class CharacterSet module RubyFallback module SetMethods Enumerable.instance_methods.concat(%w[empty? length size]).each do |mthd| class_eval <<-RUBY, __FILE__, __LINE__ + 1 def #{mthd}(*args, &block) @__set.#{mthd}(*args, &block) end RUBY end %w[< <= > >= disjoint? intersect? proper_subset? proper_superset? subset? superset?].each do |mthd| class_eval <<-RUBY, __FILE__, __LINE__ + 1 def #{mthd}(enum, &block) if enum.is_a?(CharacterSet) || enum.is_a?(CharacterSet::Pure) enum = enum.instance_variable_get(:@__set) end @__set.#{mthd}(enum, &block) end RUBY end %w[<< === add add? clear collect! delete delete? delete_if each filter! hash include? map! member? keep_if reject! select! subtract].each do |mthd| class_eval <<-RUBY, __FILE__, __LINE__ + 1 def #{mthd}(*args, &block) result = @__set.#{mthd}(*args, &block) result.is_a?(Set) ? self : result end RUBY end %w[& + - ^ | difference intersection union].each do |mthd| class_eval <<-RUBY, __FILE__, __LINE__ + 1 def #{mthd}(enum, &block) if enum.respond_to?(:map) enum = { |el| el.is_a?(String) ? el.ord : el } end{mthd}(enum, &block).to_a) end RUBY end %w[taint untaint].each do |mthd| class_eval <<-RUBY, __FILE__, __LINE__ + 1 def #{mthd} @__set.#{mthd} super end RUBY end unless RUBY_PLATFORM[/java/i] def freeze @__set.to_a @__set.freeze super end end def merge(other) raise ArgumentError, 'pass an Enumerable' unless other.respond_to?(:each) # pass through #add to use the checks in SetMethodAdapters other.each { |e| add(e) } self end def ==(other) if equal?(other) true elsif other.instance_of?(self.class) @__set == other.instance_variable_get(:@__set) elsif other.is_a?(CharacterSet) || other.is_a?(CharacterSet::Pure) size == other.size && other.all? { |cp| @__set.include?(cp) } else false end end def eql?(other) return false unless other.is_a?(self.class) @__set.eql?(other.instance_variable_get(:@__set)) end def initialize_dup(orig) super @__set = orig.instance_variable_get(:@__set).dup end def initialize_clone(orig) super @__set = orig.instance_variable_get(:@__set).clone end def to_a(stringify = false) result = @__set.to_a stringify ? { |cp| cp.chr('utf-8') } : result end end end end