# frozen_string_literal: true require "sidekiq/job" require "rails" module Sidekiq class Rails < ::Rails::Engine class Reloader def initialize(app = ::Rails.application) @app = app end def call params = (::Rails::VERSION::STRING >= "7.1") ? {source: "job.sidekiq"} : {} @app.reloader.wrap(**params) do yield end end def inspect "#<Sidekiq::Rails::Reloader @app=#{@app.class.name}>" end def to_hash { app: @app.class.name } end end # By including the Options module, we allow AJs to directly control sidekiq features # via the *sidekiq_options* class method and, for instance, not use AJ's retry system. # AJ retries don't show up in the Sidekiq UI Retries tab, don't save any error data, can't be # manually retried, don't automatically die, etc. # # class SomeJob < ActiveJob::Base # queue_as :default # sidekiq_options retry: 3, backtrace: 10 # def perform # end # end initializer "sidekiq.active_job_integration" do ActiveSupport.on_load(:active_job) do include ::Sidekiq::Job::Options unless respond_to?(:sidekiq_options) end end initializer "sidekiq.backtrace_cleaner" do Sidekiq.configure_server do |config| config[:backtrace_cleaner] = ->(backtrace) { ::Rails.backtrace_cleaner.clean(backtrace) } end end # This hook happens after all initializers are run, just before returning # from config/environment.rb back to sidekiq/cli.rb. # # None of this matters on the client-side, only within the Sidekiq process itself. config.after_initialize do Sidekiq.configure_server do |config| config[:reloader] = Sidekiq::Rails::Reloader.new # This is the integration code necessary so that if a job uses `Rails.logger.info "Hello"`, # it will appear in the Sidekiq console with all of the job context. unless ::Rails.logger == config.logger || ::ActiveSupport::Logger.logger_outputs_to?(::Rails.logger, $stdout) if ::Rails.logger.respond_to?(:broadcast_to) ::Rails.logger.broadcast_to(config.logger) else ::Rails.logger.extend(::ActiveSupport::Logger.broadcast(config.logger)) end end end end end end