/*================================================================= Copyright (C) 2013-2016 BizStation Corp All rights reserved. This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. =================================================================*/ #include "connMgr.h" #include "database.h" #pragma package(smart_init) namespace bzs { namespace db { namespace protocol { namespace tdap { namespace client { static const _TCHAR* SYSVAR_NAME[TD_VAR_SIZE] = { _T("database_version"), _T("transactd_version"), _T("address"), _T("port"), _T("hostcheck_username"), _T("max_tcp_connections"), _T("table_name_lowercase"), _T("pool_threads"), _T("tcp_server_type"), _T("lock_wait_timeout"), _T("transaction_isolation"), _T("auth_type"), _T("pipe_comm_sharemem_size"), _T("max_pipe_connections"), _T("use_piped_local"), _T("hs_port"), _T("use_handlersocket"), _T("timestamp_always)") }; static const _TCHAR* SLAVE_STATUS_NAME[SLAVE_STATUS_DEFAULT_SIZE] = { _T("Slave_IO_State"), _T("Master_Host"), _T("Master_User"), _T("Master_Port"), _T("Connect_Retry"), _T("Master_Log_File"), _T("Read_Master_Log_Pos"), _T("Relay_Log_File"), _T("Relay_Log_Pos"), _T("Relay_Master_Log_File"), _T("Slave_IO_Running"), _T("Slave_SQL_Running"), _T("Replicate_Do_DB"), _T("Replicate_Ignore_DB"), _T("Replicate_Do_Table"), _T("Replicate_Ignore_Table"), _T("Replicate_Wild_Do_Table"), _T("Replicate_Wild_Ignore_Table"), _T("Last_Errno"), _T("Last_Error"), _T("Skip_Counter"), _T("Exec_Master_Log_Pos"), _T("Relay_Log_Space"), _T("Until_Condition"), _T("Until_Log_File"), _T("Until_Log_Pos"), _T("Master_SSL_Allowed"), _T("Master_SSL_CA_File"), _T("Master_SSL_CA_Path"), _T("Master_SSL_Cert"), _T("Master_SSL_Cipher"), _T("Master_SSL_Key"), _T("Seconds_Behind_Master"), _T("Master_SSL_Verify_Server_Cert"), _T("Last_IO_Errno"), _T("Last_IO_Error"), _T("Last_SQL_Errno"), _T("Last_SQL_Error"), _T("Replicate_Ignore_Server_Ids"), _T("Master_Server_Id" ), }; #pragma pack(push, 1) pragma_pack1 struct oldRrecord { __int64 conId; // 8 byte unsigned int id; // 4 byte unsigned short db; // 2 byte short type; // 2 byte char name[CON_REC_VALUE_SIZE]; // 67 byte union { char status; // 1 byte struct { char inTransaction : 1; char inSnapshot : 1; char openNormal : 1; char openReadOnly : 1; char openEx : 1; char openReadOnlyEx : 1; char dummy : 2; }; }; unsigned int readCount; // 4 byte unsigned int updCount; // 4 byte unsigned int delCount; // 4 byte unsigned int insCount; // 4 byte }; // 32 + 68 = 100 #pragma pack(pop) pragma_pop connMgr::connMgr(database* db) : nstable(db) { m_db = db; m_keybuf = &m_params[0]; m_params[0] = 0; m_params[1] = 0; m_keylen = sizeof(m_params); } connMgr::~connMgr() {} database* connMgr::db() const { return m_db; } void connMgr::convertFromOldFormat(bool isInUseTable) { if (m_datalen >= sizeof(oldRrecord)) { oldRrecord* rec = (oldRrecord*)m_pdata; oldRrecord* end = rec + (m_datalen / sizeof(oldRrecord)); int i = 0; while (rec != end) { oldRrecord tmp = *rec; m_records[i].conId = tmp.conId; m_records[i].id = tmp.id; m_records[i].db = tmp.db; m_records[i].type = tmp.type; strncpy(m_records[i].name, tmp.name, CON_REC_VALUE_SIZE); if (isInUseTable) { m_records[i].readCount = tmp.readCount; m_records[i].updCount = tmp.updCount; m_records[i].delCount = tmp.delCount; m_records[i].insCount = tmp.insCount; } ++rec; ++i; } m_datalen = sizeof(connMgr::record) * i; } } bool connMgr::connect(const _TCHAR* uri) { bool ret = m_db->connect(uri, true); m_stat = m_db->stat(); if (m_stat == 0) { m_uri = uri; btrVersions vs; m_db->getBtrVersion(&vs); m_pluginVer = vs.versions[VER_IDX_PLUGIN]; } return ret; } void connMgr::disconnect() { if (m_uri != _T("")) { m_db->disconnect(m_uri.c_str()); m_stat = m_db->stat(); if (m_stat == 