tag = "hanami-view" loader.push_dir(root) loader.ignore( "#{root}/hanami-view.rb", "#{root}/hanami/view/version.rb", "#{root}/hanami/view/errors.rb", ) loader.inflector = Zeitwerk::GemInflector.new("#{root}/hanami-view.rb") loader.inflector.inflect( "erb" => "ERB", "html" => "HTML", "html_safe_string_buffer" => "HTMLSafeStringBuffer", ) end end gem_loader.setup # @api private # @since 2.1.0 DEFAULT_RENDERER_OPTIONS = {default_encoding: "utf-8"}.freeze include Dry::Equalizer(:config, :exposures) extend Dry::Configurable # @!group Configuration # @overload config.paths=(paths) # Set an array of directories that will be searched for all templates # (templates, partials, and layouts). # # These will be converted into Path objects and used for template lookup # when rendering. # # This is a **required setting**. # # @param paths [String, Path, Array] the paths # # @api public # @since 2.1.0 # @!scope class setting :paths, constructor: -> paths { Array(paths).map { |path| Path[path] } } # @overload config.template=(name) # Set the name of the template for rendering this view. Template name # should be relative to the configured `paths`. # # This is a **required setting**. # # @param name [String] template name # @api public # @since 2.1.0 # @!scope class setting :template # @overload config.template_inference_base=(base_path) # Set the base path to strip away when when inferring a view's template # names from its class name. # # **This setting only applies for views within an Hanami application.** # # For example, given a view `Main::Views::Articles::Index`, in the `Main` # slice, and a template_inference_base of "views", the inferred template # name will be "articles/index". # # @param base_path [String, nil] base templates path # @api public # @since 2.1.0 # @!scope class setting :template_inference_base # @overload config.layout=(name) # Set the name of the layout to render templates within. Layouts will be # looked up within the configured `layouts_dir`, within the configured # `paths`. # # A false or nil value will use no layout. Defaults to `nil`. # # @param name [String, FalseClass, nil] layout name, or false to indicate no layout # @api public # @since 2.1.0 # @!scope class setting :layout, default: false # @overload config.layouts_dir=(dir) # Set the name of the directory (within the configured `paths`) holding # the layouts. Defaults to `"layouts"` # # @param dir [String] directory name # @api public # @since 2.1.0 # @!scope class setting :layouts_dir, default: "layouts" # @overload config.scope=(scope_class) # Set the scope class to use when rendering the view's template. # # Configuring a custom scope class allows you to provide extra behaviour # (alongside exposures) to the template. # # @see https://dry-rb.org/gems/dry-view/scopes/ # # @param scope_class [Class] scope class (inheriting from `Hanami::View::Scope`) # @api public # @since 2.1.0 # @!scope class setting :scope # @overload config.default_context=(context) # Set the default context object to use when rendering. This will be used # unless another context object is applied at render-time to `View#call` # # Defaults to a frozen instance of `Hanami::View::Context`. # # @see View#call # # @param context [Hanami::View::Context] context object # @api public # @since 2.1.0 # @!scope class setting :default_context, default: Context.new.freeze # @overload config.default_format=(format) # Set the default format to use when rendering. # # Defaults to `:html`. # # @param format [Symbol] # @api public # @since 2.1.0 # @!scope class setting :default_format, default: :html # @overload config.part_class=(part_class) # Set a custom default part class. # # @param part_class [Class] # @api public # @since 2.1.0 # @!scope class setting :part_class, default: Part # @overload config.scope_namespace=(namespace) # Set a namespace that will be searched when building scope classes. # # @param namespace [Module, Class] # # @see Scope # # @api public # @since 2.1.0 # @!scope class setting :part_namespace # @overload config.part_builder=(part_builder) # Set a custom part builder class # # @param part_builder [Class] # @api public # @since 2.1.0 # @!scope class setting :part_builder, default: PartBuilder # @overload config.scope_class=(scope_class) # Set a custom default scope class. # # @param scope_class [Class] # @api public # @since 2.1.0 # @!scope class setting :scope_class, default: Scope # @overload config.scope_namespace=(namespace) # Set a namespace that will be searched when building scope classes. # # @param namespace [Module, Class] # # @see Scope # # @api public # @since 2.1.0 # @!scope class setting :scope_namespace # @overload config.scope_builder=(scope_builder) # Set a custom scope builder class # # @see https://dry-rb.org/gems/dry-view/scopes/ # # @param scope_builder [Class] # @api public # @since 2.1.0 # @!scope class setting :scope_builder, default: ScopeBuilder # @overload config.inflector=(inflector) # Set an inflector to provide to the part_builder and scope_builder. # # Defaults