aws-security-viz -- A tool to visualize aws security groups 
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  Need a quick way to visualize your current aws/amazon ec2 security group configuration? aws-security-viz does just that based on the EC2 security group ingress configuration. 


* Output to any of the formats that Graphviz supports. 
* EC2 classic and VPC security groups

  $ gem install aws_security_viz
  $ aws_security_viz --help


* graphviz with triangulation `brew install graphviz --with-gts`
* libxml2 `brew install libxml2`* 


To generate the graph directly using AWS keys

  $ aws_security_viz -a your_aws_key -s your_aws_secret_key -f viz.svg --color=true

To generate the graph using an existing security_groups.json (created using aws-cli)

  $ aws_security_viz -o data/security_groups.json -f viz.svg --color

To generate a web view

  $ aws_security_viz -a your_aws_key -s your_aws_secret_key -f aws.json

* Generates two files: aws.json and view.html. 
* The json file name needs to be passed in as a html fragment identifier. 
* The generated graph can be viewed in a webserver e.g. http://localhost:3000/view.html#aws.json by using `python -m SimpleHTTPServer 3000` (python2) or `python -m http.server 3000` (python3)

### Help

$ aws_security_viz --help
  -a, --access-key=<s>     AWS access key
  -s, --secret-key=<s>     AWS secret key
  -r, --region=<s>         AWS region to query (default: us-east-1)
  -o, --source-file=<s>    JSON source file containing security groups
  -f, --filename=<s>       Output file name (default: aws-security-viz.png)
  -c, --config=<s>         Config file (opts.yml) (default: opts.yml)
  -l, --color              Colored node edges
  -h, --help               Show this message

#### Advanced configuration

You can generate a configuration file using the following command:
  $ aws_security_viz setup [-c opts.yml]

The opts.yml file lets you define the following options:

* Grouping of CIDR ips 
* Define exclusion patterns
* Change graphviz format (neato, dot, sfdp etc)


To generate the graph with debug statements, execute the following command 

$ DEBUG=true aws_security_viz -a your_aws_key -s your_aws_secret_key -f viz.svg

If it doesn't indicate the problem, please share the generated json file with me @

You can send me an obfuscated version using the following command:

$ DEBUG=true OBFUSCATE=true aws_security_viz -a your_aws_key -s your_aws_secret_key -f viz.svg

Execute the following command to generate the json. You will need [aws-cli]( to execute the command

`aws ec2 describe-security-groups`


#### Graphviz export


#### Web view