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P;.PP*PR{. j.UEЃ9Ejuu2E}th ua,4t=F. P-PP*PR- j~-R u2E؃}tZ4t=- P"-PP*PRb- j-uu,E}tv u^+ u,4t=5- P,PP*PR, jm,AEE܋EEu u+tv u* u),4t=, P+PP*PR#, j+U܋EE U u+te u*4t=+ PI+PP*PR+ j,+E܋]US$1-wEEE EEEeE1EEPu`vE}tA jjuuu; E u%)}tEUe+t]USx,4wEE,EEЋu Pu(uEEE;Er̋E]US,vEE/EEЋuuP(uEEE;E rɋE]US4+uveE1EPPqE܃PuJ6u PhX;PP* ul)jdjPu}E u( u' u|' = 40000array[i] == iappend_string_to_arrayprepend_string_to_arraytest 3WorldCount %zu void test3()count == 1Hellocount == 2equal_strings(my_array[0], "World")equal_strings(my_array[1], "Hello") Array: %sTotal Length: %zu shellescapereverse_stringecho Hello, world!Original command: %s void test4()FOUNDATIONAL_LIB_STRLEN(command) < FOUNDATIONAL_LIB_STRLEN(escaped_command)Escaped command: %s Hello, world!'; rm -rf / # ( && | > <Unsafe Input: %s Escaped Output: %s reverse Original string: %s Reversed string: %s esreverequal_strings("esrever", reversed)This is a sample textThistextYesNo Does the string start with "%s"? %s Does the string end with "%s"? %s void test5()starts_with(text, prefix)ends_with(text, suffix)ThI!starts_with(text, "ThI")XT!ends_with(text, "XT")The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog.String: "%s" Index of first occurrence of '%c': %zd Index of last occurrence of '%c': %zd Hello123Is "%s" alphabetic? %s 12345123abc Is "%s" numeric? %s void test8()is_string_numeric(numeric)Is "%s" numeric? %s is_string_numeric(non_numeric) == 0Hello_123 Is "%s" alphanumeric? %s is_string_alphanumeric(alphanumeric)Is "%s" alphanumeric? %s is_string_alphanumeric(non_alphanumeric) == 0longest_common_prefixlongest_common_suffixapricotappetizerLongest common prefix: "%s" document.txtpresentation.pptspreadsheet.xlsx Longest common suffix: "%s" 3232void test9()equal_strings("3232", str_number) Integer: %d String representation: "%s" -1234567equal_strings("-1234567", str_number)3.14Converted to double: %f aeiou String: "%s" Index of first vowel: %zd Index of last vowel: %zd grapeJoined string: "%s" Original string: "%s" Reversed in place: "%s" string_to_title_caseCommon prefix of "%s" and "%s": "%.*s" ripe Common suffix of "%s" and "%s": "%.*s" the quick brown fox Original sentence: "%s" Title case sentence: "%s" The Quick Brown Foxvoid test13()equal_strings(title_case, "The Quick Brown Fox")Maximum value in the array: %d Minimum value in the array: %d Sum of elements in the array: %d Original array: %d Reversed array: Is the array sorted in ascending order? %s Is the array sorted in descending order? %s generate_range Generated Range: Original Array: Sorted Array: 121212Converted string to integer: %d rbread_file_into_stringwrite_to_file_with_modewex_ample.txtHello, File I/O!Content written to '%s': %s Content read from '%s': '%s' aexisting_file.txtnon_existing_file.txtDoes file '%s' exist? %s This line is appended! Content appended to '%s': %s rget_file_sizeError: Cannot get file sizeSize of file '%s': %zu bytes remove_filefile_to_remove.txtError: Unable to create fileThis file will be removed. File '%s' created. copy_filewbsource_file.txtdestination_file.txtError: Unable to create source fileThis is the source file content.Source file '%s' created. void test23()copy_file(source_file_to_copy, destination_file_copy) != -1list_files_with_pattern.