Locomotive.Views.Inputs ||= {} class Locomotive.Views.Inputs.ArrayView extends Backbone.View events: 'click a.add': 'begin_add_item' 'keypress input[type=text]': 'begin_add_item_from_enter' 'click a.delete': 'delete_item' initialize: -> @$list = @$('.list') @$new_input = @$('.new-field .input') @$new_button = @$('.new-field a') @template_url = @$new_button.attr('href') render: -> @make_sortable() @make_selectable() @hide_if_empty() make_sortable: -> @$list.sortable items: '> .item' handle: '.draggable' axis: 'y' placeholder: 'sortable-placeholder' cursor: 'move' start: (e, ui) -> ui.placeholder.html('
') update: (e, ui) => @$list.find('> .item:not(".hide")').each (index) -> $(this).find('.position-in-list').val(index) make_selectable: -> return if @$new_input.prop('tagName') != 'SELECT' if @$new_input.data('list-url')? @make_remote_selectable() else @make_simple_selectable() make_remote_selectable: -> Select2Helpers.build @$new_input @$new_input.on 'change', (e) => @begin_add_item(e) make_simple_selectable: -> @$new_input.select2 templateResult: @format_select_result templateSelection: @format_select_result format_select_result: (state) -> return state.text unless state.id? display = $(state.element).data('display') $("#{if display? then display else state.text}") begin_add_item_from_enter: (event) -> return if event.keyCode != 13 @begin_add_item(event) begin_add_item: (event) -> event.stopPropagation() & event.preventDefault() return unless @is_unique() data = {} data[@$new_input.attr('name')] = @$new_input.val() $.ajax url: @template_url data: data success: (response) => @add_item(response) add_item: (html) -> # add to the list of items @$list.append(html) @showEl(@$list) # refresh the text field @reset_input_field() delete_item: (event) -> $link = $(event.target).closest('a') # call the url directly return if $link.attr('href') != '#' $item = $link.parents('.item') $destroy_input = $item.find('.mark-as-destroyed') if $destroy_input.size() > 0 # mark item as destroyed and hide the item $destroy_input.val('1') $item.addClass('hide') @$list.find('> .item.last-child').removeClass('last-child') @$list.find('> .item:not(".hide"):last').addClass('last-child') else # remove the item from the dom $item.remove() # do not display the list if no visible items @hide_if_empty() hide_if_empty: -> if @$list.find('> .item:not(".hide")').size() == 0 @hideEl(@$list) if @$list.hasClass('new-input-disabled') $(@el).find('> .form-wrapper').hide() is_unique: -> _.indexOf(@get_ids(), @$new_input.val()) == -1 get_ids: -> _.map @$list.find('> .item'), (item, i) -> $(item).data('id') reset_input_field: -> @$new_input.val(null).trigger('change') showEl: (el) -> el.removeClass('hide') hideEl: (el) -> el.addClass('hide')