Images ****** .. rb:class:: OneAndOne::Image() The :rb:class:`Image` class allows a user to perform actions against the 1and1 API. .. rb:method:: create(server_id: nil, name: nil, description: nil, frequency: nil, num_images: nil) Create a new image. :param server_id: the ID of the server to be copied. :type server_id: ``str`` :param name: image name. :type name: ``str`` :param description: image description. :type description: ``str`` :param frequency: image creation policy. Possible values are ``'ONCE'``, ``'DAILY'``, and ``'WEEKLY'``. :type frequency: ``str`` :param num_images: the number of images to create. :type num_images: ``int`` :rtype: JSON .. rb:method:: modify(image_id: @id, name: nil, description: nil, frequency: nil) Modify an image. :param image_id: the unique identifier for the image. :type image_id: ``str`` :param name: image name. :type name: ``str`` :param description: image description. :type description: ``str`` :param frequency: can only be changed to ``'ONCE'`` :type frequency: ``str`` :rtype: JSON .. rb:method:: delete(image_id: @id) Delete an image. :param image_id: the unique identifier for the image. :type image_id: ``str`` :rtype: JSON .. rb:method:: get(image_id: @id) Retrieve an image's current specs. :param image_id: the unique identifier for the image. :type image_id: ``str`` :rtype: JSON .. rb:method:: list(page: nil, per_page: nil, sort: nil, q: nil, fields: nil) Return a list of all images. :param page: Allows the use of pagination. Indicate which page to start on. :type page: ``int`` :param per_page: Number of items per page. :type per_page: ``int`` :param sort: ``sort: 'name'`` retrieves a list of elements sorted alphabetically. ``sort: 'creation_date'`` retrieves a list of elements sorted by their creation date in descending order. :type sort: ``str`` :param q: ``q`` is for query. Use this parameter to return only the items that match your search query. :type q: ``str`` :param fields: Returns only the parameters requested. (i.e. fields: 'id, name, description, hardware.ram') :type fields: ``str`` :rtype: JSON .. rb:method:: wait_for() Polls the image until an "ACTIVE" state is returned. Use this when chaining actions. :rtype: ``nil``