require File.expand_path(File.dirname(__FILE__) + '/../spec_helper') describe UsersController do before(:each) do controller.instance_eval { flash.stub!(:sweep) } end describe "GET login_form" do it "should render the 'login_form' template" do get :login_form response.should render_template(:login_form) end describe "already logged in" do before(:each) do controller.stub!(:logged_in?).and_return(true) end it "should set a success message if already lodded in" do get :login_form flash[:success].should_not be_blank end it "should redirect to the root_path" do get :login_form response.should redirect_to(root_path) end end end describe "POST login" do before do # User.stub!(:new).and_return @user = mock_model(User) @user = mock_model(User, :access_level => User::ACCESS_LEVEL_ADMIN ) User.stub!(:authenticate_by_email).and_return(@user) @user.stub(:remember_token).and_return('mock_remember_token') @user.stub(:remember_token_expires_at).and_return( end it "should authenticate by email" do User.should_receive(:authenticate_by_email).with("mock_email", "mock_password") post :login, :user => { :name => "mock_email", :password => "mock_password"} end it "should set the current user to the authenticated user" do controller.should_receive(:current_user=).with(@user) post :login, :user => { :name => "mock_email", :password => "mock_password"} end describe "authentication passed" do before(:each) do controller.stub!(:logged_in?).and_return(true) end it "should redirect to the root_path" do post :login, :user => { :name => "mock_email", :password => "mock_password"} response.should redirect_to(root_path) end it "should redirect to the session[:return_to] path" do controller.stub(:session).and_return(:return_to => '/mock_return_to') post :login, :user => { :name => "mock_email", :password => "mock_password"} response.should redirect_to('/mock_return_to') end describe ":remember me set" do it "should set the remember me token" do @user.should_receive(:set_remember_token) post :login, :user => { :name => "mock_email", :password => "mock_password"}, :remember_me => "1" end it "should set the auth_token cookie" do cookies = {} controller.stub(:cookies).and_return(cookies) @user.should_receive(:set_remember_token) post :login, :user => { :name => "mock_email", :password => "mock_password"}, :remember_me => "1" cookies[:auth_token][:value].should_not be_blank cookies[:auth_token][:expires].should_not be_blank end end end describe "authentication failed" do before(:each) do User.stub!(:authenticate_by_email).and_return(nil) end it "should set an error message" do post :login, :user => { :name => "mock_email", :password => "mock_password"}[:error].should_not be_blank end it "should render the login form" do post :login, :user => { :name => "mock_email", :password => "mock_password"} response.should render_template(:login_form) end end describe "user account has been disabled" do before(:each) do @user.stub!(:access_level).and_return(User::ACCESS_LEVEL_DISABLED) User.stub!(:authenticate_by_email).and_return(@user) end it "should set an error message" do post :login, :user => { :name => "mock_email", :password => "mock_password"}[:error].should_not be_blank end it "should redirect to the root_path" do post :login, :user => { :name => "mock_email", :password => "mock_password"} response.should redirect_to(root_path) end end end describe "GET logout" do describe "the user is logged in" do it "should reset the current users remember me token" do user = mock_model(User) controller.stub!(:current_user).and_return(user) controller.stub!(:logged_in?).and_return(true) user.should_receive(:reset_remember_token) get :logout end end it "should delete the auth_token cookie" do cookies = {:auth_token => 'mock_token'} controller.stub!(:cookies).and_return(cookies) get :logout cookies[:auth_token].should be_blank end it "should reset the session variables" do controller.should_receive(:reset_session) get :logout end it "should redirec to the login page" do get :logout response.should redirect_to(user_login_path) end end describe "GET details" do before(:each) do controller.stub!(:login_required) end it "should require the user to be logged_in" do controller.should_receive(:login_required) get :details end it "should set the user to the current user" do user = mock_model(User) controller.stub!(:current_user).and_return(user) get :details assigns[:user].should == user end it "should render the details template" do get :details response.should render_template(:details) end end describe "GET change_form" do before(:each) do controller.stub!(:login_required) end it "should require the user to be logged_in" do controller.should_receive(:login_required) get :change_form end it "should set the user to the current user" do user = mock_model(User) controller.stub!(:current_user).and_return(user) get :change_form assigns[:user].should == user end it "should render the user_change_form template" do get :change_form response.should render_template(:change_form) end end describe "POST change" do before do controller.stub!(:login_required) @user = mock_model(User) @user.stub!(:update_attributes).and_return(true) controller.stub!(:current_user).and_return(@user) end it "should require the user to be logged_in" do controller.should_receive(:login_required) post :change, :user => {} end it "should not change the access level" do @user.should_receive(:update_attributes).with({}) post :change, :user => {:access_level => 202} end it "should not change the password" do @user.should_receive(:update_attributes).with({}) post :change, :user => {:password => 'new'} end it "should update the user fields" do @user.should_receive(:update_attributes).with("field_name" => 'field_value') post :change, :user => {:field_name => 'field_value'} end describe "update failed" do before do @user.stub!