*.cFiles matching pattern '%s' in directory '%s' (length is %zu): concatenate_string_arrayFORreplace_memoryreplace_allreplace_all_with_callbackfoxcatOriginal sentence: %s Sentence after replacement: %s The quick brown cat jumps over the lazy dog.void test6()equal_strings("The quick brown cat jumps over the lazy dog.", replaced)How much wood would a woodchuck chuck if a woodchuck could chuck wood?wood Occurrences of "%s" in the text: %zu occurrences == 4count_occurrences_of_substr_len("Foobar", 6, "o", 1) == 2 ? oFoobarcount_occurrences_of_substr_len("Foobar", 6, "o", 1) == 2Pass substr len assert 1.count_occurrences_of_substr_len("Foobar", 0, "o", 1) == 0Pass substr len assert 2.count_occurrences_of_substr_len("Foobar", 6, "o", 0) == 0Pass substr len assert 3.count_occurrences_of_substr_len("Foobar", 0, "o", 0) == 0Pass substr len assert 4.12abcIs "%s" a valid integer? %s void test12()is_string_valid_integer(valid_integer)!is_string_valid_integer(invalid_integer)Hello, world! How are you?Concatenated String 1: '%s' void test26()equal_strings("Hello, world!", concatenated_str)Concatenated String 2: '%s' Hello, world! How are you?equal_strings("Hello, world! How are you?", concatenated_multi_str)void test27()equal_array_of_ints(dup, array, array_size)Mapped Int Result: Reduced Result: %d void test28()sum_result == 15void test29()equal_array_of_ints(filtered_numbers, array, sizeof(array) / sizeof(array[0]))Filtered Result: %d %dvoid test30()numbers[i] == (i + 1) * 2void test31()void test32()filtered_size == 2filtered_numbers[0] == 2filtered_numbers[1] == 4list_comprehensionFOUNDATIONAL_LIB_list_comprehension_workerlist_comprehension_multithreaded List Comprehension Result (1-15 inclusive) x2 if greater than 5: Equal in size%zu void test34()equal_array_of_ints((int *)numbers_expect, (int *)result, sizeof(numbers_expect) / sizeof(numbers_expect[0]))MULTITHREADMULTITHREAD DONEresult_size2 == 10equal_array_of_ints((int *)numbers_expect, (int *)result2, sizeof(numbers_expect) / sizeof(numbers_expect[0]))List Comprehension Result (on 4 threads) (1-15 inclusive) x2 if greater than 5: reject_arrayselect_array %zu void test35()rejected_result[0] == 1rejected_result[1] == 3rejected_result[2] == 5result_size == 3Reject Result: Select Result: result_size == 2selected_result[0] == 2selected_result[1] == 4replicateReplicated Integer Array: void test36()replicated_int_array[i + j] == j + 1Replicated Character Array: replicated_char_array[i + j] == 'a' + jMaximum Value: %d void test39()max_val == 9Minimum Value: %d min_val == 1Sum of Elements: %d sum == 44Average of Elements: %.2f average == 4HELLOworld void test40()is_string_upper(uppercaseStr)is_string_lower(lowercaseStr)!is_string_upper(lowercaseStr)!is_string_lower(uppercaseStr)is_string_alpha(alphanumericStr)!is_string_alpha(spaceStr)is_string_digit(digitStr)!is_string_digit(alphanumericStr)is_string_space(spaceStr)!is_string_space(alphanumericStr)string_array_uniqkiwiBefore