module Pod class Command class Playgrounds < Command self.summary = 'Generates a Swift Playground for any Pod.' self.description = <<-DESC Generates a Swift Playground for any Pod. DESC self.arguments = ['NAME', true)] def initialize(argv) @name = argv.shift_argument @platform = :ios # TODO: Should be configurable @deployment_target = '9.0' # TODO: Should be configurable super end def validate! super help! 'A Pod name is required.' unless @name end def run generate_project Dir.chdir(target_dir) do generate_podfile Pod::Executable.execute_command('pod', ['install', '--no-repo-update']) generator = path = generator.generate(@name) + 'Contents.swift', 'w') do |f| f.write("//: Please build the scheme '#{target_name}' first\n") f.write("import XCPlayground\n") f.write("XCPlaygroundPage.currentPage.needsIndefiniteExecution = true\n\n") f.write("import #{@name}\n\n") end end `open #{workspace_path}` end private def target_dir end def target_name "#{@name}Playground" end def workspace_path target_dir + "#{@name}.xcworkspace" end def generate_podfile contents = "use_frameworks!\n\n" contents << "target '#{target_name}' do\n" contents << "pod '#{@name}'\n" contents << "end\n"'Podfile', 'w') { |f| f.write(contents) } end def generate_project `rm -fr #{target_dir}` FileUtils.mkdir_p(target_dir) project_path = "#{target_dir}/#{@name}.xcodeproj" project = target = project.new_target(:framework, target_name, @platform, @deployment_target) target.build_configurations.each do |config| config.build_settings['DEFINES_MODULE'] = 'NO' end # TODO: Should be at the root of the project project.new_file("#{@name}.playground") end end end end