Given /^there is an edit tab containing "([^\"]*)"$/ do |contents| tab = contents = eval(contents.inspect.gsub("\\\\", "\\")) cursor_offset = (contents =~ //) contents = contents.gsub("", "") tab.edit_view.document.text = contents if cursor_offset tab.edit_view.document.cursor_offset = cursor_offset end end When /^I open a new edit tab$/ do end When /^I close the focussed tab$/ do end When /I switch (up|down) a tab/ do |type| case type when "down" when "up" end end When /I move (up|down) a tab/ do |type| case type when "down" when "up" end end Then /^there should be (one|\d+) (.*) tabs?$/ do |num, tab_type| if num == "one" num = 1 else num = num.to_i end # in the model tabs = {|nb| nb.tabs }.flatten tabs.length.should == num # in the GUI case tab_type when "edit" tab_class = Redcar::EditTab end tabs = get_tabs tabs.length.should == num end Then /^the edit tab should have the focus$/ do tabs = get_tabs edit_tabs = {|t| t.is_a?(Redcar::EditTab)} edit_tabs.length.should == 1 edit_tabs.first.controller.edit_view.mate_text.get_text_widget.is_focus_control?.should be_true end Then /^there should be no open tabs$/ do get_tab_folder.getItems.to_a.length.should == 0 end Then /^the tab should be focussed within the notebook$/ do tab_folder = get_tab_folder tab_folder.get_selection.should == tab_folder.getItems.to_a.first end Then /^the tab should have the keyboard focus$/ do tab = get_tab(get_tab_folder) tab.controller.edit_view.is_current?.should be_true end Then /^I should (not )?see "(.*)" in the edit tab$/ do |bool, content| content = content.gsub("\\n", "\n") bool = !bool matcher = bool ? be_true : be_false focussed_tab.edit_view.document.to_s.include?(content).should matcher end Then /^my active tab should be "([^"]*)"$/ do |name| focussed_tab.title.should == name end