# Network This document explains how to get started using Azure Network Service with Fog. With this gem you can create/update/list/delete virtual networks, subnets, public IPs and network interfaces. ## Usage First of all, you need to require the Fog library by executing: ```ruby require 'fog/azurerm' ``` ## Create Connection Next, create a connection to the Network Service: ```ruby azure_network_service = Fog::Network::AzureRM.new( tenant_id: '', # Tenant id of Azure Active Directory Application client_id: '', # Client id of Azure Active Directory Application client_secret: '', # Client Secret of Azure Active Directory Application subscription_id: '' # Subscription id of an Azure Account ) ``` ## Create Virtual Network Create a new virtual network Optional parameters for Virtual Network: subnets, dns_servers & address_prefixes Optional parameters for Subnet: network_security_group_id, route_table_id & address_prefix ```ruby vnet = azure_network_service.virtual_networks.create( name: '', location: 'westus', resource_group: '', subnets: [{ name: '', address_prefix: '', network_security_group_id: '/subscriptions//resourceGroups//providers/Microsoft.Network/networkSecurityGroups/', route_table_id: '/subscriptions//resourceGroups//providers/Microsoft.Network/routeTables/' }], dns_servers: ['',''], address_prefixes: ['',''] ) ``` ## Check for Virtual Network Checks if the Virtual Network already exists or not. ```ruby azure_network_service.virtual_networks.check_if_exists('', '') ``` ## List Virtual Networks List all virtual networks in a subscription ```ruby vnets = azure_network_service.virtual_networks(resource_group: '') vnets.each do |vnet| puts "#{vnet.name}" puts "#{vnet.location}" end ``` ## Retrieve a single Virtual Network Get a single record of virtual network ```ruby vnet = azure_network_service.virtual_networks.get('', '') puts "#{vnet.name}" ``` ## Add/Remove DNS Servers to/from Virtual Network Add/Remove DNS Servers to/from Virtual Network ```ruby vnet.add_dns_servers(['','']) vnet.remove_dns_servers(['','']) ``` ## Add/Remove Address Prefixes to/from Virtual Network Add/Remove Address Prefixes to/from Virtual Network ```ruby vnet.add_address_prefixes(['', '']) vnet.remove_address_prefixes(['']) ``` ## Add/Remove Subnets to/from Virtual Network Add/Remove Subnets to/from Virtual Network ```ruby vnet.add_subnets([{ name: 'test-subnet', address_prefix: '' }]) vnet.remove_subnets(['test-subnet']) ``` ## Update Virtual Network Update Virtual Network ```ruby vnet.update({ subnets:[{ name: 'fog-subnet', address_prefix: '' }], dns_servers: ['',''] }) ``` ## Destroy a single virtual network Get virtual network object from the get method and then destroy that virtual network. ```ruby vnet.destroy ``` ## Create Subnet Create a new Subnet Optional parameters: network_security_group_id, route_table_id & address_prefix ```ruby subnet = azure_network_service.subnets.create( name: '', resource_group: '', virtual_network_name: '', address_prefix: '', network_security_group_id: '/subscriptions//resourceGroups//providers/Microsoft.Network/networkSecurityGroups/', route_table_id: '/subscriptions//resourceGroups//providers/Microsoft.Network/routeTables/' ) ``` ## List Subnets List subnets in a resource group and a virtual network ```ruby subnets = azure_network_service.subnets(resource_group: '', virtual_network_name: '') subnets.each do |subnet| puts "#{subnet.name}" end ``` ## Retrieve a single Subnet Get a single record of Subnet ```ruby subnet = azure_network_service .subnets(resource_group: '', virtual_network_name: '') .get('') puts "#{subnet.name}" ``` ## Attach Network Security Group to Subnet Attach Network Security Group to Subnet ```ruby subnet = azure_network_service.attach_network_security_group('/subscriptions//resourceGroups//providers/Microsoft.Network/networkSecurityGroups/') puts "#{subnet.network_security_group_id}" ``` ## Detach Network Security Group from Subnet Detach Network Security Group from Subnet ```ruby subnet = azure_network_service.detach_network_security_group puts "#{subnet.network_security_group_id}" ``` ## Attach Route Table to Subnet Attach Route Table to Subnet ```ruby subnet = azure_network_service.attach_route_table('/subscriptions//resourceGroups//providers/Microsoft.Network/routeTables/') puts "#{subnet.route_table_id}" ``` ## Detach Route Table from Subnet Detach Route Table from Subnet ```ruby subnet = azure_network_service.detach_route_table puts "#{subnet.route_table_id}" ``` ## Destroy a single Subnet Get a subnet object from the get method and then destroy that subnet. ```ruby subnet.destroy ``` ## Create Network Interface Card Create a new network interface. Skip public_ip_address_id parameter to create network interface without PublicIP. The parameter, private_ip_allocation_method can be Dynamic or Static. ```ruby nic = azure_network_service.network_interfaces.create( name: '', resource_group: '', location: 'eastus', subnet_id: '/subscriptions//resourceGroups//providers/Microsoft.Network/virtualNetworks//subnets/', public_ip_address_id: '/subscriptions//resourceGroups//providers/Microsoft.Network/publicIPAddresses/', ip_configuration_name: '', private_ip_allocation_method: 'Dynamic' ) ``` ## List Network Interface Cards List network interfaces in a resource group ```ruby nics = azure_network_service.network_interfaces(resource_group: '') nics.each do |nic| puts "#{nic.name}" end ``` ## Retrieve a single Network Interface Card Get a single record of Network Interface ```ruby nic = azure_network_service .network_interfaces .get('', '') puts "#{nic.name}" ``` ## Update Network Interface Card You can update network interface by passing only updated attributes, in the form of hash. For example, ```ruby nic.update(private_ip_allocation_method: 'Static', private_ip_address: '') ``` ## Attach/Detach resources to Network Interface Card Attach Subnet, Public-IP or Network-Security-Group as following ```ruby subnet_id = "" nic.attach_subnet(subnet_id) public_ip_id = "" nic.attach_public_ip(public_ip_id) nsg_id = "" nic.attach_network_security_group(nsg_id) ``` Detach Public-IP or Network-Security-Group as following ```ruby nic.detach_public_ip nic.detach_network_security_group ``` `Note: You can't detach subnet from Network Interface.` ## Destroy a single Network Interface Card Get a network interface object from the get method and then destroy that network interface. ```ruby nic.destroy ``` ## Create Public IP Create a new public IP. The parameter, type can be Dynamic or Static. ```ruby pubip = azure_network_service.public_ips.create( name: '', resource_group: '', location: 'westus', public_ip_allocation_method: 'Static' ) ``` ## Check for Public IP Checks if the Public IP already exists or not. ```ruby azure_network_service.public_ips.check_if_exists('', '') ``` ## List Public IPs List network interfaces in a resource group ```ruby pubips = azure_network_service.public_ips(resource_group: '') pubips.each do |pubip| puts "#{pubip.name}" end ``` ## Retrieve a single Public Ip Get a single record of Public Ip ```ruby pubip = azure_network_service .public_ips(resource_group: '') .get('') puts "#{pubip.name}" ``` ## Destroy a single Public Ip Get a Public IP object from the get method and then destroy that public IP. ```ruby pubip.destroy ``` ## Create Network Security Group Network security group requires a resource group to create. ```ruby azure_network_service.network_security_groups.create( name: '', resource_group: '', location: 'eastus', security_rules: [{ name: '', protocol: 'tcp', source_port_range: '22', destination_port_range: '22', source_address_prefix: '', destination_address_prefix: '', access: 'Allow', priority: '100', direction: 'Inbound' }] ) ``` ## List Network Security Groups List all the network security groups in a resource group ```ruby network_security_groups = azure_network_service.network_security_groups(resource_group: '') network_security_groups.each do |nsg| puts "#{nsg.name}" end ``` ## Retrieve a single Network Security Group Get a single record of Network Security Group ```ruby nsg = azure_network_service .network_security_groups .get('','') puts "#{nsg.name}" ``` ## Update Security Rules You can update security rules by passing the modified attributes in the form of hash. ```ruby nsg.update_security_rules( security_rules: [ { name: '', protocol: 'tcp', source_port_range: '*', destination_port_range: '*', source_address_prefix: '', destination_address_prefix: '', access: 'Allow', priority: '100', direction: 'Inbound' } ] ) ``` `Note: You can't modify Name of a security rule.