module Measures # Utility class for loading CQL measure definitions into the database from the MAT export zip class CqlLoader < BaseLoaderDefinition def self.mat_cql_export?(zip_file) # Open the zip file and iterate over each of the files. do |zip_file| # Check for CQL, HQMF, ELM and Human Readable cql_entry = zip_file.glob(File.join('**','**.cql')).select {|x| !'__MACOSX') }.first elm_json = zip_file.glob(File.join('**','**.json')).select {|x| !'__MACOSX') }.first human_readable_entry = zip_file.glob(File.join('**','**.html')).select { |x| !'__MACOSX') }.first # Grab all xml files in the zip. zip_xml_files = zip_file.glob(File.join('**','**.xml')).select {|x| !'__MACOSX') } if zip_xml_files.count > 0 xml_files_hash = extract_xml_files(zip_file, zip_xml_files) !cql_entry.nil? && !elm_json.nil? && !human_readable_entry.nil? && !xml_files_hash[:HQMF_XML].nil? && !xml_files_hash[:ELM_XML].nil? else false end end end def self.load_mat_cql_exports(user, zip_file, out_dir, measure_details, vsac_user, vsac_password, overwrite_valuesets=false, cache=false, includeDraft=false, ticket_granting_ticket=nil) measure = nil cql = nil hqmf_path = nil # Grabs the cql file contents, the elm_xml contents, elm_json contents and the hqmf file path files = get_files_from_zip(zip_file, out_dir) # Load hqmf into HQMF Parser hqmf_model = Measures::Loader.parse_hqmf_model(files[:HQMF_XML_PATH]) # Get main measure from hqmf parser main_cql_library = hqmf_model.cql_measure_library cql_artifacts = process_cql(files, main_cql_library, user, vsac_user, vsac_password, overwrite_valuesets, cache, includeDraft, ticket_granting_ticket, hqmf_model.hqmf_set_id) # Create CQL Measure hqmf_model.backfill_patient_characteristics_with_codes(cql_artifacts[:all_codes_and_code_names]) json = hqmf_model.to_json json.convert_keys_to_strings # Loop over data criteria to search for data criteria that is using a single reference code. # Once found set the Data Criteria's 'code_list_id' to our fake oid. Do the same for source data criteria. json['data_criteria'].each do |data_criteria_name, data_criteria| # We do not want to replace an existing code_list_id. Skip. unless data_criteria['code_list_id'] if data_criteria['inline_code_list'] # Check to see if inline_code_list contains the correct code_system and code for a direct reference code. data_criteria['inline_code_list'].each do |code_system, code_list| # Loop over all single code reference objects. cql_artifacts[:single_code_references].each do |single_code_object| # If Data Criteria contains a matching code system, check if the correct code exists in the data critera values. # If both values match, set the Data Criteria's 'code_list_id' to the single_code_object_guid. if code_system == single_code_object[:code_system_name] && code_list.include?(single_code_object[:code]) data_criteria['code_list_id'] = single_code_object[:guid] # Modify the matching source data criteria json['source_data_criteria'][data_criteria_name + "_source"]['code_list_id'] = single_code_object[:guid] end end end end end end # Create CQL Measure measure = Measures::Loader.load_hqmf_cql_model_json(json, user, cql_artifacts[:all_value_set_oids], main_cql_library, cql_artifacts[:cql_definition_dependency_structure], cql_artifacts[:elms], cql_artifacts[:elm_annotations], files[:CQL], nil, cql_artifacts[:value_set_oid_version_objects]) measure['episode_of_care'] = measure_details['episode_of_care'] measure['type'] = measure_details['type'] # Create, associate and save the measure package. measure.package = measure end def self.load(file, user, measure_details, vsac_user=nil, vsac_password=nil, overwrite_valuesets=false, cache=false, includeDraft=false, ticket_granting_ticket=nil) measure = nil Dir.mktmpdir do |dir| measure = load_mat_cql_exports(user, file, dir, measure_details, vsac_user, vsac_password, overwrite_valuesets, cache, includeDraft, ticket_granting_ticket) end measure end # Manages all of the CQL processing that is not related to the HQMF. def self.process_cql(files, main_cql_library, user, vsac_user=nil, vsac_password=nil, overwrite_valuesets=nil, cache=nil, includeDraft=nil, ticket_granting_ticket=nil, measure_id=nil) elm_strings = files[:ELM_JSON] # Removes 'urn:oid:' from ELM for Bonnie and Parse the JSON elm_strings.each { |elm_string| elm_string.gsub! 