require 'base_test' require 'methadone' require 'stringio' require 'fileutils' class TestMulti < BaseTest include Methadone::Main include Methadone::CLILogging module Commands class Walk include Methadone::Main include Methadone::CLILogging main do |distance| puts "walk called" end options[:direction] = 0 description "moves slowly for a given distance" on '-s', '--silly-walk' on '-d', '--direction DIRECTION', Integer, "Compass cardinal direction" arg "distance", "How far to walk" end class Run include Methadone::Main include Methadone::CLILogging main do |distance, duty_cycle| puts "run called" end options[:direction] = 0 description "moves quickly for a given distance" on '-s', '--silly-walk' on '-d', '--direction DIRECTION', Integer, "Compass cardinal direction" arg "distance", "How far to run" arg "duty_cycle", "Percent of time spent running (default: 100)", :optional end class Greet include Methadone::Main options[:lang] = 'es' main do msg = case options[:lang] when 'en' 'Hello' when 'fr' 'Bonjour' when 'es' 'Hola' else '????' end msg = msg.upcase if options[:yell] puts msg end end class Say include Methadone::Main on '--yell', "Be loud", :global command 'greeting' => ::TestMulti::Commands::Greet end end def setup @original_argv = ARGV.clone ARGV.clear @old_stdout = $stdout $stdout = @logged = @orig_logger = logger @custom_logger = change_logger @custom_logger @original_home = ENV['HOME'] fake_home = '/tmp/fake-home' FileUtils.rm_rf(fake_home) FileUtils.mkdir(fake_home) ENV['HOME'] = fake_home end def teardown @commands = nil change_logger @orig_logger set_argv @original_argv ENV.delete('DEBUG') ENV.delete('APP_OPTS') $stdout = @old_stdout ENV['HOME'] = @original_home end test_that "commands can be specified" do When { command "walk" => Commands::Walk } Then number_of_commands_should_be(1) Then commands_should_include("walk") Then { provider_for_command("walk").should be Commands::Walk } end test_that "command providers must accept go! message" do Given { module Commands class WontWork end end } When { @error = nil begin command "trythis" => Commands::WontWork rescue Exception => error @error = error end } Then number_of_commands_should_be(0) Then { @error.should be_a_kind_of(::Methadone::InvalidProvider) } end test_that "command is detected in the arguments" do Given { main do end command "walk" => Commands::Walk set_argv %w(walk 10) } When run_go_safely Then { opts.selected_command.should eq('walk') } end test_that "command in the arguments causes the right command to be called" do Given app_has_subcommands('walk','run') And { version '1.2.3' set_argv %w(walk 10) } When run_go_safely Then { opts.command_names.should include('walk') opts.command_names.should include('run') $stdout.string.should match(/walk called/) } And number_of_commands_should_be(2) end test_that "help is displayed if no command on command line" do Given app_has_subcommands('walk','run') And { @main_called = false main do @main_called = true puts 'main called' end } When run_go_safely Then main_should_not_be_called And help_shown And { assert_logged_at_error("You must specify a command") } end test_that "app with subcommands list subcommands in help" do Given app_has_subcommands('walk','run') When { setup_defaults opts.post_setup } Then { opts.to_s.should match /(?m)Commands:\n.*walk: moves slowly/ opts.to_s.should match /(?m)Commands:\n.*run: moves quickly/ } And { opts.to_s.should match /Usage:.*command \[command options and args...\]/ } end test_that "app without subcommands do not list command prefix in help" do Given { main do end on '--switch' on '--flag FOO' arg 'must_have' arg 'optionals', :any } When { setup_defaults opts.post_setup } Then { opts.to_s.should_not match /Commands:/m } end test_that "subcommand can get its own help" do Given app_has_subcommands('walk','run') And { version '1.2.3' set_argv %w(walk -h) } When run_go_safely Then { $stdout.string.should match /Usage: #{::File.basename($0)} walk \[options\] distance/ } end someday_test_that "rc_file can specify defaults for each subcommand" do end test_that "subcommand help shows global options from parent" do Given app_has_subcommands('walk','run') And { version '1.2.3' set_argv %w(walk -h) on '-w','--wow', :global, "This is a global option" } When run_go_safely Then { $stdout.string.should match /Usage: #{::File.basename($0)} \[global options\] walk \[options\] distance/ $stdout.string.should match /(?m)Global options:\n.