` ## Add and Remove Security Rules in a Network Security Group Add array of security rules in the form of hash. ```ruby nsg.add_security_rules( [ { name: '', protocol: 'tcp', source_port_range: '3389', destination_port_range: '3389', source_address_prefix: '', destination_address_prefix: '', access: 'Allow', priority: '102', direction: 'Inbound' } ] ) ``` Delete security rule by providing its name. ```ruby nsg.remove_security_rule('') ``` ## Destroy a Network Security Group Get a network security group object from the get method and then destroy that network security group. ```ruby nsg.destroy ``` ## Create External Load Balancer Create a new load balancer. ```ruby lb = azure_network_service.load_balancers.create( name: '', resource_group: '', location: 'westus', frontend_ip_configurations: [ { name: 'fic', private_ipallocation_method: 'Dynamic', public_ipaddress_id: '/subscriptions//resourceGroups//providers/Microsoft.Network/publicIPAddresses/' } ], backend_address_pool_names: [ 'pool1' ], load_balancing_rules: [ { name: 'lb_rule_1', frontend_ip_configuration_id: '/subscriptions//resourceGroups//providers/Microsoft.Network/loadBalancers//frontendIPConfigurations/fic', backend_address_pool_id: '/subscriptions//resourceGroups//providers/Microsoft.Network/loadBalancers//backendAddressPools/pool1', protocol: 'Tcp', frontend_port: '80', backend_port: '8080', enable_floating_ip: false, idle_timeout_in_minutes: 4, load_distribution: "Default" } ], inbound_nat_rules: [ { name: 'RDP-Traffic', frontend_ip_configuration_id: '/subscriptions//resourceGroups//providers/Microsoft.Network/loadBalancers//frontendIPConfigurations/fic', protocol: 'Tcp', frontend_port: 3389, backend_port: 3389 } ] ) ``` ## Create Internal Load Balancer ```ruby lb = azure_network_service.load_balancers.create( name: '', resource_group: '', location: 'westus', frontend_ip_configurations: [ { name: 'LB-Frontend', private_ipallocation_method: 'Static', private_ipaddress: '', subnet_id: subnet.id } ], backend_address_pool_names: [ 'LB-backend' ], load_balancing_rules: [ { name: 'HTTP', frontend_ip_configuration_id: "/subscriptions//resourceGroups//providers/Microsoft.Network/loadBalancers//frontendIPConfigurations/LB-Frontend", backend_address_pool_id: "/subscriptions//resourceGroups//providers/Microsoft.Network/loadBalancers//backendAddressPools/LB-backend", probe_id: "/subscriptions//resourceGroups//providers/Microsoft.Network/loadBalancerslb/probes/HealthProbe", protocol: 'Tcp', frontend_port: '80', backend_port: '80' } ], inbound_nat_rules: [ { name: 'RDP1', frontend_ip_configuration_id: "/subscriptions//resourceGroups//providers/Microsoft.Network/loadBalancers//frontendIPConfigurations/LB-Frontend", protocol: 'Tcp', frontend_port: 3441, backend_port: 3389 }, { name: 'RDP2', frontend_ip_configuration_id: "/subscriptions//resourceGroups//providers/Microsoft.Network/loadBalancers//frontendIPConfigurations/LB-Frontend", protocol: 'Tcp', frontend_port: 3442, backend_port: 3389 } ], probes: [ { name: 'HealthProbe', protocol: 'http', request_path: 'HealthProbe.aspx', port: '80', interval_in_seconds: 15, number_of_probes: 2 } ] ) ``` ## List Load Balancers List all load balancers in a resource group ```ruby lbs = azure_network_service.load_balancers(resource_group: '') lbs.each do |lb| puts "#{lb.name}" end ``` ## Retrieve a single Load Balancer Get a single record of Load Balancer ```ruby lb = azure_network_service .load_balancers(resource_group: '') .get('') puts "#{lb.name}" ``` ## Destroy a Load Balancer Get a load balancer object from the get method and then destroy that load balancer. ```ruby lb.destroy ``` ## Create Traffic Manager Profile Create a new Traffic Manager Profile. The parameter, traffic_routing_method can be Performance, Weighted or Priority. ```ruby profile = azure_network_service.traffic_manager_profiles.create( name: '', resource_group: '', traffic_routing_method: 'Performance', relative_name: '', ttl: '30', protocol: 'http', port: '80', path: '/monitorpage.aspx' ) ``` ## List Traffic Manager Profiles List Traffic Manager