to `Dry::Inflector.new`. # # @param inflector # @api public # @since 2.1.0 # @!scope class setting :inflector, default: Dry::Inflector.new # @overload config.renderer_options=(options) # A hash of options to pass to the template engine. Template engines are # provided by Tilt; see Tilt's documentation for what options your # template engine may support. # # Defaults to `{default_encoding: "utf-8"}`. Any options passed will be # merged onto the defaults. # # @see https://github.com/rtomayko/tilt # # @param options [Hash] renderer options # @api public # @since 2.1.0 # @!scope class setting :renderer_options, default: DEFAULT_RENDERER_OPTIONS, constructor: -> options { DEFAULT_RENDERER_OPTIONS.merge(options.to_h).freeze } # @overload config.renderer_engine_mapping=(mapping) # A hash specifying the (Tilt-compatible) template engine class to use # for a given format. Template engine detection is automatic based on # format; use this setting only if you want to force a non-preferred # engine. # # @example # config.renderer_engine_mapping = {erb: Tilt::ErubiTemplate} # # @see https://github.com/rtomayko/tilt # # @param mapping [Hash] engine mapping # @api public # @since 2.1.0 # @!scope class setting :renderer_engine_mapping, default: {} # @!endgroup # @api private # @since 2.1.0 def self.inherited(klass) super exposures.each do |name, exposure| klass.exposures.import(name, exposure) end end # @!group Exposures # @!macro [new] exposure_options # @param options [Hash] the exposure's options # @option options [Boolean] :layout expose this value to the layout (defaults to false) # @option options [Boolean] :decorate decorate this value in a matching Part (defaults to # true) # @option options [Symbol, Class] :as an alternative name or class to use when finding a # matching Part # @overload expose(name, **options, &block) # Define a value to be passed to the template. The return value of the # block will be decorated by a matching Part and passed to the template. # # The block will be evaluated with the view instance as its `self`. The # block's parameters will determine what it is given: # # - To receive other exposure values, provide positional parameters # matching the exposure names. These exposures will already by decorated # by their Parts. # - To receive the view's input arguments (whatever is passed to # `View#call`), provide matching keyword parameters. You can provide # default values for these parameters to make the corresponding input # keys optional # - To receive the Context object, provide a `context:` keyword parameter # - To receive the view's input arguments in their entirety, provide a # keywords splat parameter (i.e. `**input`) # # @example Accessing input arguments # expose :article do |slug:| # article_repo.find_by_slug(slug) # end # # @example Accessing other exposures # expose :articles do # article_repo.listing # end # # expose :featured_articles do |articles| # articles.select(&:featured?) # end # # @param name [Symbol] name for the exposure # @macro exposure_options # # @overload expose(name, **options) # Define a value to be passed to the template, provided by an instance # method matching the name. The method's return value will be decorated by # a matching Part and passed to the template. # # The method's parameters will determine what it is given: # # - To receive other exposure values, provide positional parameters # matching the exposure names. These exposures will already by decorated # by their Parts. # - To receive the view's input arguments (whatever is passed to # `View#call`), provide matching keyword parameters. You can provide # default values for these parameters to make the corresponding input # keys optional # - To receive the Context object, provide a `context:` keyword parameter # - To receive the view's input arguments in their entirey, provide a # keywords splat parameter (i.e. `**input`) # # @example Accessing input arguments # expose :article # # def article(slug:) # article_repo.find_by_slug(slug) # end # # @example Accessing other exposures # expose :articles # expose :featured_articles # # def articles # article_repo.listing # end # # def featured_articles # articles.select(&:featured?) # end # # @param name [Symbol] name for the exposure # @macro exposure_options # # @overload expose(name, **options) # Define a single value to pass through from the input data (when there is # no instance method matching the `name`). This value will be decorated by # a matching Part and passed to the template. # # @param name [Symbol] name for the exposure # @macro exposure_options # @option options [Boolean] :default a default value to provide if there is no matching # input data # # @overload expose(*names, **options) # Define multiple values to pass through from the input data (when there # is no instance methods matching their names). These values will be # decorated by matching Parts and passed through to the template. # # The provided options will be applied to all the exposures. # # @param names [Symbol] names for the exposures # @macro exposure_options # @option options [Boolean] :default a default value to provide if there is no matching # input data # # @see https://dry-rb.org/gems/dry-view/exposures/ # # @api public # @since 2.1.0 def self.expose(*names, **options, &block) if names.length == 1 exposures.add(names.first, block, **options) else names.each do |name| exposures.add(name, **options) end end end # @see expose # # @api public # @since 2.1.0 def self.private_expose(*names, **options, &block) expose(*names, **options, private: true, &block) end # Returns the defined exposures. These are unbound, since bound exposures # are only created when initializing a View instance. # # @return [Exposures] # @api private # @since 2.1.0 def self.exposures @exposures ||= Exposures.new end # @!endgroup # @!group Scope # Creates and assigns a scope for the current view. # # The newly created scope is useful to add custom logic that is specific # to the view. # # The scope has access to locals, exposures, and inherited scope (if any) # # If the view already has an explicit scope the newly created scope will # inherit from the explicit scope. # # There are two cases when this may happen: # 1. The scope was explicitly assigned (e.g. `config.scope = MyScope`) # 2. The scope has been inherited by the view superclass # # If the view doesn't have an already existing scope, the newly scope # will inherit from `Hanami::View::Scope` by default. # # However, you can specify any base class for it. This is not # recommended, unless you know what you're doing. # # @param scope [Hanami::View::Scope] the current scope (if any), or the # default base class will be `Hanami::View::Scope` # @param block [Proc] the scope logic definition # # @api public # # @example Basic usage # class MyView < Hanami::View # config.scope = MyScope # # scope do # def greeting # _locals[:message].upcase + "!" # end # # def copyright(time) # "Copy #{time.year}" # end # end # end # # # my_view.html.erb # # <%= greeting %> # # <%= copyright(Time.now.utc) %> # # MyView.new.(message: "Hello") # => "HELLO!" # # @example Inherited scope # class MyScope < Hanami::View::Scope # private # # def shout(string) # string.upcase + "!" # end # end # # class MyView < Hanami::View # config.scope = MyScope # # scope do # def greeting # shout(_locals[:message]) # end # # def copyright(time) # "Copy #{time.year}" # end # end # end # # # my_view.html.erb # # <%= greeting %> # # <%= copyright(Time.now.utc) %> # # MyView.new.call(message: "Hello") # => "HELLO!" # # @api public # @since 2.1.0 def self.scope(scope_class = nil, &block) scope_class ||= config.scope || config.scope_class config.scope = Class.new(scope_class, &block) end # @!endgroup # @api private # @since 2.1.0 def self.layout_path(layout) File.join(*[config.layouts_dir, layout].compact) end # @api private # @since 2.1.0 def self.cache Cache end # Returns an instance of the view. This binds the defined exposures to the view instance. # # Subclasses can define their own `#initialize` to accept injected dependencies, but must call # `super()` to ensure the standard view initialization can proceed. # # @api public # @since 2.1.0 def initialize self.class.config.finalize! ensure_config @exposures = self.class.exposures.bind(self) end # Returns the view's configuration. # # @api public # @since 2.1.0 def config self.class.config end # Returns the view's bound exposures. # # @return [Exposures] # # @api private # @since 2.1.0 def exposures @exposures end # Renders the view. # # @param format [Symbol] template format to use # @param context [Context] context object to use # @param layout [String, FalseClass, nil] layout name, or false to indicate no layout # @param input input data for preparing exposure values # # @return [Rendered] rendered view object # # @api public # @since 2.1.0 def call(format: config.default_format, context: config.default_context, layout: config.layout, **input) rendering = self.rendering(format: format, context: context) locals = locals(rendering, input) output = rendering.template(config.template, rendering.scope(config.scope, locals)) if layout output = rendering.template( self.class.layout_path(layout), rendering.scope(config.scope, layout_locals(locals)) ) { output } end Rendered.new(output: output, locals: locals) end # @api private # @since 2.1.0 def rendering(format: config.default_format, context: config.default_context) Rendering.new(config: config, format: format, context: context) end private def ensure_config raise UndefinedConfigError, :paths unless Array(config.paths).any? raise UndefinedConfigError, :template unless config.template end def locals(rendering, input) exposures.(context: rendering.context, **input) do |value, exposure| if exposure.decorate? && value rendering.part(exposure.name, value, as: exposure.options[:as]) else value end end end def layout_locals(locals) locals.each_with_object({}) do |(key, value), layout_locals| layout_locals[key] = value if exposures[key].for_layout? end end end end