*-w, --wow *This is a global option/ $stdout.string.should_not match /(?m)Global options:\n.*-v, --version/ } end test_that "subcommands have access to global options" do Given app_has_subcommands('greet') And { options[:lang] = 'en' on '-l', '--lang LANG','Set the language', :global set_argv %w(-l fr greet) } When run_go_safely Then { $stdout.string.should match /Bonjour/ $stdout.string.should_not match /Hello/ $stdout.string.should_not match /Hola/ $stdout.string.should_not match /\?\?\?\?/ } end test_that "subcommands of subcommands help shows parents global options" do Given app_is_three_layers_deep_with_middle_layer_having_global_options And { set_argv %w(say --yell greeting) } When run_go_safely Then { cmd_opts = opts.commands['say'].opts.commands['greeting'].opts cmd_opts.to_s.should match /say \[options [f]or say\] greeting/ cmd_opts.to_s.should match /(?m)Options [f]or say:\n.*--yell *Be loud/ cmd_opts.to_s.should_not match /\[global options\]/ cmd_opts.to_s.should_not match /Global options:/ $stdout.string.should match /HOLA/ } end test_that "subcommands of subcommands help shows parents global options and base global options" do Given app_is_three_layers_deep_with_middle_layer_having_global_options And { on '-l', '--lang LANG','Set the language', :global set_argv %w(-l en say --yell greeting) } When run_go_safely Then { cmd_opts = opts.commands['say'].opts.commands['greeting'].opts cmd_opts.to_s.should match /\[global options\] say \[options [f]or say\] greeting/ cmd_opts.to_s.should match /(?m)Options [f]or say:\n.*--yell *Be loud/ cmd_opts.to_s.should match /(?m)Global options:\n.*-l, --lang LANG *Set the language/ $stdout.string.should match /HELLO/ } end private def commands_should_include(cmd) proc { opts.commands.keys.should include(cmd) } end def number_of_commands_should_be(num) proc { opts.commands.keys.length.should be(num)} end def provider_for_command(cmd) opts.commands[cmd] end def app_has_subcommands(*args) proc { args.each do |cmd| command cmd => get_const("TestMulti::Commands::#{cmd.capitalize}") end } end def app_is_three_layers_deep_with_middle_layer_having_global_options proc { # Requires special resetting to ensure proper behaviour reset! command 'say' => get_const("TestMulti::Commands::Say") opts.commands['say'].instance_variable_get(:@options).delete_if {|k,v| true} opts.commands['say'].opts.commands['greeting'].instance_variable_get(:@options).delete_if {|k,v| true} opts.commands['say'].opts.commands['greeting'].instance_variable_get(:@options)[:lang] = 'es' } end def help_shown proc {assert $stdout.string.include?(opts.to_s),"Expected #{$stdout.string} to contain #{opts.to_s}"} end def app_to_use_rc_file lambda { @switch = nil @flag = nil @args = nil main do |*args| @switch = options[:switch] @flag = options[:flag] @args = args end defaults_from_config_file '.my_app.rc' on('--switch','Some Switch') on('--flag FOO','Some Flag') } end def main_that_exits(exit_status) proc { main { exit_status } } end def app_to_use_environment lambda { @switch = nil @flag = nil @args = nil main do |*args| @switch = options[:switch] @flag = options[:flag] @args = args end defaults_from_env_var 'APP_OPTS' on('--switch','Some Switch') on('--flag FOO','Some Flag') } end def main_should_not_be_called { assert !@main_called,"Main block was called?!" } end def main_shouldve_been_called { assert @main_called,"Main block wasn't called?!" } end def run_go_safely { safe_go! } end # Calls go!, but traps the exit def safe_go! go! rescue SystemExit end def run_go!; proc { go! }; end def assert_logged_at_error(expected_message) @logged.string.should include expected_message end def assert_exits(exit_code,message='',&block) fail "Expected an exit of #{exit_code}, but we didn't even exit!" rescue SystemExit => ex assert_equal exit_code,ex.status,@logged.string end def set_argv(args) ARGV.clear args.each { |arg| ARGV << arg } end def get_const(class_name) unless /\A(?:::)?([A-Z]\w*(?:::[A-Z]\w*)*)\z/ =~ class_name raise NameError, "#{class_name.inspect} is not a valid constant name!" end Object.module_eval("::#{$1}", __FILE__, __LINE__) end end