Uniq like in ruby (as opposed to bash):%s Error with array uniqvoid test44()unique_size == 4After Uniq like in ruby (as opposed to bash):string_array_uniq_adjacentBefore Uniq bash:void test45()new_size == 6After Uniq bashdict_new_instancedict_resizedict_addfrozen_dict_new_instancedict_to_array%pdict_to_string%s: %p%s: %stest 48void test48()value == NULLThe value for 'banana' is: %p is curved.is red or greenis cutebarks a lotdogribbitsfrogwalksThe value for 'banana' is: %s equal_strings(value, "is curved.")The value for 'apple' is: %s equal_strings(value, "is red or green")Error dict to arraysize_of_keys_and_values == dict_size(my_dict) && dict_size(my_dict) == 6test 48. Printing dict keys in dict of size %zu {%zu => %zu} Printing dict values%d. %s To aAdding 1000dasdasdasdsadsadasdasdasdas valuedasdasdasdsadsadasdasdasdasdict_destructor(my_dict)dict_destructor(my_dict) done.new frozen dictfrozen_dict_size(myFrozenDict) == 2new frozen dict madeFrozendict size is %zu set_new_instanceset_resizeset_addfrozen_set_new_instanceset_to_arrayset_to_stringtest 49The value for 'banana' is: %d void test49()ret == 0Set | The value for 'banana' is: %d ret == 1Error set_to_arrayPrinting set keysFrozenset | The value for 'banana' is: %d Frozenset | The value for 'apple' is: %d Frozenset | Frozenset size is %zu Test 50 - randomness.cherrydateelderberryvoid test50()strlen(str) >= strlen("date")Test 52void test52(int)set_size(set) == 33 size set should be. 3 <=> %zu. Adding an additional 20,000 members to the set%d_value20003 <=> %zu, %d. set_size(set) == 20003Del 1000 value pre.1000_valueDel 1000 value post.set_size(set) == 2000220002new_valueset add new_value post %zu catdogAfter 50,000 insertions. Set size should be 20004 <=> %zu set_size(set) == 20004test 52 | set destructortest52Set destroyed %s %s Thequickbrownjumpedoverthelazy$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~~~~~~~~~~:) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :)set_size(set) == 13%zu of 10,000 (size 13) barsize == 1Adding an additional 20,000 members to the dict%d_keyAdded 20,000 elementsSize of dictionary is %zu. It should be %zu size + 20 * 1000 == dict_size(dict)PRESENTNOTAdding the same value 60,000 times, which is %s in dictionary. Added 'foo' 60,000 times.size + 20 * 1000 + 0 == dict_size(dict)Deleting keys 60,000 times and adding and deleting random keys.20000_key12100_key4000_key4_keysize + 20 * 1000 + 1 - 5 == dict_size(dict)dict_destructor(dict)dict destroyedABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ[\]^_`bcdefghijklnpqstuvxyzbacktickscd /tmp; pwd/tmp void test53()equal_strings(output, "/tmp\n")Getting input works (popen) works - output is '/tmp' on UNIX./usr/share/dict/wordsReading words file into array. lines > 1000/usr/share/dict/words is %zu lines and we can efficiently play around with it in a more easy fashion than Python. Shuffling wordsRandomly chosen word is %s. void test0()FOUNDATIONAL_LIB_safe_mul(2, 