$LOAD_PATH.unshift(File.expand_path('../../../lib', __FILE__)) # original code by Ashley Moran: # http://aviewfromafar.net/2007/11/1/rake-task-for-heckling-your-specs begin require 'pathname' require 'active_support/inflector' require 'heckle' require 'mspec' require 'mspec/utils/name_map' SKIP_METHODS = %w[ blank_slate_method_added ].freeze class NameMap def file_name(method, constant) map = MAP[method] name = if map map[constant] || map[:default] else method.gsub(/[?!=]\z/, '') end "#{name}_spec.rb" end end desc 'Heckle each module and class' task :heckle => :verify_rcov do unless Ruby2Ruby::VERSION == '1.2.2' raise "ruby2ruby version #{Ruby2Ruby::VERSION} may not work properly, 1.2.2 *only* is recommended for use with heckle" end require 'veritas' root_module = 'Veritas' spec_dir = Pathname('spec/unit') NameMap::MAP.each do |op, method| next if method.kind_of?(Hash) NameMap::MAP[op] = { :default => method } end %w[ Veritas::Relation::Header Veritas::Algebra::Difference::Methods Veritas::Algebra::Intersection::Methods Veritas::Algebra::Join::Methods Veritas::Algebra::Product::Methods Veritas::Algebra::Projection::Methods Veritas::Algebra::Rename::Methods Veritas::Algebra::Rename::Aliases Veritas::Algebra::Restriction::Methods Veritas::Algebra::Union::Methods ].each do |mod| NameMap::MAP['-'][mod] = 'difference' NameMap::MAP['&'][mod] = 'intersect' NameMap::MAP['+'][mod] = 'join' NameMap::MAP['*'][mod] = 'product' NameMap::MAP['|'][mod] = 'union' end NameMap::MAP['==']['Veritas::Relation::Operation::Order::Direction'] = 'eql' NameMap::MAP['|']['Veritas::Relation::Operation::Order::DirectionSet'] = 'union' %w[ Veritas::Logic::Connective::Conjunction::Methods Veritas::Logic::Connective::Disjunction::Methods Veritas::Logic::Connective::Negation::Methods ].each do |mod| NameMap::MAP['&'][mod] = 'and' NameMap::MAP['|'][mod] = 'or' NameMap::MAP['-'][mod] = 'not' end aliases = Hash.new { |h,mod| h[mod] = Hash.new { |h,method| h[method] = method } } aliases['Veritas::Attribute::Numeric']['range'] = 'size' aliases['Veritas::Attribute::String']['range'] = 'length' map = NameMap.new heckle_caught_modules = Hash.new { |hash, key| hash[key] = [] } unhandled_mutations = 0 ObjectSpace.each_object(Module) do |mod| next unless mod.name =~ /\A#{root_module}(?::|\z)/ spec_prefix = spec_dir.join(mod.name.underscore) specs = [] # get the public class methods metaclass = class << mod; self end ancestors = metaclass.ancestors spec_class_methods = mod.singleton_methods(false) spec_class_methods.reject! do |method| %w[ yaml_new yaml_tag_subclasses? included nesting constants ].include?(method.to_s) end if mod.ancestors.include?(Singleton) spec_class_methods.reject! { |method| method.to_s == 'instance' } end # get the protected and private class methods other_class_methods = metaclass.protected_instance_methods(false) | metaclass.private_instance_methods(false) ancestors.each do |ancestor| other_class_methods -= ancestor.protected_instance_methods(false) | ancestor.private_instance_methods(false) end other_class_methods.reject! do |method| method.to_s == 'allocate' || SKIP_METHODS.include?(method.to_s) end other_class_methods.reject! do |method| next unless spec_class_methods.any? { |specced| specced.to_s == $1 } spec_class_methods << method end # get the instances methods spec_methods = mod.public_instance_methods(false) other_methods = mod.protected_instance_methods(false) | mod.private_instance_methods(false) other_methods.reject! do |method| next unless spec_methods.any? { |specced| specced.to_s == $1 } spec_methods << method end # map the class methods to spec files spec_class_methods.each do |method| method = aliases[mod.name][method] next if SKIP_METHODS.include?(method.to_s) spec_file = spec_prefix.join('class_methods').join(map.file_name(method, mod.name)) unless spec_file.file? raise "No spec file #{spec_file} for #{mod}.#{method}" end specs << [ ".#{method}", [ spec_file ] ] end # map the instance methods to spec files spec_methods.each do |method| method = aliases[mod.name][method] next if SKIP_METHODS.include?(method.to_s) spec_file = spec_prefix.join(map.file_name(method, mod.name)) unless spec_file.file? raise "No spec file #{spec_file} for #{mod}##{method}" end specs << [ "##{method}", [ spec_file ] ] end # non-public methods are considered covered if they can be mutated # and any spec fails for the current or descendant modules other_methods.each do |method| descedant_specs = [] ObjectSpace.each_object(Module) do |descedant| next unless descedant.name =~ /\A#{root_module}(?::|\z)/ && mod >= descedant descedant_spec_prefix = spec_dir.join(descedant.name.underscore) descedant_specs.concat(Pathname.glob(descedant_spec_prefix.join('*_spec.rb'))) if method.to_s == 'initialize' descedant_specs.concat(Pathname.glob(descedant_spec_prefix.join('class_methods/new_spec.rb'))) end end specs << [ "##{method}", descedant_specs ] end other_class_methods.each do |method| descedant_specs = [] ObjectSpace.each_object(Module) do |descedant| next unless descedant.name =~ /\A#{root_module}(?::|\z)/ && mod >= descedant descedant_spec_prefix = spec_dir.join(descedant.name.underscore) descedant_specs.concat(Pathname.glob(descedant_spec_prefix.join('class_methods/*_spec.rb'))) end specs << [ ".#{method}", descedant_specs ] end specs.sort.each do |(method, spec_files)| puts "Heckling #{mod}#{method}" IO.popen("spec #{spec_files.join(' ')} --heckle '#{mod}#{method}'") do |pipe| while line = pipe.gets case line = line.chomp when "The following mutations didn't cause test failures:" heckle_caught_modules[mod.name] << method when '+++ mutation' unhandled_mutations += 1 end end end end end if unhandled_mutations > 0 error_message_lines = [ "*************\n" ] error_message_lines << "Heckle found #{unhandled_mutations} " \ "mutation#{"s" unless unhandled_mutations == 1} " \ "that didn't cause spec violations\n" heckle_caught_modules.each do |mod, methods| error_message_lines << "#{mod} contains the following " \ 'poorly-specified methods:' methods.each do |method| error_message_lines << " - #{method}" end error_message_lines << '' end error_message_lines << 'Get your act together and come back ' \ 'when your specs are doing their job!' raise error_message_lines.join("\n") else puts 'Well done! Your code withstood a heckling.' end end rescue LoadError task :heckle do abort 'Heckle or mspec is not available. In order to run heckle, you must: gem install heckle mspec' end end