require "capistrano-virtualenv/version" require "capistrano/configuration/actions/file_transfer_ext" require "uri" module Capistrano module Virtualenv def self.extended(configuration) configuration.load { namespace(:virtualenv) { _cset(:virtualenv_use_system, false) # controls whether virtualenv should be use system packages or not. _cset(:virtualenv_script_url, '') _cset(:virtualenv_script_file) { File.join(shared_path, 'virtualenv', File.basename(URI.parse(virtualenv_script_url).path)) } _cset(:virtualenv_bootstrap_python, 'python') # the python executable which will be used to craete virtualenv _cset(:virtualenv_cmd) { [ virtualenv_bootstrap_python, virtualenv_script_file, virtualenv_options, ].flatten.join(' ') } _cset(:virtualenv_options) { os = %w(--quiet) os << "--system-site-packages" if virtualenv_use_system os } _cset(:virtualenv_easy_install_options, %w(--quiet)) _cset(:virtualenv_pip_options, %w(--quiet)) _cset(:virtualenv_pip_install_options, []) _cset(:virtualenv_pip_package, 'pip') _cset(:virtualenv_requirements, []) # primary package list _cset(:virtualenv_requirements_file) { # secondary package list File.join(release_path, 'requirements.txt') } _cset(:virtualenv_build_requirements, {}) _cset(:virtualenv_install_packages, []) # apt packages ## shared virtualenv: ## - created in shared_path ## - to be used to share libs between releases _cset(:virtualenv_shared_path) { File.join(shared_path, 'virtualenv', 'shared') } _cset(:virtualenv_shared_python) { File.join(virtualenv_shared_path, 'bin', 'python') } _cset(:virtualenv_shared_easy_install) { File.join(virtualenv_shared_path, 'bin', 'easy_install') } _cset(:virtualenv_shared_easy_install_cmd) { # execute from :virtualenv_shared_python # since `virtualenv --relocatable` will not set shebang line with absolute path. [ virtualenv_shared_python, virtualenv_shared_easy_install, virtualenv_easy_install_options, ].flatten.join(' ') } _cset(:virtualenv_shared_pip) { File.join(virtualenv_shared_path, 'bin', 'pip') } _cset(:virtualenv_shared_pip_cmd) { [ virtualenv_shared_python, virtualenv_shared_pip, virtualenv_pip_options, ].flatten.join(' ') } ## release virtualenv ## - created in release_path ## - common libs are copied from shared virtualenv ## - will be used for running application _cset(:virtualenv_release_path) { # the path where runtime virtualenv will be created File.join(release_path, 'vendor', 'virtualenv') } _cset(:virtualenv_release_python) { # the python executable within virtualenv File.join(virtualenv_release_path, 'bin', 'python') } _cset(:virtualenv_release_easy_install) { File.join(virtualenv_release_path, 'bin', 'easy_install') } _cset(:virtualenv_release_easy_install_cmd) { [ virtualenv_release_python, virtualenv_release_easy_install, virtualenv_easy_install_options, ].flatten.join(' ') } _cset(:virtualenv_release_pip) { File.join(virtualenv_release_path, 'bin', 'pip') } _cset(:virtualenv_release_pip_cmd) { [ virtualenv_release_python, virtualenv_release_pip, virtualenv_pip_options, ].flatten.join(' ') } ## current virtualenv ## - placed in current_path ## - virtualenv of currently running application _cset(:virtualenv_current_path) { File.join(current_path, 'vendor', 'virtualenv') } _cset(:virtualenv_current_python) { File.join(virtualenv_current_path, 'bin', 'python') } _cset(:virtualenv_current_easy_install) { File.join(virtualenv_current_path, 'bin', 'easy_install') } _cset(:virtualenv_current_easy_install_cmd) { [ virtualenv_current_python, virtualenv_current_easy_install, virtualenv_easy_install_options, ].flatten.join(' ') } _cset(:virtualenv_current_pip) { File.join(virtualenv_current_path, 