'urn:oid:', '' } elms ={ |elm| JSON.parse(elm, :max_nesting=>1000)} elm_annotations = parse_elm_annotations(files[:ELM_XML]) # Hash of define statements to which define statements they use. cql_definition_dependency_structure = populate_cql_definition_dependency_structure(main_cql_library, elms) # Go back for the library statements cql_definition_dependency_structure = populate_used_library_dependencies(cql_definition_dependency_structure, main_cql_library, elms) # fix up statement names in cql_statement_dependencies to not use periods Measures::MongoHashKeyWrapper::wrapKeys cql_definition_dependency_structure # Depening on the value of the value set version, change it to null, strip out a substring or leave it alone. modify_value_set_versions(elms) # Grab the value sets from the elm elm_value_sets = [] elms.each do | elm | # Confirm the library has value sets if elm['library'] && elm['library']['valueSets'] && elm['library']['valueSets']['def'] elm['library']['valueSets']['def'].each do |value_set| elm_value_sets << {oid: value_set['id'], version: value_set['version'], profile: value_set['profile']} end end end # Get Value Sets value_set_models = [] if (vsac_user && vsac_password) || ticket_granting_ticket begin value_set_models = Measures::ValueSetLoader.load_value_sets_from_vsac(elm_value_sets, vsac_user, vsac_password, user, overwrite_valuesets, includeDraft, ticket_granting_ticket, cache, measure_id) rescue Exception => e raise "Error Loading Value Sets from VSAC: #{e.message}" end else # if VSAC credentials aren't provided, find the value sets in the database elm_value_sets.each do |elm_value_set| version = elm_value_set[:version] || "N/A" # 'N/A' is what is stored in the DB for value sets without versions query_params = {user_id:, oid: elm_value_set[:oid]} if (elm_value_set[:profile]) query_params[:profile] = elm_value_set[:profile] else query_params[:version] = version end value_set = HealthDataStandards::SVS::ValueSet.where(query_params).first() if value_set value_set_models << value_set elsif version == "N/A" # if the version is "N/A" and a value set doesn't exist with that version, just grab the existing value set value_set = HealthDataStandards::SVS::ValueSet.where({user_id:, oid: elm_value_set[:oid]}).first() if value_set value_set_models << value_set end end end end # Get code systems and codes for all value sets in the elm. all_codes_and_code_names = HQMF2JS::Generator::CodesToJson.from_value_sets(value_set_models) # Replace code system oids with friendly names # TODO: preferred solution would be to continue using OIDs in the ELM and enable Bonnie to supply those OIDs # to the calculation engine in patient data and value sets. replace_codesystem_oids_with_names(elms) # Generate single reference code objects and a complete list of code systems and codes for the measure. single_code_references, all_codes_and_code_names = generate_single_code_references(elms, all_codes_and_code_names, user) # Add our new fake oids to measure value sets. all_value_set_oids = value_set_models.collect{|vs| vs.oid} single_code_references.each do |single_code| all_value_set_oids << single_code[:guid] end # Add a list of value set oids and their versions value_set_oid_version_objects = get_value_set_oid_version_objects(value_set_models, single_code_references) cql_artifacts = {:elms => elms, :elm_annotations => elm_annotations, :cql_definition_dependency_structure => cql_definition_dependency_structure, :all_value_set_oids => all_value_set_oids, :value_set_oid_version_objects => value_set_oid_version_objects, :single_code_references => single_code_references, :all_codes_and_code_names => all_codes_and_code_names} end # returns a list of objects that include the valueset oids and their versions def self.get_value_set_oid_version_objects(value_sets, single_code_references) # [LDC] need to make this an array of objects instead of a hash because Mongo is # dumb and *let's you* have dots in keys on object creation but *doesn't let you* # have dots in keys on object update or retrieve.... value_set_oid_version_objects = [] value_sets.each do |vs| value_set_oid_version_objects << {:oid => vs.oid, :version => vs.version} end single_code_references.each do |single_code| value_set_oid_version_objects << {:oid => single_code[:guid], :version => ""} end value_set_oid_version_objects end # Replace all the code system ids that are oids with the friendly name of the code system # TODO: preferred solution would be to continue using OIDs in the ELM and enable Bonnie to supply those OIDs # to the calculation engine in patient data and value sets. def self.replace_codesystem_oids_with_names(elms) elms.each do |elm| # Only do replacement if there are any code systems in this library. if elm['library'].has_key?