5) == 10FOUNDATIONAL_LIB_safe_add_2(30, 50) == 80FOUNDATIONAL_LIB_safe_add_3(30, 50, 9920) == 10000Allocation works.Line one Line two line two Line 3 size == 4Line one equal_strings("Line one\n", lines[0])Line two line two equal_strings("Line two line two\n", lines[1])Line 3 equal_strings("Line 3\n", lines[2])equal_strings("", lines[3])Test 54.void test54()countString == 2Test 1 passes.countBanana == 1Test 2 passes.countKiwi == 0Test 3 passes.Malloc 9 failed. new_[i]FOOBARcount_occurrences_of_data_in_array((const void **)new_, 7, "FOO\0\0\0BAR", 9) == 3read_files_into_array, Dog][Replacement #Test new 1foo example fooOriginal: %s Replaced: %s Test new 2 worldHello worldvoid test_new_2()equal_strings(c, "Hello world")Cat Hello, world! Hello, universe!aaaaaaaaaaaaaCat aaaaaaaaaaaaa, world! aaaaaaaaaaaaa, universe!equal_strings("Cat aaaaaaaaaaaaa, world! aaaaaaaaaaaaa, universe!", out)should_free_after_use1000 iterationsFoo!should_free_after_useout_len == strlen(input)read_files_into_array(files, 5, &words_data, &lens, 1)read_files_into_array(files, 5, &words_data, &lens, 1) != -1 Words file %d is %zu shortsupershortdownloadAll tests pass.@?; Pt<+p^( Hhxo,sPFt'W $ P t   `0 HT x 1 %  4 RX | 2   c 0 ]T x   G 5 [, P t `! F" "D#$#H%l&I'''(z*4*T6+t7,.///$0H0l:1v5667 7D8h8;;-<<IA@#BdaEFG%HJJ<LlORSQTT T@UdMVdVWWWX,0YLnYpKZZZ[m\\8\X,^|P`bbHjmro@qd)qQqtuw x0yT5zxzz {U{}(L=p;Ѕg,Lp\%F XDmd7^ 6P͘tY @$Hԟhaԡ)P8d] h\HlL Q aL x R  W,![@!`T!zR| \0D 0xF J tx?;*2$"Th=^AB Z {EAB A `AB \ AB  N{AB w GAB C (wAB s  H'WAB DO ,lZAB F}AAA (AB FAAA AB   AB D  AB D  0AB D  TWAB DO  x1AB Di  YAB U  C0AB D(  OIAB DA (tAB EAA  0COAB DG  TnAB D  xCAB D;  AB D (AB EAA  AB D  (AB D  4VAB DN  X-AB D%  |'fAB D^  iAB D (9AB EtAA  ?AB Dw  oAB Dg  8}AB Du  \KcAB D[  AB D   GAB D  ,GAB D  OAB D  `AB DX  4gAB D_  XDVAB DN  |v AB D  L 3AB D+  [AB D  %&AB D^  'GAB D  0JhAB D`  TAB D  xB~AB Dv  AB D ^{AB w  AB D{  AB D  (AB D  L+9AB D1 p@qAB m qAB m EAB A AB |  gAB G  >^AB Z 4 |^AB Z  T AB D  x OAB DG  AB D  AB Y  0AB Dh   AB D  ( &AB D^  L BAB Dz  p <AB D4  $HAB D@  %=AB Du  %AB D  }&=AB Du  $ &0AB Dh  H &AB D  l F',AB D$  N)AB D  )AB D  -*AB D  *rAB N`  /AB D (D />AB E3AA  p 2AB D  `3AB D  4WAB S  %5AB D  7=AB y , 7AB FAAA  L 29 AB D  p AB D  2??AB D7  M@\AB DT @AB P  y@7AB D/ DAUAB Q dAAB S  AAB D HBAB | BAB Y  B8AB D0  CCAB   ,C>AB Dv  PCAB D tD|AB x  E0AB l  EAB D EAB  MF&AB b SF(AB d  8[FqAB Di  \G$AB D (IAB EAA (KAB EAA  HSAB G  VAB D  *XAB D DY(AB d dY(AB d  YAB D  D\AB D  ]AB D _KAB G  _AB D  4aLAB DD  XaLAB DD  |aLAB DD b<AB x  !bLAB DD  Ib/AB D'  TdAB D  ,7fAB D ,PgAB FAAA  9iZAB DR ojcAB _  j2AB D*  kAB D  3lZAB V  ,mlAB D  PnAB D  tnUAB DM  ptAB Dl Aq!AB ]  BqAB D  rtAB Dl $ sAB Q DsAB Q  drAB D  t'AB D_  t'AB D_ ,tnAB FaAAA ,vCAB F6AAA  0{AB D  TQ|2AB D* x_}ZAB V  }AB D  <AB D  LAB DD  sAB Dk (c!AB ]  HdAB D  l̓sAB Dk AB Q AB Q  +AB D#   'AB D_ (AB EAA  DAB D  huXAB DP  AB D  5[AB DS  lAB D ,  MAB D (FAB E;AA (, JAB E?AA  X+AB D  |AB D ,=AB FAAA 8D IuCutu|ux AAAC  # 4EN BP  ]]o<   ^   oo` ooo>]FVfv&6FVfv&6FVfv&6FVfv`q%s%u%w%y%{%}%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %%%%%%%%%%%]%%%O %%%%v %%%GCC: (Ubuntu 11.4.0-1ubuntu1~22.04) 11.4.0-?q-4-5;;.intU/,mU;a U 4/U  \ (0}c 4 " 411|3Uu 6 7  8 9 : v; 5< = @ $eA (B , D0F4yHU8 IU<J @M-DNGFuOGQH Y L[T+\X]\m^ `_ d`Uhbl"2 +  "  4  (   4'U?M %H1%41    UH ?mD IE remF GNtIOm remPmuQ_ j;  430) .UBBB G45std        5 K a      ) J k |       7     $     ? absO fmfabsKXXabsG__abs=mmabs83&div1Z U 6!