Another tool to use with Rake. Mattock is a collection of handy Rake extensions I've been using elsewhere and generalized.
Configurable Tasklibs
Rake suggests an idiom for Tasklibs that works very well: do |t|
t.config = :x
And that defines some tasks. Rake's default Tasklib class doesn't do much to support that idiom though, so Mattock's first purpose is to add support for default settings, a yield into a configuration block, and the a setting resolution step.
A Command line scripting API
There's two reasons to do something more complicate that good old
sh 'rm -rf *'
First is composibility. With a Mattock::CommandLine, you can pass the resulting command around and modify it's arguments or encorporate it into a larger pipeline easily.
Second is testability. You can mock out all command line execution and provide fake responses. Additionally, command results can be recorded to make that process easier.
Easy templating
One thing that Thor has on Rake is the ease with which templates can be rendered to files. Mattock::TemplateHost makes it easy to render overridable templates based on the object it's included into.
For more information, check out