Profiles in a resource group ```ruby profiles = azure_network_service.traffic_manager_profiles(resource_group: '') profiles.each do |profile| puts "#{profile.name}" end ``` ## Retrieve a single Traffic Manager Profile Get a single record of Traffic Manager Profile ```ruby profile = azure_network_service .traffic_manager_profiles(resource_group: '') .get('') puts "#{profile.name}" ``` ## Destroy a single Traffic Manager Profile Get a Traffic Manager Profile object from the get method and then destroy that Traffic Manager Profile. ```ruby profile.destroy ``` ## Create Traffic Manager Endpoint Create a new Traffic Manager Endpoint. The parameter, type can be external, azure or nested. ```ruby profile = azure_network_service.traffic_manager_end_points.create( name: '', traffic_manager_profile_name: '', resource_group: '', type: 'external', target: 'test.com', endpoint_location: 'West US' ) ``` ## List Traffic Manager Endpoints List Traffic Manager Endpoints in a resource group ```ruby endpoints = azure_network_service.traffic_manager_end_points(resource_group: '', traffic_manager_profile_name: '') endpoints.each do |endpoint| puts "#{endpoint.name}" end ``` ## Retrieve a single Traffic Manager Endpoint Get a single record of Traffic Manager Endpoint ```ruby endpoint = azure_network_service .traffic_manager_end_points(resource_group: '', traffic_manager_profile_name: '') .get('') puts "#{endpoint.name}" ``` ## Destroy a single Traffic Manager Endpoint Get a Traffic Manager Endpoint object from the get method and then destroy that Traffic Manager Endpoint. ```ruby endpoint.destroy ``` ## Create Application Gateway Create a new Application Gateway. ```ruby gateway = azure_network_service.application_gateways.create( name: '', location: 'eastus', resource_group: '', sku_name: 'Standard_Medium', sku_tier: 'Standard', sku_capacity: '2', gateway_ip_configurations: [ { name: 'gatewayIpConfigName', subnet_id: '/subscriptions//resourcegroups//providers/Microsoft.Network/virtualNetworks//subnets/' } ], frontend_ip_configurations: [ { name: 'frontendIpConfig', private_ip_allocation_method: 'Dynamic', public_ip_address_id: '/subscriptions//resourcegroups//providers/Microsoft.Network/publicIPAddresses/', private_ip_address: '' } ], frontend_ports: [ { name: 'frontendPort', port: 443 } ], backend_address_pools: [ { name: 'backendAddressPool', ip_addresses: [ { ipAddress: '' } ] } ], backend_http_settings_list: [ { name: 'gateway_settings', port: 80, protocol: 'Http', cookie_based_affinity: 'Enabled', request_timeout: '30' } ], http_listeners: [ { name: 'gateway_listener', frontend_ip_config_id: '/subscriptions//resourceGroups//providers/Microsoft.Network/applicationGateways//frontendIPConfigurations/frontendIpConfig', frontend_port_id: '/subscriptions//resourceGroups//providers/Microsoft.Network/applicationGateways//frontendPorts/frontendPort', protocol: 'Http', host_name: '', require_server_name_indication: 'false' } ], request_routing_rules: [ { name: 'gateway_request_route_rule', type: 'Basic', http_listener_id: '/subscriptions//resourceGroups//providers/Microsoft.Network/applicationGateways//httpListeners/gateway_listener', backend_address_pool_id: '/subscriptions//resourceGroups//providers/Microsoft.Network/applicationGateways//backendAddressPools/backendAddressPool', backend_http_settings_id: '/subscriptions//resourceGroups//providers/Microsoft.Network/applicationGateways//backendHttpSettingsCollection/gateway_settings', url_path_map: '' } ] ) ``` ## List Application Gateways List all application gateways in a resource group ```ruby gateways = azure_network_service.application_gateways(resource_group: '') gateways.each do |gateway| puts "#{gateway.name}" end ``` ## Retrieve a single Application Gateway Get a single record of Application Gateway ```ruby gateway = azure_network_service .application_gateways(resource_group: '') .get('') puts "#{gateway.name}" ``` ## Destroy a single Application Gateway Get a application gateway object from the get method and then destroy that application gateway. ```ruby gateway.destroy ``` ## Support and Feedback Your feedback is highly appreciated! If you have specific issues with the fog ARM, you should file an issue via Github.