## 2.3.0 ### Changed * It is now possible to have multiple email to reply to addresses. Added the option to specify an `email_reply_to_id` when using the `send_email` method. If no `email_reply_to_id` is specified, the default email reply to address will be used. * Upgraded all dependencies * Minor code style changes and fixes for the tests ## 2.2.0 ### Changed * Added a new `send_letter` method * Removed 'govuk-lint' gem as a development dependency ## 2.1.0 ### Changed * Added methods to get templates and generate a preview of a template. * `get_template_by_id` - get the latest version of a template by id. * `get_template_version` - get the template by id and version. * `get_all_templates` - get all templates, can be filtered by template type. * `generate_template_preview` - get the contents of a template with the placeholders replaced with the given personalisation. * See the README for more information about the new template methods. ## 2.0.0 ### Changed * Using version 2 of the notification-api. * A new `Notifications::Client` no longer requires the `service_id`, only the `api_key` is required. * `Notifications::Client.send_sms()` input parameters and the response object has changed, see the README for more information. ```ruby client.sendSms(phone_number, template_id, personalisation, reference) ``` * `Notifications::Client.send_email()` input parameters has changed and the response object, see the README for more information. ```ruby client.sendSms(phone_number, template_id, personalisation, reference) ``` * `reference` is a new optional argument of the send methods. The `reference` can be used as a unique reference for the notification. Because Notify does not require this reference to be unique you could also use this reference to identify a batch or group of notifications. * `Notifications::Client.get_all_notifications()` => the response object has changed. * You can also filter the collection of `Notifications` by `reference`. See the README for more information. * `Notifications::Client.get_notification(id)` => the response object has changed. See the README for more information. * Initializing a client only requires the api key.