def downloadrwdschedulefiles require 'net/ftp' BasicSocket.do_not_reverse_lookup = true @rwdscheduleftpdisplays = "" begin ftp = Net::FTP::new($rwdschedule_ftpsite) @rwdscheduleftpdisplay = "files downloaded" + "\n" ftp.debug_mode = false ftp.login($rwdschedule_ftplogin, $rwdschedule_ftppassword) ftp.chdir($rwdschedule_ftpdirectory) print "I'm in the directory ", ftp.pwd(), "\n" schfiles = ftp.nlst($rwdschedule_ftpdirectory) schfiles.each {|x| #adjust the filters to the files you want to see... if x =~ /sch/ lastslash = x.rindex('/')+1 newstring = x.slice(lastslash..256) localupdatefile = $rwdschedule_updatedirectory +"/"+ "#{newstring}" ftp.getbinaryfile("#{x}" , localupdatefile ) @rwdscheduleftpdisplay = @rwdscheduleftpdisplay + newstring + "\n" end } ftp.close rescue @rwdscheduleftpdisplay = "ftp error" if ftp ftp.close end end end