require 'rubygems' require 'minitest/autorun' require 'net/http/persistent' require 'openssl' require 'stringio' class Net::HTTP::Persistent::SSLReuse alias orig_connect connect def test_connect unless use_ssl? then io = def io.setsockopt(*a) @setsockopts ||= []; @setsockopts << a end @socket = io return end io = open '/dev/null' def io.setsockopt(*a) @setsockopts ||= []; @setsockopts << a end @ssl_context ||= @ssl_context.verify_mode = OpenSSL::SSL::VERIFY_PEER unless @ssl_context.verify_mode s = io, @ssl_context @socket = s end def self.use_connect which self.send :remove_method, :connect self.send :alias_method, :connect, which end end class TestNetHttpPersistent < MiniTest::Unit::TestCase def setup @http = @uri = URI.parse '' ENV.delete 'http_proxy' ENV.delete 'HTTP_PROXY' ENV.delete 'http_proxy_user' ENV.delete 'HTTP_PROXY_USER' ENV.delete 'http_proxy_pass' ENV.delete 'HTTP_PROXY_PASS' Net::HTTP::Persistent::SSLReuse.use_connect :test_connect end def teardown Thread.current.keys.each do |key| Thread.current[key] = nil end Net::HTTP::Persistent::SSLReuse.use_connect :orig_connect end class BasicConnection attr_accessor :started, :finished, :address, :port attr_reader :req def initialize @started, @finished = 0, 0 @address, @port = '', 80 end def finish @finished += 1 @socket = nil end def finished? @finished >= 1 end def pipeline requests, &block { |r| r.path } end def reset? @started == @finished + 1 end def start @started += 1 io = def io.setsockopt(*a) @setsockopts ||= []; @setsockopts << a end @socket = io end def started? @started >= 1 end end def basic_connection c = conns["#{}:#{@uri.port}"] = c c end def connection c = basic_connection touts[c.object_id] = def c.request(req) @req = req r = Net::HTTPResponse.allocate r.instance_variable_set :@header, {} def r.http_version() '1.1' end def r.read_body() :read_body end yield r if block_given? r end c end def conns Thread.current[@http.connection_key] ||= {} end def reqs Thread.current[@http.request_key] ||= {} end def touts Thread.current[@http.timeout_key] ||= Net::HTTP::Persistent::EPOCH end def test_initialize assert_nil @http.proxy_uri end def test_initialize_name http = 'name' assert_equal 'name', end def test_initialize_env ENV['HTTP_PROXY'] = 'proxy.example' http = nil, :ENV assert_equal URI.parse('http://proxy.example'), http.proxy_uri end def test_initialize_uri proxy_uri = URI.parse 'http://proxy.example' http = nil, proxy_uri assert_equal proxy_uri, http.proxy_uri end def test_connection_for @http.open_timeout = 123 @http.read_timeout = 321 c = @http.connection_for @uri assert_kind_of Net::HTTP::Persistent::SSLReuse, c assert c.started? refute c.proxy? assert_equal 123, c.open_timeout assert_equal 321, c.read_timeout assert_includes conns.keys, '' assert_same c, conns[''] socket = c.instance_variable_get :@socket expected = if Socket.const_defined? :TCP_NODELAY then [[Socket::IPPROTO_TCP, Socket::TCP_NODELAY, 1]] else [] end assert_equal expected, end def test_connection_for_cached cached = basic_connection cached.start conns[''] = cached c = @http.connection_for @uri assert c.started? assert_same cached, c end def test_connection_for_closed cached = basic_connection cached.start if Socket.const_defined? :TCP_NODELAY then io = def io.setsockopt(*a) raise IOError, 'closed stream' end cached.instance_variable_set :@socket, end conns[''] = cached c = @http.connection_for @uri assert c.started? assert_includes conns.keys, '' assert_same c, conns[''] socket = c.instance_variable_get :@socket refute_includes, :@setsockopt refute_includes, '@setsockopt' end def test_connection_for_debug_output io = @http.debug_output = io c = @http.connection_for @uri assert c.started? assert_equal io, c.instance_variable_get(:@debug_output) assert_includes conns.keys, '' assert_same c, conns[''] end def test_connection_for_finished_ssl uri = URI.parse '' c = @http.connection_for uri assert c.started? assert c.use_ssl? @http.finish c refute c.started? c2 = @http.connection_for uri assert c2.started? end def test_connection_for_host_down cached = basic_connection def cached.start; raise Errno::EHOSTDOWN end def cached.started?; false end conns[''] = cached e = assert_raises Net::HTTP::Persistent::Error do @http.connection_for @uri end assert_match %r%host