0) m_uri = _T(""); } } void connMgr::allocBuffer() { m_records.resize(64000 / sizeof(connMgr::record)); m_datalen = m_buflen = (uint_td)(m_records.size() * sizeof(connMgr::record)); m_pdata = (void*)&m_records[0]; memset(m_pdata, 0, m_datalen); setIsOpen(true); } const connMgr::records& connMgr::getRecords(bool isInUseTable) { tdap(TD_STASTISTICS); if (m_stat == 0 && *((int*)m_keybuf) != (int)sizeof(connMgr::record)) convertFromOldFormat(isInUseTable); if (m_stat == 0) m_records.resize(m_datalen / sizeof(connMgr::record)); else m_records.resize(0); return m_records; } const connMgr::records& connMgr::databases() { m_keynum = TD_STSTCS_DATABASE_LIST; allocBuffer(); return getRecords(); } const connMgr::records& connMgr::doDefinedTables(const _TCHAR* dbname, int type) { m_keynum = type; allocBuffer(); char tmp[128]; #ifdef _UNICODE WideCharToMultiByte(CP_UTF8, 0, dbname,-1, tmp, 128, NULL, NULL); #else strcpy_s(tmp, 128, dbname); #endif m_keybuf = tmp; m_keylen = 128; getRecords(); m_keybuf = &m_params[0]; m_keylen = sizeof(m_params); return m_records; } const connMgr::records& connMgr::tables(const _TCHAR* dbname) { if ((m_pluginVer.majorVersion >= 3) && (m_pluginVer.minorVersion >= 2)) return doDefinedTables(dbname, TD_STSTCS_TABLE_LIST); m_stat = STATUS_NOSUPPORT_OP; m_records.resize(0); return m_records; } const connMgr::records& connMgr::views(const _TCHAR* dbname) { if ((m_pluginVer.majorVersion >= 3) && (m_pluginVer.minorVersion >= 2)) return doDefinedTables(dbname, TD_STSTCS_VIEW_LIST); m_stat = STATUS_NOSUPPORT_OP; m_records.resize(0); return m_records; } const connMgr::records& connMgr::schemaTables(const _TCHAR* dbname) { return doDefinedTables(dbname, TD_STSTCS_SCHEMA_TABLE_LIST); } const connMgr::records& connMgr::slaveStatus() { if ((m_pluginVer.majorVersion >= 3) && (m_pluginVer.minorVersion >= 2)) { m_keynum = TD_STSTCS_SLAVE_STATUS; allocBuffer(); getRecords(); if (m_records.size() > SLAVE_STATUS_DEFAULT_SIZE) m_records.resize(SLAVE_STATUS_DEFAULT_SIZE); return m_records; } m_stat = STATUS_NOSUPPORT_OP; m_records.resize(0); return m_records; } const connMgr::records& connMgr::sysvars() { m_keynum = TD_STSTCS_SYSTEM_VARIABLES; allocBuffer(); return getRecords(); } const connMgr::records& connMgr::connections() { m_keynum = TD_STSTCS_READ; m_params[0] = 0; m_params[1] = 0; allocBuffer(); return getRecords(); } const connMgr::records& connMgr::inUseDatabases(__int64 connid) { m_keynum = TD_STSTCS_READ; m_params[0] = connid; m_params[1] = -1; allocBuffer(); return getRecords(); } const connMgr::records& connMgr::inUseTables(__int64 connid, int dbid) { m_keynum = TD_STSTCS_READ; m_params[0] = connid; m_params[1] = dbid; allocBuffer(); return getRecords(true); } void connMgr::postDisconnectOne(__int64 connid) { m_keynum = TD_STSTCS_DISCONNECT_ONE; m_params[0] = connid; tdap(TD_STASTISTICS); } void connMgr::postDisconnectAll() { m_keynum = TD_STSTCS_DISCONNECT_ALL; tdap(TD_STASTISTICS); } short_td connMgr::stat() { return m_stat; } connMgr* connMgr::create(database* db) { return new connMgr(db); } void connMgr::removeSystemDb(connMgr::records& recs) { for (int i=(int)recs.size() -1; i >= 0; --i) { if ((strcmp(recs[i].name, "mysql") == 0) || (strcmp(recs[i].name, "performance_schema")==0) || (strcmp(recs[i].name, "information_schema")==0) || (strcmp(recs[i].name, "sys")==0)) recs.erase(recs.begin() + i); } } const _TCHAR* connMgr::sysvarName(uint_td index) { if (index < TD_VAR_SIZE) return SYSVAR_NAME[index]; return _T(""); } const _TCHAR* connMgr::slaveStatusName(uint_td index) { if (index < SLAVE_STATUS_DEFAULT_SIZE) return SLAVE_STATUS_NAME[index]; return _T(""); } } // namespace client } // namespace tdap } // namespace protocol } // namespace db } // namespace bzs