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The runtime flow control of a test program is an area that can be particularly messy:
* Need to deal with different and often obscure vendor APIs
* It can be very hard to decipher both the intention and the actual behavior
during code reviews
* It is easy to make mistakes
* Mistakes can be costly - there have been many customer quality
incidents in the past from missed test caused by errors in flow control
To deal with these problems Origen provides a simple and intuitive API
to describe runtime flow logic:
* Generates legal and battle-tested code
* Takes care of cross-platform implementation
* Makes flow control easy to review
* Covers over gaps or weaknesses in the vendor APIs
Conditional tests fall into two categories:
* Those that will run based on the flow execution environment. For example based on
the job selected at runtime or on some enable flag that can be set by the user at
* Those that will only run based on the outcome of another test - i.e. execute a given
test based on whether a previous test passed, failed or ran at all.
#### Execution Based on the Runtime Environment
The following methods are available to describe these cases:
* **if_enable / unless_enable** - Run the test if a flow runtime option is/is not enabled at runtime
* **if_job / unless_job** - Run based on the current job (P1, FR, QC, etc)
Here are some examples of how to apply these methods to single tests:
# Run this test to characterize the vreg, only if the 'vreg_cz' flag has been enabled
para :vreg_meas, softbin: 107, cz: true, if_enable: "vreg_cz"
# Apply HVST to the vreg module, unless the 'skip_hvst' flag has been enabled
func :vreg_hvst, softbin: 101, hv: 10.V, vdd: :max, unless_enable: "skip_hvst"
# Run this test only at cold
para :vreg_meas, softbin: 105, lo: 1.12, hi: 1.34V, if_job: "FC"
The use of `if/unless_enable` will make use of flow enable words on Teradyne platforms and user
flow variables on Advantest.
The `if/unless_job` control will make use of the job column on Teradyne platforms and a user
flow variable named `@JOB` on Advantest.
Both of these controls support a block form, which allows it to be applied to a group of test
and, in the case of enable words, it also provides a way to implement AND and OR logic:
# OR - Run these tests if either word is set
if_enable [:word1, :word2] do
func: :test1
func: :test2
# AND - Run these tests if both words are set
if_enable :word1 do
if_enable :word2 do
func: :test1
func: :test2
#### Execution Based on Relational Expressions
The following methods are available to describe these cases:
* **whenever** - Run the test(s) if the relational expression evaluates to TRUE
* **whenever_all** - Run the test(s) if ALL of the relational expressions evaluate to TRUE
* **whenever_any** - Run the test(s) if ANY of the relational expressions evaluate to TRUE
The following relational operators are available for use with the above methods:
* **eq** - equal to
* **ne** - not equal to
* **gt** - greater than
* **ge** - greater than or equal to
* **lt** - less than
* **le** - less than or equal to
Here are some examples of how to apply these methods:
# Run these tests if VAR1 is greater than 2
whenever gt(:var1, 2) do
func: :test1
func: :test2
# Run these tests if VAR1 is greater than 2 AND VAR2 is less than VAR3
whenever_all gt(:var1, 2), lt(:var2, :var3) do
func: :test1
func: :test2
# Run these tests if VAR1 is greater than 2 OR VAR2 is less than VAR3
whenever_any gt(:var1, 2), lt(:var2, :var3) do
func: :test1
func: :test2
Additionally, these variables can be set in the flow using the **set** method as shown in here:
# Set the VAR1 = 1
set :var1, 1
set :var2, 'OFF'
set :var3, 3.14
# Update VAR1 value based on some runtime condition
if_enable :some_other_variable do
set :var1, 3
# Run these tests if VAR1 is greater than 2
whenever gt(:var1, 2) do
func: :test1
func: :test2
#### Execution Based on a Previous Test
The following methods are available to describe these cases:
* **if_ran / unless_ran** - Run only if a previous test did or did not run
* **if_failed (unless_passed)** - Run only if a previous test failed
* **if_passed (unless_failed)** - Run only if a previous test passed
All of these methods require you to provide the ID of the previous test on which
the conditional execution will depend.
This ID must be assigned by you in the flow line of the previous test by adding
an `:id` key, like this:
para :vreg_meas, softbin: 105, lo: 1.12, hi: 1.34, id: :vreg_meas_1
The ID can be any value you like as long as it is unique, Origen will raise an error
if any duplicate IDs are encountered.
On the dependent tests the API is similar to the previous examples except the ID
of the previous test is given in place of the enable flag or job name.
Here are some examples:
para :vreg_meas, softbin: 105, lo: 1.12, hi: 1.34, id: :vreg_meas_1
# Automatically characterize the vreg if the measurement fails
para :vreg_meas, softbin: 107, cz: true, if_failed: :vreg_meas_1
# Then bin out
bin 3, softbin: 105, if_failed: :vreg_meas_1
# Check if the HVST has already been run on this device
func :rd_vreg_hvst_passcode, softbin: 50, vdd: :nom, id: :vreg_hvst_done
# If not run it
func :vreg_hvst, softbin: 101, hv: 10.V, vdd: :max, unless_passed: :vreg_hvst_done
# And program the flag for next time
func :pgm_vreg_hvst_passcode, softbin: 51, vdd: :nom, unless_passed: :vreg_hvst_done
Origen automatically takes care of setting up all of the tests in the relationship:
* The parent tests in the relationship are automatically set to continue on fail
* Flag(s) will be set to indicate whether the parent test passed or failed
* Conditional execution flags are set on all dependent tests
AND and OR conditions can be created by using `if_any/all_failed/passed`
variations as follows:
func :test1, id: :t1
func :test2, id: :t2
# OR logic - This test will run if either of the referenced tests fail
func :test3, if_any_failed: [:t1, :t2]
# AND logic - This test will only run if both of the referenced tests fail
func :test4, if_all_passed: [:t1, :t2]
# Block forms are available as with all condition APIs
if_any_passed [:t1, :t2] do
#### References to External Tests
It is possible to generate conditional relationships between tests that span across
different flow modules, in that case the test ID must be appended with `:extern_`.
