module Dryml class Taglib @cache = {} class << self def get(options) src_file = taglib_filename(options) taglib = @cache[src_file] if taglib taglib.reload else taglib = @cache[src_file] = taglib end taglib end def clear_cache @cache = {} end private def taglib_filename(options) plugin = options[:plugin] rails_root = Object.const_defined?(:Rails) ? Rails.root : "." base = if plugin == "dryml" "#{Dryml.root}/taglibs" elsif plugin == "hobo" "#{Hobo.root}/lib/hobo/rapid/taglibs" elsif options[:src] =~ /\// "#{rails_root}/app/views" elsif options[:template_dir] =~ /^#{Hobo.root}/ options[:template_dir] elsif options[:absolute_template_path] options[:absolute_template_path] else "#{rails_root}/#{options[:template_dir].gsub(/^\//, '')}" # remove leading / if there is one end src = options[:src] || plugin filename = "#{base}/#{src}.dryml" raise DrymlException, "No such taglib: #{base} #{options.inspect} #{filename}" unless File.exists?(filename) filename end end def initialize(src_file) @src_file = src_file load end def reload load if File.mtime(@src_file) > @last_load_time end def load @module = do @tag_attrs = {} @tag_aliases = [] class << self def included(base) @tag_aliases.each do |tag, feature| if base.respond_to? :alias_method_chain_on_include base.alias_method_chain_on_include tag, feature else base.send(:alias_method_chain, tag, feature) end end end def _register_tag_attrs(tag, attrs) @tag_attrs[tag] = attrs end attr_reader :tag_attrs def alias_method_chain_on_include(tag, feature) @tag_aliases << [tag, feature] end end end template =, @module, @src_file) template.compile([], []) @last_load_time = File.mtime(@src_file) end def import_into(class_or_module, as) if as # Define a method on class_or_module named whatever 'as' # is. The first time the method is called it creates and # returns an object that provides the taglib's tags as # methods. On subsequent calls the object is cached in an # instance variable "@_#{as}_taglib" taglib_module = @module ivar = "@_#{as}_taglib" class_or_module.send(:define_method, as) do instance_variable_get(ivar) or begin as_class = { include taglib_module } as_object = as_object.copy_instance_variables_from(self) instance_variable_set(ivar, as_object) end end else class_or_module.send(:include, @module) class_or_module.tag_attrs.update(@module.tag_attrs) if @module.respond_to?(:tag_attrs) end end end end