(:update_attributes).and_return(false) end it "should render the 'user_change_form' template" do post :change, :user => { :name => "value" } response.should render_template(:change_form) end end describe "user updated" do it "should redirect to the user_details path" do post :change, :user => { :name => "value" } response.should redirect_to(user_details_path) end it "should have a success flash message" do post :change, :user => { :name => "value" } flash[:success].should_not be_blank end end end describe "GET pswd_change_form" do before(:each) do controller.stub!(:login_required) end it "should require the user to be logged_in" do controller.should_receive(:login_required) get :pswd_change_form end it "should set the user to the current user" do user = mock_model(User) controller.stub!(:current_user).and_return(user) get :pswd_change_form assigns[:user].should == user end it "should render the pswd_change_form template" do get :pswd_change_form response.should render_template(:pswd_change_form) end end describe "POST pswd_change" do before do controller.stub!(:login_required) @user = mock_model(User, :email => 'mock_email') @user.stub!(:update_attributes).and_return(true) controller.stub!(:current_user).and_return(@user) User.stub!(:authenticate_by_email).and_return(true) @valid_params = {:old_password => 'old password', :password => 'new password', :password_confirmation => 'new password'} end it "should require the user to be logged_in" do controller.should_receive(:login_required) post :pswd_change, :user => @valid_params end it "should require the old_password" do post :pswd_change, :user => @valid_params.except(:old_password)[:error].should_not be_blank response.should render_template(:pswd_change_form) end it "should require the password" do post :pswd_change, :user => @valid_params.except(:password)[:error].should_not be_blank response.should render_template(:pswd_change_form) end it "should require the password confirmation" do post :pswd_change, :user => @valid_params.except(:password_confirmation)[:error].should_not be_blank response.should render_template(:pswd_change_form) end it "should confirm the user's old password is correct" do User.should_receive(:authenticate_by_email).with("mock_email", "old password") post :pswd_change, :user => @valid_params end it "should require the old password to be correct" do User.stub!(:authenticate_by_email).and_return(false) post :pswd_change, :user => @valid_params[:error].should_not be_blank response.should render_template(:pswd_change_form) end it "should update the password fields only" do @user.should_receive(:update_attributes).with(:password => "new password", :password_confirmation => "new password") post :pswd_change, :user => @valid_params end it "should confirm the update of the password" do @user.should_receive(:update_attributes).and_return(false) post :pswd_change, :user => @valid_params[:error].should_not be_blank response.should render_template(:pswd_change_form) end it "should redirect to the user_details_path" do @user.should_receive(:update_attributes).and_return(true) post :pswd_change, :user => @valid_params flash[:success].should_not be_blank response.should redirect_to(user_details_path) end end describe "GET pswd_forgot_form" do it "should render the pswd_forgot_form template" do get :pswd_forgot_form response.should render_template(:pswd_forgot_form) end end describe "POST pswd_forgot" do it "should set the reset token" do User.should_receive(:set_reset_token).with('mock_email') post :pswd_forgot, :user => {:email => "mock_email"} end describe "reset token set" do it "should redirect to the user login page" do User.stub!(:set_reset_token).and_return(true) post :pswd_forgot, :user => {:email => "mock_email"} flash[:success].should_not be_blank response.should redirect_to(user_login_path) end end describe "reset token not set" do it "should render the pswd_forgot_form" do User.stub!(:set_reset_token).and_return(false) post :pswd_forgot, :user => {:email => "mock_email"}[:error].should_not be_blank response.should render_template(:pswd_forgot_form) end end end describe "GET pswd_reset_form" do it "should require a reset token" do get :pswd_reset_form # flash[:error].should_not be_blank response.should redirect_to(user_pswd_forgot_path) end it "should authenticate the reset token" do User.should_receive(:authenticate_by_reset_token).with('mock_token') get :pswd_reset_form, :token => "mock_token" end it "should assign the reset token" do get :pswd_reset_form, :token => "mock_token" assigns[:token].should == "mock_token" end it "should redirect to password forgot form if authentication failed" do User.stub!(:authenticate_by_reset_token).and_return(false) get :pswd_reset_form, :token => "mock_token" flash[:error].should_not be_blank response.should redirect_to(user_pswd_forgot_path) end it "should render the pswd_reset_form" do User.stub!(:authenticate_by_reset_token).and_return(true) get :pswd_reset_form, :token => "mock_token" response.should render_template(:pswd_reset_form) end end describe "POST pswd_reset" do before do @user = mock_model(User, :email => 'mock_email') @user.stub!(:update_attributes).and_return(true) User.stub!