{I" class:EFI"BundledAsset;FI"logical_path;FI"1ckeditor/plugins/a11yhelp/dialogs/lang/gu.js;FI" pathname;FI"‚/Users/yonah/.rvm/gems/ruby-1.9.3-p286/gems/ckeditor-4.0.10/vendor/assets/javascripts/ckeditor/plugins/a11yhelp/dialogs/lang/gu.js;FI"content_type;FI"application/javascript;FI" mtime;Fl+Y SI" length;Fi>I" digest;F"%b40a8cc9d0133fb662529c2d284cd0e2I" source;FI">/* Copyright (c) 2003-2014, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved. For licensing, see LICENSE.md or http://ckeditor.com/license */ CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang("a11yhelp","gu",{title:"เชเช•เซเช•เซเชทเซ‡เชฌเชฟเชฒเชฟเชŸเซ€ เชจเซ€ เชตเชฟเช—เชคเซ‹",contents:"เชนเซ‡เชฒเซเชช. เช† เชฌเช‚เชง เช•เชฐเชตเชพ ESC เชฆเชฌเชพเชตเซ‹.",legend:[{name:"เชœเชจเชฐเชฒ",items:[{name:"เชเชกเชฟเชŸเชฐ เชŸเซ‚เชฒเชฌเชพเชฐ",legend:"Press ${toolbarFocus} to navigate to the toolbar. Move to the next and previous toolbar group with TAB and SHIFT-TAB. Move to the next and previous toolbar button with RIGHT ARROW or LEFT ARROW. Press SPACE or ENTER to activate the toolbar button."},{name:"เชเชกเชฟเชŸเชฐ เชกเชพเชฏเชฒเซ‹เช—",legend:"Inside a dialog, press TAB to navigate to next dialog field, press SHIFT + TAB to move to previous field, press ENTER to submit dialog, press ESC to cancel dialog. For dialogs that have multiple tab pages, press ALT + F10 to navigate to tab-list. Then move to next tab with TAB OR RIGTH ARROW. Move to previous tab with SHIFT + TAB or LEFT ARROW. Press SPACE or ENTER to select the tab page."}, {name:"Editor Context Menu",legend:"Press ${contextMenu} or APPLICATION KEY to open context-menu. Then move to next menu option with TAB or DOWN ARROW. Move to previous option with SHIFT+TAB or UP ARROW. Press SPACE or ENTER to select the menu option. Open sub-menu of current option with SPACE or ENTER or RIGHT ARROW. Go back to parent menu item with ESC or LEFT ARROW. Close context menu with ESC."},{name:"Editor List Box",legend:"Inside a list-box, move to next list item with TAB OR DOWN ARROW. Move to previous list item with SHIFT + TAB or UP ARROW. Press SPACE or ENTER to select the list option. Press ESC to close the list-box."}, {name:"Editor Element Path Bar",legend:"Press ${elementsPathFocus} to navigate to the elements path bar. Move to next element button with TAB or RIGHT ARROW. Move to previous button with SHIFT+TAB or LEFT ARROW. Press SPACE or ENTER to select the element in editor."}]},{name:"เช•เชฎเชพเช‚เชกเชธ",items:[{name:"เช…เชจเซเชกเซเช‚ เช•เชฎเชพเช‚เชก",legend:"$ เชฆเชฌเชพเชตเซ‹ {undo}"},{name:"เชซเชฐเซ€ เช•เชฐเซ‹ เช•เชฎเชพเช‚เชก",legend:"$ เชฆเชฌเชพเชตเซ‹ {redo}"},{name:"เชฌเซ‹เชฒเซเชฆเชจเซ‹ เช•เชฎเชพเช‚เชก",legend:"$ เชฆเชฌเชพเชตเซ‹ {bold}"},{name:" Italic command",legend:"Press ${italic}"},{name:" Underline command", legend:"Press ${underline}"},{name:" Link command",legend:"Press ${link}"},{name:" Toolbar Collapse command",legend:"Press ${toolbarCollapse}"},{name:" Access previous focus space command",legend:"Press ${accessPreviousSpace} to access the closest unreachable focus space before the caret, for example: two adjacent HR elements. Repeat the key combination to reach distant focus spaces."},{name:" Access next focus space command",legend:"Press ${accessNextSpace} to access the closest unreachable focus space after the caret, for example: two adjacent HR elements. Repeat the key combination to reach distant focus spaces."}, {name:" Accessibility Help",legend:"Press ${a11yHelp}"}]}],backspace:"Backspace",tab:"Tab",enter:"Enter",shift:"Shift",ctrl:"Ctrl",alt:"Alt",pause:"Pause",capslock:"Caps Lock",escape:"Escape",pageUp:"Page Up",pageDown:"Page Down",end:"End",home:"Home",leftArrow:"Left Arrow",upArrow:"Up Arrow",rightArrow:"Right Arrow",downArrow:"Down Arrow",insert:"Insert","delete":"Delete",leftWindowKey:"Left Windows key",rightWindowKey:"Right Windows key",selectKey:"Select key",numpad0:"Numpad 0",numpad1:"Numpad 1", numpad2:"Numpad 2",numpad3:"Numpad 3",numpad4:"Numpad 4",numpad5:"Numpad 5",numpad6:"Numpad 6",numpad7:"Numpad 7",numpad8:"Numpad 8",numpad9:"Numpad 9",multiply:"Multiply",add:"Add",subtract:"Subtract",decimalPoint:"Decimal Point",divide:"Divide",f1:"F1",f2:"F2",f3:"F3",f4:"F4",f5:"F5",f6:"F6",f7:"F7",f8:"F8",f9:"F9",f10:"F10",f11:"F11",f12:"F12",numLock:"Num Lock",scrollLock:"Scroll Lock",semiColon:"Semicolon",equalSign:"Equal Sign",comma:"Comma",dash:"Dash",period:"Period",forwardSlash:"Forward Slash", graveAccent:"Grave Accent",openBracket:"Open Bracket",backSlash:"Backslash",closeBracket:"Close Bracket",singleQuote:"Single Quote"}); ;TI"required_assets_digest;F"%daaa0a570118b39748a8f4e2e5612decI" _version;F"%a56df69ef97ba4d9f1a23bf9b0add58a