const mongoose = require('mongoose'); const Code = require('./basetypes/Code'); const Interval = require('./basetypes/Interval'); const Quantity = require('./basetypes/Quantity'); const [mNumber, mString, mBoolean, Mixed, ObjectId, mDate] = [ mongoose.Schema.Types.Number, mongoose.Schema.Types.String, mongoose.Schema.Types.Boolean, mongoose.Schema.Types.Mixed, mongoose.Schema.Types.ObjectId, mongoose.Schema.Types.Date, ]; const MeasureSchema = mongoose.Schema( { // ID/other measure information id: mString, measure_id: mString, hqmf_id: mString, hqmf_set_id: mString, hqmf_version_number: mNumber, cms_id: mString, title: mString, description: mString, type: mString, category: { type: mString, default: 'Uncategorized' }, // Measure type variables episode_of_care: mBoolean, continuous_constiable: mBoolean, episode_ids: [], // Publishing data (used by Bonnie) published: mBoolean, publish_date: mDate, version: mNumber, // ELM/CQL Measure-logic related data elm_annotations: Mixed, cql: [mString], elm: [Mixed], main_cql_library: mString, cql_statement_dependencies: Mixed, // HQMF/Tacoma-specific Measure-logic related data population_criteria: Mixed, data_criteria: Mixed, source_data_criteria: Mixed, measure_period: Interval, measure_attributes: [], populations: [Mixed], populations_cql_map: Mixed, observations: [Mixed], // TODO: Depending on how we restructure the Measure/Population object, may be deleted in the future population_ids: Mixed, value_sets: [{ type: ObjectId, ref: 'ValueSet' }], complexity: Mixed, // Bonnie-specific? // Relations to other model classes user: { type: ObjectId, ref: 'User', index: true }, // Bonnie-specific bundle: { type: ObjectId, ref: 'Bundle' }, // Cypress-specific, but used in Bonnie-bundler as well package: { type: ObjectId, ref: 'MeasurePackage' }, // Bonnie specific }, // Options { timestamps: { createdAt: 'created_at', updatedAt: 'updated_at' }, // These are the Mongoid conventions for timestamps } ); MeasureSchema.virtual('ALL_POPULATION_CODES').get(() => ['STRAT', 'IPP', 'DENOM', 'DENEX', 'NUMER', 'NUMEX', 'DENEXCEP', 'MSRPOPL', 'OBSERV', 'MSRPOPLEX']); MeasureSchema.virtual('cqlSkipStatements').get(() => ['SDE Ethnicity', 'SDE Payer', 'SDE Race', 'SDE Sex']); module.exports.MeasureSchema = MeasureSchema; module.exports.Measure = mongoose.model('measure', MeasureSchema);