('codeSystems') elm['library']['codeSystems']['def'].each do |code_system| code_name = HealthDataStandards::Util::CodeSystemHelper.code_system_for(code_system['id']) # if the helper returns "Unknown" then keep what was there code_system['id'] = code_name unless code_name == "Unknown" end end end end # Adjusting value set version data. If version is profile, set the version to nil def self.modify_value_set_versions(elms) elms.each do |elm| if elm['library']['valueSets'] && elm['library']['valueSets']['def'] elm['library']['valueSets']['def'].each do |value_set| # If value set has a version and it starts with 'urn:hl7:profile:' then set to nil if value_set['version'] && value_set['version'].include?('urn:hl7:profile:') value_set['profile'] = URI.decode(value_set['version'].split('urn:hl7:profile:').last) value_set['version'] = nil # If value has a version and it starts with 'urn:hl7:version:' then strip that and keep the actual version value. elsif value_set['version'] && value_set['version'].include?('urn:hl7:version:') value_set['version'] = URI.decode(value_set['version'].split('urn:hl7:version:').last) end end end end end # Add single code references by finding the codes from the elm and creating new ValueSet objects # With a generated GUID as a fake oid. def self.generate_single_code_references(elms, all_codes_and_code_names, user) single_code_references = [] # Add all single code references from each elm file elms.each do | elm | # Check if elm has single reference code. if elm['library'] && elm['library']['codes'] && elm['library']['codes']['def'] # Loops over all single codes and saves them as fake valuesets. elm['library']['codes']['def'].each do |code_reference| code_sets = {} # look up the referenced code system code_system_def = elm['library']['codeSystems']['def'].find { |code_sys| code_sys['name'] == code_reference['codeSystem']['name'] } code_system_name = code_system_def['id'] code_system_version = code_system_def['version'] code_sets[code_system_name] ||= [] code_sets[code_system_name] << code_reference['id'] # Generate a unique number as our fake "oid" code_guid = SecureRandom.uuid # Keep a list of generated_guids and a hash of guids with code system names and codes. single_code_references << { guid: code_guid, code_system_name: code_system_name, code: code_reference['id'] } all_codes_and_code_names[code_guid] = code_sets # Create a new "ValueSet" and "Concept" object and save. valueSet ={oid: code_guid, display_name: code_reference['name'], version: '' ,concepts: [], user_id:}) concept ={code: code_reference['id'], code_system_name: code_system_name, code_system_version: code_system_version, display_name: code_reference['name']}) valueSet.concepts << concept! end end end # Returns a list of single code objects and a complete list of code systems and codes for all valuesets on the measure. return single_code_references, all_codes_and_code_names end # Opens the zip and grabs the cql file contents, the ELM contents (XML and JSON) and hqmf_path. def self.get_files_from_zip(zip_file, out_dir) do |file| cql_entries = file.glob(File.join('**','**.cql')).select {|x| !'__MACOSX') } zip_xml_files = file.glob(File.join('**','**.xml')).select {|x| !'__MACOSX') } elm_json_entries = file.glob(File.join('**','**.json')).select {|x| !'__MACOSX') } begin cql_paths = [] cql_entries.each do |cql_file| cql_paths << extract(file, cql_file, out_dir) if cql_file.size > 0 end cql_contents = [] cql_paths.each do |cql_path| cql_contents << open(cql_path).read end elm_json_paths = [] elm_json_entries.each do |json_file| elm_json_paths << extract(file, json_file, out_dir) if json_file.size > 0 end elm_json = [] elm_json_paths.each do |elm_json_path| elm_json << open(elm_json_path).read end xml_file_paths = extract_xml_files(file, zip_xml_files, out_dir) elm_xml_paths = xml_file_paths[:ELM_XML] elm_xml = [] elm_xml_paths.each do |elm_xml_path| elm_xml << open(elm_xml_path).read end files = { :HQMF_XML_PATH => xml_file_paths[:HQMF_XML], :ELM_JSON => elm_json, :CQL => cql_contents, :ELM_XML => elm_xml } return files rescue Exception => e raise "Error Parsing Measure Logic: #{e.message}" end end end private def