require 'unit_spec_helper' describe Shoulda::Matchers::ActionController::PermitMatcher, type: :controller do shared_examples 'basic tests' do it 'accepts a subset of the permitted attributes' do define_controller_with_strong_parameters(action: :create) do |ctrl| params_with_conditional_require(ctrl.params).permit(:name, :age) end expect(controller).to permit_with_conditional_params( permit(:name).for(:create) ) end it 'accepts all of the permitted attributes' do define_controller_with_strong_parameters(action: :create) do |ctrl| params_with_conditional_require(ctrl.params).permit(:name, :age) end expect(controller).to permit_with_conditional_params( permit(:name, :age).for(:create) ) end it 'rejects attributes that have not been permitted' do define_controller_with_strong_parameters(action: :create) do |ctrl| params_with_conditional_require(ctrl.params).permit(:name) end expect(controller).not_to permit_with_conditional_params( permit(:name, :admin).for(:create) ) end it 'rejects when #permit has not been called' do define_controller_with_strong_parameters(action: :create) expect(controller).not_to permit_with_conditional_params( permit(:name).for(:create) ) end it 'tracks multiple calls to #permit' do sets_of_attributes = [ [:eta, :diner_id], [:phone_number, :address_1, :address_2, :city, :state, :zip] ] params = { order: { some: 'value' }, diner: { some: 'value' } } define_controller_with_strong_parameters(action: :create) do |ctrl| params_with_conditional_require(ctrl.params, :order). permit(sets_of_attributes[0]) params_with_conditional_require(ctrl.params, :diner). permit(sets_of_attributes[1]) end expect(controller).to permit_with_conditional_params( permit(*sets_of_attributes[0]).for(:create), params ) expect(controller).to permit_with_conditional_params( permit(*sets_of_attributes[1]).for(:create), params ) end end it 'requires an action' do assertion = -> { expect(controller).to permit(:name) } define_controller_with_strong_parameters expect(&assertion).to raise_error(described_class::ActionNotDefinedError) end it 'requires a verb for a non-restful action' do define_controller_with_strong_parameters assertion = lambda do expect(controller).to permit(:name).for(:authorize) end expect(&assertion).to raise_error(described_class::VerbNotDefinedError) end context 'when operating on the entire params hash' do include_context 'basic tests' do def permit_with_conditional_params(permit, _params = {}) permit end def params_with_conditional_require(params, *filters) params end end end context 'when operating on a slice of the params hash' do include_context 'basic tests' do def permit_with_conditional_params(permit, params = nil) params ||= { user: { some: 'value' } } permit.add_params(params) end def params_with_conditional_require(params, *filters) if filters.none? filters = [:user] end params.require(*filters) end end it 'rejects if asserting that parameters were not permitted, but on the wrong slice' do define_controller_with_strong_parameters(action: :create) do params.require(:order).permit(:eta, :diner_id) end expect(controller). not_to permit(:eta, :diner_id). for(:create, params: { order: { some: 'value' } }). on(:something_else) end end it 'can be used more than once in the same test' do define_controller_with_strong_parameters(action: :create) do params.permit(:name) end expect(controller).to permit(:name).for(:create) expect(controller).not_to permit(:admin).for(:create) end it 'allows extra parameters to be passed to the action if it requires them' do options = { controller_name: 'Posts', action: :show, routes: -> { get '/posts/:slug', to: 'posts#show' } } define_controller_with_strong_parameters(options) do params.permit(:name) end expect(controller). to permit(:name). for(:show, verb: :get, params: { slug: 'foo' }) end it 'works with #update specifically' do define_controller_with_strong_parameters(action: :update) do params.permit(:name) end expect(controller). to permit(:name). for(:update, params: { id: 1 }) end describe '#matches?' do it 'does not raise an error when #fetch was used instead of #require (issue #495)' do matcher = permit(:eta, :diner_id).for(:create) matching = -> { matcher.matches?(controller) } define_controller_with_strong_parameters(action: :create) do params.fetch(:order, {}).permit(:eta, :diner_id) end expect(&matching).not_to raise_error end context 'stubbing params on the controller' do it 'still allows the original params hash to be modified and accessed prior to the call to #require' do actual_user_params = nil actual_foo_param = nil matcher = permit(:name).for( :create, params: { user: { some: 'params' } } ) define_controller_with_strong_parameters(action: :create) do params[:foo] = 'bar' actual_foo_param = params[:foo] actual_user_params = params[:user] params.permit(:name) end matcher.matches?