down%, e.message end def test_connection_for_name http = 'name' uri = URI.parse 'http://example/' c = http.connection_for uri assert c.started? refute_includes conns.keys, 'example:80' end def test_connection_for_no_ssl_reuse @http.reuse_ssl_sessions = false @http.open_timeout = 123 @http.read_timeout = 321 c = @http.connection_for @uri assert_instance_of Net::HTTP, c end def test_connection_for_proxy uri = URI.parse 'http://proxy.example' uri.user = 'johndoe' uri.password = 'muffins' http = nil, uri c = http.connection_for @uri assert c.started? assert c.proxy? assert_includes conns.keys, '' assert_same c, conns[''] end def test_connection_for_refused cached = basic_connection def cached.start; raise Errno::ECONNREFUSED end def cached.started?; false end conns[''] = cached e = assert_raises Net::HTTP::Persistent::Error do @http.connection_for @uri end assert_match %r%connection refused%, e.message end def test_connection_for_socket_options @http.socket_options << [Socket::SOL_SOCKET, Socket::SO_KEEPALIVE, 1] c = @http.connection_for @uri socket = c.instance_variable_get :@socket expected = [] expected << [Socket::IPPROTO_TCP, Socket::TCP_NODELAY, 1] if Socket.const_defined? :TCP_NODELAY expected << [Socket::SOL_SOCKET, Socket::SO_KEEPALIVE, 1] assert_equal expected, end def test_connection_for_ssl uri = URI.parse '' c = @http.connection_for uri assert c.started? assert c.use_ssl? end def test_connection_for_ssl_case uri = URI.parse 'HTTPS://' c = @http.connection_for uri assert c.started? assert c.use_ssl? end def test_connection_for_timeout cached = basic_connection cached.start reqs[cached.object_id] = 10 touts[cached.object_id] = - 6 conns[''] = cached c = @http.connection_for @uri assert c.started? assert_nil reqs[c.object_id] assert_same cached, c end def test_error_message c = basic_connection touts[c.object_id] = - 1 reqs[c.object_id] = 5 message = @http.error_message(c) assert_match %r%after 4 requests on #{c.object_id}%, message assert_match %r%, last used [\d.]+ seconds ago%, message end def test_escape assert_nil @http.escape nil assert_equal '+%3F', @http.escape(' ?') end def test_finish c = basic_connection reqs[c.object_id] = 5 @http.finish c refute c.started? assert c.finished? assert_nil reqs[c.object_id] end def test_finish_io_error c = basic_connection def c.finish; @finished += 1; raise IOError end reqs[c.object_id] = 5 @http.finish c refute c.started? assert c.finished? end def test_http_version assert_nil @http.http_version @uri connection @http.request @uri assert_equal '1.1', @http.http_version(@uri) end def test_idempotent_eh assert @http.idempotent? '/' assert @http.idempotent? '/' assert @http.idempotent? '/' assert @http.idempotent? '/' assert @http.idempotent? '/' assert @http.idempotent? '/' refute @http.idempotent? '/' end def test_normalize_uri assert_equal 'http://example', @http.normalize_uri('example') assert_equal 'http://example', @http.normalize_uri('http://example') assert_equal 'https://example', @http.normalize_uri('https://example') end def test_max_age assert_in_delta - 5, @http.max_age end def test_pipeline skip 'net-http-pipeline not installed' unless defined?(Net::HTTP::Pipeline) cached = basic_connection cached.start conns[''] = cached requests = [ + '1').request_uri), + '2').request_uri), ] responses = @http.pipeline @uri, requests assert_equal 2, responses.length assert_equal '/1', responses.first assert_equal '/2', responses.last end def test_proxy_from_env ENV['HTTP_PROXY'] = 'proxy.example' ENV['HTTP_PROXY_USER'] = 'johndoe' ENV['HTTP_PROXY_PASS'] = 'muffins' uri = @http.proxy_from_env expected = URI.parse 'http://proxy.example' expected.user = 'johndoe' expected.password = 'muffins' assert_equal expected, uri end def test_proxy_from_env_lower ENV['http_proxy'] = 'proxy.example' ENV['http_proxy_user'] = 'johndoe' ENV['http_proxy_pass'] = 'muffins' uri = @http.proxy_from_env expected = URI.parse 'http://proxy.example' expected.user = 'johndoe' expected.password = 'muffins' assert_equal expected, uri end def test_proxy_from_env_nil uri = @http.proxy_from_env assert_nil uri ENV['HTTP_PROXY'] = '' uri = @http.proxy_from_env assert_nil uri end def test_reset c = basic_connection c.start touts[c.object_id] = reqs[c.object_id] = 5 @http.reset c assert