(:authenticate_by_reset_token).and_return(@user) @valid_params = {:email => 'mock_email', :password => 'new password', :password_confirmation => 'new password'} end it "should require a reset token" do post :pswd_reset, :user => @valid_params #[:error].should_not be_blank response.should render_template(:pswd_forgot_form) end it "should require an email address" do post :pswd_reset, :token => 'mock_token', :user => @valid_params.except(:email)[:error].should_not be_blank response.should render_template(:pswd_reset_form) end it "should require a password" do post :pswd_reset, :token => 'mock_token', :user => @valid_params.except(:password)[:error].should_not be_blank response.should render_template(:pswd_reset_form) end it "should require a password to match the password confirmation" do post :pswd_reset, :token => 'mock_token', :user => @valid_params.merge(:password_confirmation => 'wrong')[:error].should_not be_blank response.should render_template(:pswd_reset_form) end it "should authenticate the reset token" do User.should_receive(:authenticate_by_reset_token).with("mock_token") post :pswd_reset, :token => 'mock_token', :user => @valid_params end it "should require the reset token to be authenticated" do User.stub!(:authenticate_by_reset_token).and_return(false) post :pswd_reset, :token => 'mock_token', :user => @valid_params[:error].should_not be_blank response.should render_template(:pswd_reset_form) end it "should require the authenticated user to have the same email address" do @user.stub!(:email).and_return('wrong') post :pswd_reset, :token => 'mock_token', :user => @valid_params[:error].should_not be_blank response.should render_template(:pswd_reset_form) end it "should update the user's password" do @user.should_receive(:update_attributes).with(:password => 'new password', :password_confirmation => 'new password') post :pswd_reset, :token => 'mock_token', :user => @valid_params end it "should require the password update to be successfull" do @user.stub!(:update_attributes).and_return(false) post :pswd_reset, :token => 'mock_token', :user => @valid_params[:error].should_not be_blank response.should render_template(:pswd_reset_form) end it "should set the authenticated user to the current user" do post :pswd_reset, :token => 'mock_token', :user => @valid_params controller.current_user.should == @user end it "should redirect to the root_page" do post :pswd_reset, :token => 'mock_token', :user => @valid_params flash[:success].should_not be_blank response.should redirect_to(root_path) end end describe "GET welcome_form" do it "should require a reset token" do get :welcome_form response.should redirect_to(user_pswd_forgot_path) end it "should authenticate the reset token" do User.should_receive(:authenticate_by_reset_token).with('mock_token') get :welcome_form, :token => "mock_token" end it "should redirect to password forgot form if authentication failed" do User.stub!(:authenticate_by_reset_token).and_return(false) get :welcome_form, :token => "mock_token" flash[:error].should_not be_blank response.should redirect_to(user_pswd_forgot_path) end it "should render the welcome_form" do User.stub!(:authenticate_by_reset_token).and_return(true) get :welcome_form, :token => "mock_token" response.should render_template(:welcome_form) end end describe "POST welcome" do before do @user = mock_model(User, :email => 'mock_email') @user.stub!(:update_attributes).and_return(true) User.stub!(:authenticate_by_reset_token).and_return(@user) @valid_params = {:email => 'mock_email', :password => 'new password', :password_confirmation => 'new password'} end it "should require a reset token" do post :welcome, :user => @valid_params[:error].should_not be_blank response.should render_template(:pswd_forgot_form) end it "should require an email address" do post :welcome, :token => 'mock_token', :user => @valid_params.except(:email)[:error].should_not be_blank response.should render_template(:welcome_form) end it "should require a password" do post :welcome, :token => 'mock_token', :user => @valid_params.except(:password)[:error].should_not be_blank response.should render_template(:welcome_form) end it "should require a password to match the password confirmation" do post :welcome, :token => 'mock_token', :user => @valid_params.merge(:password_confirmation => 'wrong')[:error].should_not be_blank response.should render_template(:welcome_form) end it "should authenticate the reset token" do User.should_receive(:authenticate_by_reset_token).with("mock_token") post :welcome, :token => 'mock_token', :user => @valid_params end it "should require the reset token to be authenticated" do User.stub!(:authenticate_by_reset_token).and_return(false) post :welcome, :token => 'mock_token', :user => @valid_params[:error].should_not be_blank response.should render_template(:welcome_form) end it "should require the authenticated user to have the same email address" do @user.stub!(:email).and_return('wrong') post :welcome, :token => 'mock_token', :user => @valid_params[:error].should_not be_blank response.should render_template(:welcome_form) end it "should update the user's password" do @user.should_receive(:update_attributes).with(:password => 'new password', :password_confirmation => 'new password') post :welcome, :token => 'mock_token', :user => @valid_params end it "should require the password update to be successfull" do @user.stub!(:update_attributes).and_return(false) post :welcome, :token => 'mock_token', :user => @valid_params[:error].should_not be_blank response.should render_template(:welcome_form) end it "should set the authenticated user to the current user" do post :welcome, :token => 'mock_token', :user => @valid_params controller.current_user.should == @user end it "should redirect to the root_page" do post :welcome, :token => 'mock_token', :user => @valid_params flash[:success].should_not be_blank response.should redirect_to(root_path) end end end