# A form build that adheres to Bootstrap horizontal form conventions. # class BootstrapFormBuilder::HorizontalFormBuilder < ActionView::Helpers::FormBuilder def email_field(name, opts = {}) form_group(name) do super(name, opts.reverse_merge(:class => 'form-control', :placeholder => help(name))) end end def text_field(name, opts = {}) form_group(name) do super(name, opts.reverse_merge(:class => 'form-control', :placeholder => help(name))) end end def search_field(name, opts = {}) form_group(name) do @template.content_tag(:div, super(name, opts.reverse_merge(:class => 'form-control', :placeholder => help(name))) + @template.content_tag(:span, @template.content_tag(:span, '', :class => 'glyphicon glyphicon-search'), :class => 'input-group-addon'), :class => 'input-group') end end def password_field(name, opts = {}) form_group(name) do super(name, opts.reverse_merge(:class => 'form-control', :placeholder => help(name))) end end def date_field(name, opts = {}) form_group(name) do super(name, opts.reverse_merge(:class => 'form-control', :placeholder => help(name))) end end def number_field(name, opts = {}) form_group(name) do super(name, opts.reverse_merge(:class => 'form-control', :placeholder => help(name))) end end def check_box(name, opts = {}) form_group(name) do @template.content_tag(:div, @template.content_tag(:label, super(name, opts) + (help(name) || " ").html_safe), :class => 'checkbox') end end # uses bootstrap option to stretch the buttons to the full enclosing width # if you use this, you may need to add the following style to your # stylesheet to re-hide the radio-button circle # (because Bootstrap's one is too specific to deal with this): # # [data-toggle="buttons"] .btn input[type="radio"] { # position: absolute; # z-index: -1; # opacity: 0; # filter: alpha(opacity=0); #} # def justified_radio_button_group(name, button_options, opts = {}) form_group(name) do buttons = button_options.map do |button| @template.content_tag(:div, radio_button_label(name, button), :class => 'btn-group') end.join("\n").html_safe @template.content_tag(:div, buttons, :class => 'btn-group btn-group-justified', :data => { :toggle => 'buttons' }) end end def radio_button_group(name, button_options, opts = {}) form_group(name) do buttons = button_options.map do |button| radio_button_label(name, button) end.join("\n").html_safe @template.content_tag(:div, buttons, :class => 'btn-group', :data => { :toggle => 'buttons' }) end end def radio_button_label(name, button) label(name, :value => button, :class => 'btn btn-default') do radio_button(name, button) + I18n.t("#{object_name}.#{name}_options.#{button}", :scope => "helpers.label") end end def select(name, choices, options = {}, html_options = {}) form_group(name) do super(name, choices, options, html_options.reverse_merge(:class => 'form-control')) end end def text_area(name, opts = {}) form_group(name) do super(name, opts.reverse_merge(:class => 'form-control', :placeholder => help(name))) end end def form_group(name, &block) classes = ['form-group'] if @object.errors.has_key?(name) classes << 'has-error' end @template.content_tag(:div, label(name) + col_wrap(block.call + errors(name)), :class => classes.join(' ')) end def col_wrap(html) @template.content_tag(:div, html, :class => 'field') end def label(name, opts = {}) super(name, opts.reverse_merge(:class => 'control-label')) end def errors(name) if @object.errors.has_key?(name) errors = @object.errors.full_messages_for(name).join('. ') @template.content_tag(:span, errors, :class => 'help-text text-danger') else '' end end def help(name) i18n_name = "helpers.hints.#{object_name}.#{name}" if I18n.exists?(i18n_name) I18n.t(i18n_name) else nil end end def cancel_button(cancel_path) @template.link_to(I18n.t('helpers.button.cancel'), cancel_path, :class => 'btn btn-default') end def submit_button(label = "") @template.content_tag(:div, @template. content_tag(:div, submit(label, :class => 'btn btn-primary'), :class => 'button-group'), :class => 'form-group') end def submit_and_cancel(cancel_path) @template.content_tag(:div, @template. content_tag(:div, submit(:class => 'btn btn-primary') + " " + cancel_button(cancel_path), :class => 'button-group'), :class => 'form-group') end end