_U_f_5ni UKla<BB7div\UUS &^  U ho UJFk'v|U( U4v_ -U ;U U=22 $l US8I0        $  ? &divZ mm%bmmq$m|m Ut$ U&|X? bfZ  '  + .k 3  4  6 U 6 m 6  6  6  7  8 5 9 K : a <  <  <  >  @  C  D  E ) G J H | J  K  L  M  N  P  Q 79b&& `:     {   - &  ! 4;DIR 6 c' )keye' f'  n i'4 k'f l' m'  x'f )keyz'^{'  |'k  k 4      e  8 UUk */  U@$RO UnU  U111 U1U  U1pB1J1;z UQU)} UgU!1?U(BBd+B U"'>T'$peU|U@! % !CLC+AE 4D U B=UR=U%== Uud =e0=@c=hT*=4 ==C= out= = U = = a= = = =Hoi=Bi=U  4  4  4 ==`4 =d= \= ho= b4 o=CLo=XHi3}=bW r 4tQ=UJ Q=>\Q=TAQ=gXQ=y!TQ=UN6)i\=h+^=d  6 4& ;{F;j; ; h%(; ; mem; *len; a; _i;U~j0i;U~ % 4  : 4? ;hL';\; T=; `i;Xx;d;;h  4  R;kFV; HSW; Th%%TZ; XXB=i;L2l;\&u; `wiw;Pbz;d};hs=; a'=;N'=;he=;BS=; RC; h#@iF;l B :^:P :c:rR: h=i:l|Q9 Q9?\Q9UX Q9d TW9 `l9d=t9 h8 >838D 8 1\N%8 PS8 T8 X8 `# N8\l"8 dO 9h  4  8P 8'Uset 8}h!N"} i8}m8 }08 }i8U|q^8 Ii,8U|7i58U|?Z i:8U}L'iO8}mir8U}^y8 key{8 %>i8U}^i8U}889i8} p  4  4  49 ( 4: 77X|7 Ph% =hi7LFUstr8T)7%;m[ min7]; max7p;7Bl7UZW7;7Ki7d{j7h7lr7#eXWr7?r7Ojv7 l  6uset6\ret6 U`h% 7 T 7 Xs7 df!7h '86 set867l>6 TP6 lN%Y6 `Si?6X;A6 \i[6dx]6 h 16'160<5U^+ set545A5O 5/05+5 lNZi5`5d;V 5 hX5I set5@_54" set53xl5Usy setl5; keyl5Lp5 lq5 h5<5)4 <5H"B >5dN qO5\t4iR5`}keyT5h  4 (5!< B (5D 5Us set 5. key 5?5 l5 h2 }4UTL,! set}4/ key}4@+end44 h%4 lN2CUl2 D2 \N%p2 P$i2H V 2k L0i2T<V 2k X % 4 % g2'E%g2+'$ U2'k%U2)1UF&} 161D1RF&1b  1=0161 h1 lN%_oi1\1`ŻPV 1k d '$1ͺu&} 1B,$1&} 150Dt&} 0@,$ key0R1 lV 1k h0*,$'0J"v 0,$`N'F0XEi0\0key0d^0h ' 4' 0!'} 0F,$`0t(} `03 key`0Ed0 lV e0k h0UU(} 01 key0C^0N+endG00 hO0k lN(=}iL/0k `-00k d ( 4( />)} /6 key/H/ lL/k d-/k hp/U!)} /4/ `N)1/f d9i/XBkV /k \VQL /"k h. / l ) 4 )>/DzZW* key>/4>/@B/ pcC/ Ut !/0*} /9B`i/dKHV /k h_.L "/"k l.$2*} .lNE,cV+,C\,UX,gT0,V+` f+ 4 ,AZ+,+T`, P , @, Dh%/+i,H9/i,L , 4,U,!,C,W ,e,x  2, \N,i,X , 4, C,?-E,+T`G, PQ, @XR, Dh%yW/'-iK,H 5i^,L,U%.,:,HS,V,f  2 , lNR, X(-i!,\)i',`5 ), Ud<bj,,h M+/.PO+\P+`pQ+dR+hS+lh%+UiL. +7*U-<. *7E*UL/ *7"*UL>/ *7 *UILh/ *7 r*m/t* /@`v*  y* Uh%C* Usum* Uo* _ U/ 4 e*_"K60e*>e*L )5S1 ) S1\) D$) H ) h[) L) P ) Th%) Xe1i)URj)Ul-#1i)Udi)UQj)U@ Uc1 4)t 2^)3B)B)V)h ) dN ) h) l9i)` e)2 g) 2X`h) Hi) L k) n) Ph%<) T92iy)@9i)D U2 4_)U( 3^_)8Ba)tY)Ua(B3^Y)8B[)t*)қ-4^*)6B*)E*)Y*)j<4  *) mul5) `N<) dSC) XkiF)\VH)Bh.6M)lU<4B -4(C,5^(6B(E(Y(j<4  ( mul( `N( dS( XWki)\`V)Bh.6 )l (6 ( 6~( "6~`( ~( ~ ( ~( ~h%8( 6M( ~W( ~( ~K( ~( ~ U"6 4 U26 4 'Ž8'JB`'^'q% ' o';  ' K'M L( ( DN8( H( L#( P,( T7( X@( \ I(#8` W( dz X(  Y( ( #7i[( ](ret^( h#7iz( |( Ui(@ 8 4 8 m  'U8'L '#8`' dmul' hN8' l8i'Xs:i'\ 8 4*8 '$9 '=^%9Cmap%MC%>%&%4%A/%S  ]/i%l %8> % 2X`% len% @ % Ddup% H{% L% Ph%{: %U>^%,U%Ux\?^%, %;2 %M %`k? 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