This will indicate to Origen that the reference is external and
will prevent an error being raised for the ID not being found within the current flow.
Here is an example:
# program/flow_1.rb
Flow.create do
# This ID can only be referenced within this flow
func :test1, id: :t1
# This ID can be referenced outside of this flow
func :test2 id: :extern_t2
# program/flow_2.rb
Flow.create do
# This will generate an undefined ID error
func :test3, if_failed: :t1
# But this will work, since the ID's name indicates that it is an intentional external reference
func :test4, if_failed: :extern_t2
#### Applying Conditions to Sub-Flows
All of the flow control methods have a block form which will apply the
condition to all tests within the block.
A very useful pattern is to split your code into small re-usable snippets
and then wrap the import with these flow control methods to apply conditional
For example, here the 'FH' job requirement will be applied to all tests
imported from the vreg component:
# Only run the vreg tests at hot
if_job "FH" do
import "components/vreg"
#### Conditions Applied to Groups
Groups can also be used to implement AND/OR logic, here is an example of how you
might implement a speed binning flow:
group "200Mhz", id: :spec200 do
func :test1_200
func :test2_200
# Bin out to bin 1 if passed at 200 Mhz, here if_passed will apply to all tests in the group
pass 1, if_passed: :spec200
group "100Mhz", id: :spec100 do
func :test1_100
func :test2_100
# Bin out to bin 2 if passed at 100 Mhz, here if_passed will apply to all tests in the group
pass 2, if_passed: :spec100
# Otherwise we have failed
bin 3
#### Manually Setting and Referencing Flags
It may be sometimes be necessary to react on a flag that is controlled by a 3rd party and
which will be passed into an Origen-based test block, or to set a flag which a 3rd
party test block will later reference.
An API exists to manually set and react to flags in these situations:
log "Example of manual flag setting upon pass or fail"
test :test1, on_pass: { set_flag: :my_pass_flag }, on_fail: { set_flag: :my_fail_flag }, continue: true
# Execute only if the above pass flag was set
test :test2, if_flag: :my_pass_flag
# Execute only if the above pass flag was not set
unless_flag :my_pass_flag do
test :test3
Note that flag names will usually be forced to uppercase, this is to institute a convention that
flags/flow variables are always uppercased in order to avoid any test program bugs from
incorrectly referencing a given flag due to case sensitivity.
However, if you need to reference a flag from a 3rd party test module that does not follow this
convention, then a literal flag can be supplied by prefixing it with `$` as shown below:
test :test1, on_fail: { set_flag: :$My_Mixed_Flag }, continue: true
test :test2, if_flag: "$My_Mixed_Flag"
unless_flag "$My_Mixed_Flag" do
test :test3
test :extra_test, if_enable: :$MCEn_extras
unless_enable "$MCEn_test" do
test :test1
test :test2
In all cases the `$` will be removed from the final flag name that appears in the test program.
Whenever you set a flag or automation initializes a variable, you can remove the variable from initialization flow by labeling as a global flag
with the `add_global_flag` API. The below example will set the `global` variable in the flow but not initialize it to a value. `non_global` will behave as normal.
add_global_flag :global
test :global_test1, on_fail: { set_flag: :$non_global }, continue: true
unless_flag "$global" do
set_flag '$non_global'
if_flag "$non_global" do
set_flag '$global'
#### Adding the V93K bypass option:
Add the flow bypass option:
Flow.create interface: 'My::Interface', flow_bypass: true do
test :test1
Flow.create interface: 'My::Interface' do
flow.flow_bypass = true
test :test1
Add group bypass option:
group :my_group, bypass: true do
test :test1
Add group comment/description options;
group :my_other_group, comment: "This is the other group" do
test :test1
#### Flow Loops for V93k (SMT7 only)
Use flow loop control to permit re-running tests without using additional sequence labels.
loop from: 0, to: 5, step: 1, var: '$LOOP_VARIABLE' do
func :test_myloop, number: 56000
Indicating step value is optional, default is 1.
These loops can also be nested:
loop from: 0, to: 9, step: 2, var: '$LOOP_VARIABLE1'do
loop from: 1, to: 10, step: 1, var: '$LOOP_VARIABLE2' do
loop from: 1, to: 5, step: 1, var: '$LOOP_VARIABLE3' do
func :test_myloop5, number: 56400
You can also indicate a test number increment if desired (default is 1):
loop from: 0, to: 5, var: '$LOOP_VARIABLE', test_num_inc: 2 do
func :test_myloop3, number: 56200
Decrementing loops, having `from:` value > `to:` value and using negative `step:`, is also supported.
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