00 Unspecified Default 01 Publisher to retailers Publisher as supplier to retail trade outlets 02 Publisher's exclusive distributor to retailers 03 Publisher's non-exclusive distributor to retailers 04 Wholesaler Wholesaler supplying retail trade outletsĀ  05 Sales agent DEPRECATED - use (ONIX 2.1) or (ONIX 3.0) to specify a sales agent 06 Publisher's distributor to retailers In a specified supply territory. Use only where exclusive/non-exclusive status is not known. Prefer 02 or 03 as appropriate, where possible. 07 POD supplier Where a POD product is supplied to retailers and/or consumers direct from a POD source. 08 Retailer 09 Publisher to end-customers Publisher as supplier direct to consumers and/or institutional customers 10 Exclusive distributor to end-customers Intermediary as exclusive distributor direct to consumers and/or institutional customers 11 Non-exclusive distributor to end-customers Intermediary as non-exclusive distributor direct to consumers and/or institutional customers 12 Distributor to end-customers Use only where exclusive/non-exclusive status is not known. Prefer 10 or 11 as appropriate, where possible.