'bin', 'pip') } _cset(:virtualenv_current_pip_cmd) { [ virtualenv_current_python, virtualenv_current_pip, virtualenv_pip_options, ].flatten.join(' ') } desc("Setup virtualenv.") task(:setup, :except => { :no_release => true }) { transaction { install create_shared } } after 'deploy:setup', 'virtualenv:setup' desc("Install virtualenv.") task(:install, :except => { :no_release => true }) { run("#{sudo} apt-get install #{virtualenv_install_packages.join(' ')}") unless virtualenv_install_packages.empty? dirs = [ File.dirname(virtualenv_script_file) ].uniq() run("mkdir -p #{dirs.join(' ')} && ( test -f #{virtualenv_script_file} || wget --no-verbose -O #{virtualenv_script_file} #{virtualenv_script_url} )") } desc("Uninstall virtualenv.") task(:uninstall, :except => { :no_release => true }) { run("rm -f #{virtualenv_script_file}") } task(:create_shared, :except => { :no_release => true }) { dirs = [ File.dirname(virtualenv_shared_path) ].uniq() cmds = [ ] cmds << "mkdir -p #{dirs.join(' ')}" cmds << "( test -d #{virtualenv_shared_path} || #{virtualenv_cmd} #{virtualenv_shared_path} )" cmds << "( test -x #{virtualenv_shared_pip} || #{virtualenv_shared_easy_install_cmd} #{virtualenv_pip_package} )" cmds << "#{virtualenv_shared_python} --version && #{virtualenv_shared_pip_cmd} --version" run(cmds.join(' && ')) } task(:destroy_shared, :except => { :no_release => true }) { run("rm -rf #{virtualenv_shared_path}") } desc("Update virtualenv for project.") task(:update, :except => { :no_release => true }) { transaction { update_shared create_release } } after 'deploy:finalize_update', 'virtualenv:update' task(:update_shared, :except => { :no_release => true }) { unless virtualenv_requirements.empty? top.safe_put(virtualenv_requirements.join("\n"), virtualenv_requirements_file, :place => :if_modified) end run("touch #{virtualenv_requirements_file} && #{virtualenv_shared_pip_cmd} install #{virtualenv_pip_install_options.join(' ')} -r #{virtualenv_requirements_file}") execute = { |package, options| build_options = ( options || [] ) "#{virtualenv_shared_pip_cmd} install #{virtualenv_pip_install_options.join(' ')} #{build_options.join(' ')} #{package.dump}" } run(execute.join(' && ')) unless execute.empty? } task(:create_release, :except => { :no_release => true }) { dirs = [ File.dirname(virtualenv_release_path) ].uniq() cmds = [ ] cmds << "mkdir -p #{dirs.join(' ')}" # TODO: turn :virtualenv_use_relocatable true if it will be an official features. # `virtualenv --relocatable` does not work expectedly as of virtualenv 1.7.2. if fetch(:virtualenv_use_relocatable, false) cmds << "#{virtualenv_cmd} --relocatable #{virtualenv_shared_path}" cmds << "cp -RPp #{virtualenv_shared_path} #{virtualenv_release_path}" else cmds << "( test -d #{virtualenv_release_path} || #{virtualenv_cmd} #{virtualenv_release_path} )" cmds << "( test -x #{virtualenv_release_pip} || #{virtualenv_release_easy_install_cmd} #{virtualenv_pip_package} )" cmds << "#{virtualenv_release_python} --version && #{virtualenv_release_pip_cmd} --version" cmds << "rsync -lrpt -u #{virtualenv_shared_path}/bin/ #{virtualenv_release_path}/bin/" # copy binaries and scripts from shared virtualenv cmds << "sed -i -e 's|^#!#{virtualenv_shared_path}/bin/python.*$|#!#{virtualenv_release_path}/bin/python|' #{virtualenv_release_path}/bin/*" cmds << "rsync -lrpt #{virtualenv_shared_path}/lib/ #{virtualenv_release_path}/lib/" # copy libraries from shared virtualenv end run(cmds.join(' && ')) } } } end end end if Capistrano::Configuration.instance Capistrano::Configuration.instance.extend(Capistrano::Virtualenv) end # vim:set ft=ruby :