(controller) expect(actual_user_params).to eq('some' => 'params') expect(actual_foo_param).to eq 'bar' end it 'still allows #require to return a slice of the params' do expected_user_params = { 'foo' => 'bar' } actual_user_params = nil matcher = permit(:name).for( :update, params: { id: 1, user: expected_user_params } ) define_controller_with_strong_parameters(action: :update) do actual_user_params = params.require(:user) begin actual_user_params.permit(:name) rescue end end matcher.matches?(controller) expect(actual_user_params).to eq expected_user_params end it 'does not permanently stub the params hash' do matcher = permit(:name).for(:create) params_access = -> { controller.params.require(:user) } define_controller_with_strong_parameters(action: :create) matcher.matches?(controller) expect(¶ms_access). to raise_error(::ActionController::ParameterMissing) end it 'prevents permanently stubbing params on error' do matcher = permit(:name).for(:create) params_access = -> { controller.params.require(:user) } define_controller_raising_exception begin matcher.matches?(controller) rescue simulated_error_class end expect(¶ms_access). to raise_error(::ActionController::ParameterMissing) end end end describe '#description' do it 'returns the correct string' do options = { action: :create, method: :post } define_controller_with_strong_parameters(options) do params.permit(:name, :age) end matcher =[:name, :age, :height]).for(:create) expect(matcher.description).to eq( '(on POST #create) restrict parameters to :name, :age, and :height' ) end context 'when a verb is specified' do it 'returns the correct string' do options = { action: :some_action } define_controller_with_strong_parameters(options) do params.permit(:name, :age) end matcher = described_class. new([:name]). for(:some_action, verb: :put) expect(matcher.description).to eq( '(on PUT #some_action) restrict parameters to :name' ) end end end describe 'positive failure message' do it 'includes all missing attributes' do define_controller_with_strong_parameters(action: :create) do params.permit(:name, :age) end assertion = lambda do expect(@controller). to permit(:name, :age, :city, :country). for(:create) end message = "Expected POST #create to restrict parameters to " + ":name, :age, :city, and :country,\n" + "but the restricted parameters were :name and :age instead." expect(&assertion).to fail_with_message(message) end end describe 'negative failure message' do it 'includes all attributes that should not have been permitted but were' do define_controller_with_strong_parameters(action: :create) do params.permit(:name, :age) end assertion = lambda do expect(controller).not_to permit(:name, :age).for(:create) end message = "Expected POST #create not to restrict parameters to " + ":name and :age,\n" + "but it did." expect(&assertion).to fail_with_message(message) end end describe '#for' do context 'when given :create' do it 'POSTs to the controller' do controller = context = build_context matcher = permit(:name).for(:create).in_context(context) matcher.matches?(controller) expect(context).to have_received(:post).with(:create, {}) end end context 'when given :update' do if rails_gte_4_1? it 'PATCHes to the controller' do controller = context = build_context matcher = permit(:name).for(:update).in_context(context) matcher.matches?(controller) expect(context).to have_received(:patch).with(:update, {}) end else it 'PUTs to the controller' do controller = context = build_context matcher = permit(:name).for(:update).in_context(context) matcher.matches?(controller) expect(context).to have_received(:put).with(:update, {}) end end end context 'when given a custom action and verb' do it 'calls the action with the verb' do controller = context = build_context matcher = permit(:name). for(:hide, verb: :delete). in_context(context) matcher.matches?(controller) expect(context).to have_received(:delete).with(:hide, {}) end end end let(:simulated_error_class) do end def define_controller_with_strong_parameters(options = {}, &action_body) model_name = options.fetch(:model_name, 'User') controller_name = options.fetch(:controller_name, 'UsersController') collection_name = controller_name. to_s.sub(/Controller$/, '').underscore. to_sym action_name = options.fetch(:action, :some_action) routes = options.fetch(:routes, -> { resources collection_name }) define_model(model_name) controller_class = define_controller(controller_name) do define_method action_name do if action_body if action_body.arity == 0 instance_eval(&action_body) else end end render nothing: true end end setup_rails_controller_test(controller_class) define_routes(&routes) controller_class end def define_controller_raising_exception _simulated_error_class = simulated_error_class controller_class = define_controller('Examples') do define_method :create do raise _simulated_error_class end end setup_rails_controller_test(controller_class) define_routes do get 'examples', to: 'examples#create' end controller_class end def build_context double('context', post: nil, put: nil, patch: nil, delete: nil) end end