self.parse_elm_annotations(xmls) elm_annotations = {} xmls.each do |xml_lib| lib_annotations = CqlElm::Parser.parse(xml_lib) elm_annotations[lib_annotations[:identifier][:id]] = lib_annotations end elm_annotations end # Loops over the populations and retrieves the define statements that are nested within it. def self.populate_cql_definition_dependency_structure(main_cql_library, elms) cql_statement_depencency_map = {} main_library_elm = elms.find { |elm| elm['library']['identifier']['id'] == main_cql_library } cql_statement_depencency_map[main_cql_library] = {} main_library_elm['library']['statements']['def'].each { |statement| cql_statement_depencency_map[main_cql_library][statement['name']] = retrieve_all_statements_in_population(statement, elms) } cql_statement_depencency_map end # Given a starting define statement, a starting library and all of the libraries, # this will return an array of all nested define statements. def self.retrieve_all_statements_in_population(statement, elms) all_results = [] if statement.is_a? String statement = retrieve_sub_statement_for_expression_name(statement, elms) end sub_statement_names = retrieve_expressions_from_statement(statement) # Currently if sub_statement_name is another Population we do not remove it. if sub_statement_names.length > 0 sub_statement_names.each do |sub_statement_name| # Check if the statement is not a built in expression sub_library_name, sub_statement = retrieve_sub_statement_for_expression_name(sub_statement_name, elms) if sub_statement all_results << { library_name: sub_library_name, statement_name: sub_statement_name } end end end all_results end # Finds which library the given define statement exists in. # Returns the JSON statement that contains the given name. # If given statement name is a built in expression, return nil. def self.retrieve_sub_statement_for_expression_name(name, elms) elms.each do | parsed_elm | parsed_elm['library']['statements']['def'].each do |statement| return [parsed_elm['library']['identifier']['id'], statement] if statement['name'] == name end end nil end # Traverses the given statement and returns all of the potential additional statements. def self.retrieve_expressions_from_statement(statement) expressions = [] statement.each do |k, v| # If v is nil, an array is being iterated and the value is k. # If v is not nil, a hash is being iterated and the value is v. value = v || k if value.is_a?(Hash) || value.is_a?(Array) expressions.concat(retrieve_expressions_from_statement(value)) else if k == 'type' && (v == 'ExpressionRef' || v == 'FunctionRef') # We ignore the Patient expression because it isn't an actual define statment in the cql expressions << statement['name'] unless statement['name'] == 'Patient' end end end expressions end # Loops over keys of the given hash and loops over the list of statements # Original structure of hash is {IPP => ["In Demographics", Measurement Period Encounters"], NUMER => ["Tonsillitis"]} def self.populate_used_library_dependencies(starting_hash, main_cql_library, elms) # Starting_hash gets updated with the create_hash_for_all call. starting_hash[main_cql_library].keys.each do |key| starting_hash[main_cql_library][key].each do |statement| create_hash_for_all(starting_hash, statement, elms) end end starting_hash end # Traverse list, create keys and drill down for each key. # If key is already in place, skip. def self.create_hash_for_all(starting_hash, key_statement, elms) # If key already exists, return hash if (starting_hash.has_key?(key_statement[:library_name]) && starting_hash[key_statement[:library_name]].has_key?(key_statement[:statement_name])) return starting_hash # Create new hash key and retrieve all sub statements else # create library hash key if needed if !starting_hash.has_key?(key_statement[:library_name]) starting_hash[key_statement[:library_name]] = {} end starting_hash[key_statement[:library_name]][key_statement[:statement_name]] = retrieve_all_statements_in_population(key_statement[:statement_name], elms).uniq # If there are no statements return hash return starting_hash if starting_hash[key_statement[:library_name]][key_statement[:statement_name]].empty? # Loop over array of sub statements and build out hash keys for each. starting_hash[key_statement[:library_name]][key_statement[:statement_name]].each do |statement| starting_hash.merge!(create_hash_for_all(starting_hash, statement, elms)) end end starting_hash end end end