c.started? assert c.finished? assert c.reset? assert_nil reqs[c.object_id] assert_equal Net::HTTP::Persistent::EPOCH, touts[c.object_id] end def test_reset_io_error c = basic_connection touts[c.object_id] = reqs[c.object_id] = 5 @http.reset c assert c.started? assert c.finished? end def test_reset_host_down c = basic_connection touts[c.object_id] = def c.start; raise Errno::EHOSTDOWN end reqs[c.object_id] = 5 e = assert_raises Net::HTTP::Persistent::Error do @http.reset c end assert_match %r%host down%, e.message end def test_reset_refused c = basic_connection touts[c.object_id] = def c.start; raise Errno::ECONNREFUSED end reqs[c.object_id] = 5 e = assert_raises Net::HTTP::Persistent::Error do @http.reset c end assert_match %r%connection refused%, e.message end def test_ssl_error uri = URI.parse '' c = @http.connection_for uri def c.request(*) raise OpenSSL::SSL::SSLError, "SSL3_WRITE_PENDING:bad write retry" end e = assert_raises Net::HTTP::Persistent::Error do @http.request uri end assert_match %r%bad write retry%, e.message end def test_request @http.headers['user-agent'] = 'test ua' c = connection res = @http.request @uri req = c.req assert_kind_of Net::HTTPResponse, res assert_kind_of Net::HTTP::Get, req assert_equal '/path', req.path assert_equal 'keep-alive', req['connection'] assert_equal '30', req['keep-alive'] assert_match %r%test ua%, req['user-agent'] assert_in_delta, touts[c.object_id] assert_equal 1, reqs[c.object_id] end def test_request_bad_response c = basic_connection def c.request(*a) raise Net::HTTPBadResponse end e = assert_raises Net::HTTP::Persistent::Error do @http.request @uri end assert_equal 0, reqs[c.object_id] assert_match %r%too many bad responses%, e.message end def test_request_bad_response_retry c = basic_connection def c.request(*a) if defined? @called then r = Net::HTTPResponse.allocate r.instance_variable_set :@header, {} def r.http_version() '1.1' end r else @called = true raise Net::HTTPBadResponse end end @http.request @uri assert c.finished? end def test_request_bad_response_unsafe c = basic_connection def c.request(*a) if instance_variable_defined? :@request then raise 'POST must not be retried' else @request = true raise Net::HTTPBadResponse end end e = assert_raises Net::HTTP::Persistent::Error do @http.request @uri, end assert_equal 0, reqs[c.object_id] assert_match %r%too many bad responses%, e.message end def test_request_block @http.headers['user-agent'] = 'test ua' c = connection body = nil res = @http.request @uri do |r| body = r.read_body end req = c.req assert_kind_of Net::HTTPResponse, res refute_nil body assert_kind_of Net::HTTP::Get, req assert_equal '/path', req.path assert_equal 'keep-alive', req['connection'] assert_equal '30', req['keep-alive'] assert_match %r%test ua%, req['user-agent'] assert_equal 1, reqs[c.object_id] end def test_request_close_1_0 c = connection def c.request req @req = req r = Net::HTTPResponse.allocate r.instance_variable_set :@header, {} def r.http_version() '1.0' end def r.read_body() :read_body end yield r if block_given? r end request = @uri.request_uri res = @http.request @uri, request req = c.req assert_kind_of Net::HTTPResponse, res assert_kind_of Net::HTTP::Get, req assert_equal '/path', req.path assert_equal 'keep-alive', req['connection'] assert_equal '30', req['keep-alive'] assert c.finished? end def test_request_connection_close_request c = connection request = @uri.request_uri request['connection'] = 'close' res = @http.request @uri, request req = c.req assert_kind_of Net::HTTPResponse, res assert_kind_of Net::HTTP::Get, req assert_equal '/path', req.path assert_equal 'close', req['connection'] assert_equal nil, req['keep-alive'] assert c.finished? end def test_request_connection_close_response c = connection def c.request req @req = req r = Net::HTTPResponse.allocate r.instance_variable_set :@header, {} r['connection'] = 'close' def r.http_version() '1.1' end def r.read_body() :read_body end yield r if block_given? r end request = @uri.request_uri res = @http.request @uri, request req = c.req assert_kind_of Net::HTTPResponse, res assert_kind_of Net::HTTP::Get, req assert_equal '/path', req.path assert_equal 'keep-alive', req['connection'] assert_equal '30', req['keep-alive'] assert c.finished? end def test_request_invalid c = basic_connection def c.request(*a) raise Errno::EINVAL, "write" end e = assert_raises Net::HTTP::Persistent::Error do @http.request @uri end assert_equal 0, reqs[c.object_id] assert_match %r%too many connection resets%, e.message end def test_request_invalid_retry c = basic_connection touts[c.object_id] = def c.request(*a) if defined? @called then r = Net::HTTPResponse.allocate r.instance_variable_set :@header, {} def r.http_version() '1.1' end r else @called = true raise Errno::EINVAL, "write" end end @http.request @uri assert c.reset? assert c.finished? end def test_request_reset c = basic_connection def c.request(*a) raise Errno::ECONNRESET end e = assert_raises Net::HTTP::Persistent::Error do @http.request @uri end assert_equal 0, reqs[c.object_id] assert_match %r%too many connection resets%, e.message end def test_request_reset_retry c = basic_connection touts[c.object_id] = def c.request(*a) if defined? @called then r = Net::HTTPResponse.allocate r.instance_variable_set :@header, {} def r.http_version() '1.1' end r else @called = true raise Errno::ECONNRESET end end @http.request @uri assert c.reset? assert c.finished? end def test_request_reset_unsafe c = basic_connection def c.request(*a) if instance_variable_defined? :@request then raise 'POST must not be retried' else @request = true raise Errno::ECONNRESET end end e = assert_raises Net::HTTP::Persistent::Error do @http.request @uri, end assert_equal 0, reqs[c.object_id] assert_match %r%too many connection resets%, e.message end def test_request_post c = connection post = @uri.path @http.request @uri, post req = c.req assert_same post, req end def test_shutdown c = connection cs = conns rs = reqs orig = @http @http = 'name' c2 = connection orig.shutdown assert c.finished? refute c2.finished? refute_same cs, conns refute_same rs, reqs end def test_shutdown_not_started c = basic_connection def c.finish() raise IOError end conns["#{}:#{@uri.port}"] = c @http.shutdown assert_nil Thread.current[@http.connection_key] assert_nil Thread.current[@http.request_key] end def test_shutdown_no_connections @http.shutdown assert_nil Thread.current[@http.connection_key] assert_nil Thread.current[@http.request_key] end def test_shutdown_thread t = do c = connection conns reqs Thread.stop c end Thread.pass until t.status == 'sleep' c = connection @http.shutdown t refute c.finished? assert t.value.finished? assert_nil t[@http.connection_key] assert_nil t[@http.request_key] end def test_shutdown_in_all_threads t = do c = connection conns reqs Thread.stop c end Thread.pass until t.status == 'sleep' c = connection assert_nil @http.shutdown_in_all_threads assert c.finished? assert_nil Thread.current[@http.connection_key] assert_nil Thread.current[@http.request_key] assert t.value.finished? assert_nil t[@http.connection_key] assert_nil t[@http.request_key] end def test_ssl @http.verify_callback = :callback c = 'localhost', 80 @http.ssl c assert c.use_ssl? assert_equal OpenSSL::SSL::VERIFY_PEER, c.verify_mode assert_kind_of OpenSSL::X509::Store, c.cert_store assert_nil c.verify_callback end def test_ssl_ca_file @http.ca_file = 'ca_file' @http.verify_callback = :callback c = 'localhost', 80 @http.ssl c assert c.use_ssl? assert_equal OpenSSL::SSL::VERIFY_PEER, c.verify_mode assert_equal :callback, c.verify_callback end def test_ssl_cert_store store = @http.cert_store = store c = 'localhost', 80 @http.ssl c assert c.use_ssl? assert_equal store, c.cert_store end def test_default_cert_store @http.verify_mode = OpenSSL::SSL::VERIFY_PEER c = 'localhost', 80 @http.ssl c assert c.use_ssl? assert c.cert_store end def test_ssl_certificate @http.certificate = :cert @http.private_key = :key c = 'localhost', 80 @http.ssl c assert c.use_ssl? assert_equal :cert, c.cert assert_equal :key, c.key end def test_ssl_verify_mode @http.verify_mode = OpenSSL::SSL::VERIFY_NONE c = 'localhost', 80 @http.ssl c assert c.use_ssl? assert_equal OpenSSL::SSL::VERIFY_NONE, c.verify_mode end def test_can_retry_change_requests get ='/') post ='/') assert @http.can_retry?(get) refute @http.retry_change_requests refute @http.can_retry?(post) @http.retry_change_requests = true assert @http.can_retry?(get) assert @http.retry_change_requests assert @http.can_retry?(post) end end